1. LinusVP says:


  2. fred says:

    Cadidate: Uncle Dave, you really will have to ivest(sic) in a spell checker.

    [Argh! That’s what comes from posting something at 5:30 in the morning. Fixed. –UD]

  3. J says:

    That one, Uncle Dave, was right on the money.

  4. mthrnite says:

    Is this what smart people call a non-sequitur?

    Also, in b4 Cheney=Fat Controller.

  5. Karanua says:

    Correlation perhaps? Spelling with political acuteness?

  6. chris says:

    It is dangerous to underestimate an opponent because you hate them.

    Palin isn’t nearly as dumb as many of you think. She is learning very quickly how not to answer questions; she is becoming a credible politician.

    Whenever a negative barrage is directed at Obama his numbers drop dramatically. The big GOP negative push is coming, and the are really good at it.

    Don’t confuse an extremely favorable political landscape with overwhelming candidate strength.

  7. Mike says:

    I’m not sure how you equate Obama with the latest technology, unless you’re talking ‘bleeding edge’ technology.

    I think the debate showed one thing, the Obama/Biden ticket is backwards.

  8. Brett says:

    Wow so many neo-con supporters on this blog.

  9. OvenMaster says:

    So far as I’m concerned (BFD, right?), this is both right on the money and laugh out loud hilarious. Bravo, Uncle Dave!

  10. jbenson2♦ says:

    This photo is a better comparison to the Obama plan.

  11. I see that train a comin’
    It’s comin round the track
    I see that train a comin’
    And it’s bringin’ you Barrack

  12. zorkor says:

    GOD THAT WAS FUNNY!! I really like the Palin related jokes. She really is like a small sensitive toy trying to be a real hard one. Thanks for the funny post again John! 🙂

  13. admfubar says:

    odd i thought they would have considered obama a soooooooouuuuuuuuulllllllll train!

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – jbenson2

    McSame will continue where Bush left off.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #14 Naw. His policies are similar to FDRs.

  16. Bud says:

    I come to Dvorak Uncensored for humor, intelligent commentary, and reasoned, moderately fair insight. The sniping about politics has been pathetically snipeish and is none of the above. I’ll see you all sometime after the elections.


  17. Thomas says:

    I think that Obama is akin to the MetroLink train in Southern CA that crashed while the guy was texting a message.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Uncle Dave,

    Great analogy.

    #7, chris,

    Palin isn’t nearly as dumb as many of you think. She is learning very quickly how not to answer questions; she is becoming a credible politician.

    That is the problem. She doesn’t know the issues or circumstances enough to jump in and assume the reins of power. No one can make an independent, informed decision if they have to be told the answer. She might be good enough for Bumphuk Alaska, but not for the nation.

    #17, Bud,

    Have a good weekend, don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.

  19. The Commodore says:

    Funny, but off the track. These are all the options the masters of the universe have given us. Doesn’t matter which ones you pick, none of them are going to make a big difference.

  20. Digby says:

    #17- I agree. The reason I have to add my Conservative remarks is only because this site has become soooo “Progressive, Liberal, Obamish” lately. Do you people who run this site EVER have anything balanced or critical of the left???

  21. Floyd says:

    #22: I’m really a political moderate (trying to vote for the best candidates out there based on their abilities). Lately the Republicans as a group have been so incompetent and greedy (see the effect that evil stock practices and banking practices have had on the economy) and ideologically impractical that I have no alternatives other than voting for the Dems and the very few intelligent (meaning not ideological or corrupt) Republicans and Libertarians out there .

  22. lock_down says:

    More please Uncle Dave.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #17 – Bud
    #22 – Digby

    Feel free to leave.

  24. wumpus says:

    Well lets see… trains in the US are almost obsolete, and they can only run on rails and therefore cannot deviate from going where there rails “tell them” to go. I guess it ultimately doesn’t matter what type of train they are — hopefully they will be replaced by something better.

  25. brm says:

    For crying out loud, how can anyone say this site leans to the left or to the right? This site is funny, and fascists are funny, no matter what side they’re coming from.

  26. John Paradox says:

    Do you people who run this site EVER have anything balanced or critical of the left???



  27. hhopper says:

    Who was it that ever said this site was supposed to be balanced?

  28. Making Fun says:

    Bullet trains may be fast, but they limit where you can go, and cost big bucks to build and ride.

  29. multipleshotsfired says:

    Okay so obama hauls around japanese commuters, biden is the worst form of gov supported transportation in the world, Mccain is a coal fired reliable locomotive, and sarah palin is loved by children all over the world?


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