Cripes. You can only wish this was a parody, although you know it is not. I’m moving to Switzerland.

Found by Barry Cusser.

  1. Uncle Patso says:


  2. #32 – ‘dro

    >>Thank you for not disspointing.

    If you know something the rest of the world doesn’t know, please share it with us, ‘dro.

    In the alternative, STFU. This is a bullshit story. Most likely, it was planted by the far-right wingnut supporters of McBush, who then went on gasp and get all apoplectic about the horrors of indoctrinating jack-booted thugs proclaiming their adoration for Obama.

    The more I look, the more it’s obvious this is bogus. The only mention of this mythical “Junior Fraternity Regiment” comes on blogs with names like “prolife” and “slantedright” and other pro-McBush mouthpieces.

    Sorry, rightwingers. You’re BUSTED.

  3. JMan says:

    sorry, your busted!

    this was in a public school and the indoctrination was paid for by taxpayers! even scarier than the actual video is that liberal teachers are brainwashing these poor kids to think they would wind up in jail if it weren’t for the magic words sent down on stone tablets by the Obamessiah….”HOPE”….”CHANGE”……..MUST VOTE FOR OBAMESSIAH….

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #34 Sorry Mustard, you’re busted!

    A middle school teacher in Missouri was suspended Monday for putting a video on YouTube of his students chanting lines from Barack Obama speeches and wearing military fatigues.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – O’Furniture

    >>Sorry Mustard, you’re busted!

    Not really. This was an isolated incident of some kookie middle-school teacher in Kansas City that could not control his enthusiasm.

    To try and build this up as some kind of “Hitlerjugend für Obamessiah” is ridiculous. Nine kids putting on a little skit they probably made up themselves.

    And you can bet that NOBODY is inspired to be ANYTHING by McBush.

    I didn’t notice you criticizing the Jesus Camp kids praying to the cardboard cutout of Dumbya, btw. Why is that?

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #38 Mr. Musturd said,

    “Not really. This is a bullshit story. Most likely, it was planted by the far-right wingnut supporters of McBush. Except it wasn’t, it was real, god I’m a fool!”

    That’s okay. Take your meds and get some sleep.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Its good to know Fox Jazeera is busy covering such stories rather than say, the collapse of the entire United States economy.

  8. Wondering why? says:

    Are you people just crazy or playing studid? This is not military at all. If you would do your research you would know that this is a representation of a Fraternity and not anything further. I guess it would be better for all involved if they just were shooting each other or something negative…….


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