Cripes. You can only wish this was a parody, although you know it is not. I’m moving to Switzerland.

Found by Barry Cusser.

  1. Miss_X2b says:

    WTF????????? Does anyone know what this is about?

  2. brendal says:

    Oh, no…not another one…I can’t even bear to watch it.

  3. BilBC says:


  4. McCullough says:

    So a guy that has never been in the military, inspires some type of para-milatry youth movement. How does that work exactly? And whats with the “salute”?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    This is so ludicrous it’s not even funny.

    Because of Obama the sun came up this morning!

    Ok, I can understand and relate to being inspired by Obama. That’s fine.

    It’s the military fatigues and militaristic posing that has me concerned. It’s more like the a Kim Jong Ill or Stalin “Cult of Personality”, which should frighten the pants off of everyone.

  6. admfubar says:

    dont worry it is just another form of racisam.. now back to your nap america

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    A little background on these kids would be nice. Who are they? What “school” do they attend where this kind of stuff is taught? Are they from the local reform school? Does Obama even know anything about this?

    Showing this video in a vacuum serves about the same purpose as showing a sniper in a tree ready to shoot an abortion doctor, or the victims of pipe bombings, and trying to link it to McBush/ Palin.

    Attempted smears with guilt by association is the last gasp of the desperate.

  8. Hyph3n says:

    In the movie _Jesus Camp_, the kids prayed to a cardboard cut out of George W. Bush. This is the other side of that coin. I betcha in sunuday schools right now across this Great Nation, there are kids doing stupider things in the name of Palin.

    Big whoopee. Even if this is for real, I don’t think an Obama Youth chapter will be opening up any time soon near your house.

  9. Nolimit662 says:

    I can’t understand a damn thing they just said except obama something this or that. It sounded like they had crap in their mouths. Notice not one white person in the group. It’s obvious they’re only supporting Obama because they’re black. Some things never change.

  10. eyeofthetiger says:

    Some of those kids could use a bit more marching and less of a fraternity fist bump. I wonder how rehearsal went-over where that kid says “I want to be a sheriff deputy.”

  11. Mr. Normal says:

    This is nothing new. Black fraternities have been marching around various southern campuses for years and years. I don’t know why.

  12. wumpus says:

    … because of Obama I want to expel all the insidious anti-Obamites from the country…

    JCD I hope you know that you might have to go through Rekrutenschule if you move to Switzerland. The Semi-Autonomous Sultanate of Dvorakia would be a better bet in the long run.


  13. Captain Har says:

    Would you rather these kids get involved in gangs or would you want them to be inspired to getting educations and being productive.Bush has done nothing for them.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    I’m glad these kids are inspired. The only problem is they are going to expect the gov’t to give them their success, without having to their butts off.

    This is just going to result in disappointment when the gov’t can’t steal enough from successful people to give to them.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Cripes. You can only wish this was a parody, although you know it is not. I’m moving to Switzerland.

    But Bush jugend rules, right John? So, when are you leaving?

  16. sargasso says:

    Avoid Geneva. Check out Bern.

  17. jccalhoun says:

    Wow. Go over to youtube and see there’s a whole conspiracy about “Obama Youth” and “OMG WTF barack HUSSEIN obama is TEH EVAL because kids are singing songs about him!”

  18. mawd says:

    I don’t really see the problem. Haven’t any of you ever seen the stomping done at colleges? That’s all this is. It’s not some para-military training or anything. It’s just a stomp group. And the fact that they were inspired by Obama’s campaign shows that they are, or at least the person who is leading them, is paying attention to the issues.

    I heard nothing about any type of violence, nothing about hate, nothing about prejudice. All I heard was a group of young people coming together in a positive way to help spread the word about Obama’s beliefs to their community in a way that they think will help.

    What’s so wrong with that?

  19. dvorakfan99999 says:

    Wow! Almost scary, until you realize that these are kids high on a new substance: HOPE! If you take kids who used to have no hope and give them a heaping dose of hope, you can expect silly over-reaction, just like how people who win a huge amount of money go crazy.
    I think that this blind excess hope will simmer down after they realize that hard work will be required, as well as some luck.
    They will also need to learn to speak more slowly and more clearly so that their fellow Americans and the rest of the world can understand them.
    I wish them well — I and the rest of the world want to see a USA that is characterized by youthful hope and constructive action. YOU CAN DO IT, AMERICA!
    (No need to move to another country, John.)

  20. #19 – Mawd

    >>What’s so wrong with that?

    Nothing. Nothing at all.

    It’s just that JCD takes any opportunity to try and Swift-Boat Obama. You’ll note that there are more “Hitler Youth” type kids pledging their allegiance to Dumbya, but you never (other than the occastional post from Jägermeister) see THAT emanate from the Dvorakian keyboard.

  21. hhopper says:

    Better doing that then stealing tires off your car.

  22. onomontapeia says:

    John, you’d be better of staying in Oregon with all the druggies and paramilitaries there selling your spices.

  23. Montanaguy says:

    Liberal Obamitler Youth. They will expect to sit back, skip school, play video games and get ‘their check’ from the dwindling number of taxpayers.

  24. chris says:


  25. jccalhoun says:

    “Liberal Obamitler Youth. They will expect to sit back, skip school, play video games and get ‘their check’ from the dwindling number of taxpayers.”

    Or they could get a job in a corporation, screw people over, then get “their check” when their government cronies bail them out.

  26. Special Ed says:

    This was put together by Alaskan Gov. Failin.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    So I’m supposed to be scared of a few negro youth?

    Did everybody here just join the KKK or something?

    “Race war comin’ white man get ready!”

    Cut me a break, the McCain lovers are totally bankrupt for ideas lately. How about giving us solutions to your economic mess?

  28. I’d like to see where the bullshit meter reads on this story.

    Both google and google news have many hits on “Junior Fraternity Regiment”, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is either linked to this video or a story about this video, posted on right-wing neocon websites (with the requisite gasps of horror from the right wingnuts, drawing comparisons to Hitler, Robert Mugabe (!), Kim Jong Il,and all sorts of other dreadful monsters).

    There is absolutely no evidence that any such group exists outside of the fertile imaginations of the crazed neocon wingnuts.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #29 “There is absolutely no evidence that any such group exists outside of the fertile imaginations of the crazed neocon wingnuts.”

    Just like there was no MSN coverage/conformation of the John Edwards’ affair until the Enquirer chased down the truth 9 months later…

  30. #30 – O’Pinocchio

    >>Just like there was no MSN
    >>coverage/conformation of the John Edwards’

    I don’t need “MSN” coverage/ conformation” (whatever that is). Even the radical right-wing drive-by media would do.

    However, there are NO actual articles on the internet describing this “regiment”, who they are, where they come from, what they do, or anything else.

    Only links to this video from right-wing blogs, with the right wingnuts gasping in horror at the Hitleresque adoration being heaped on Obama by his brainwashed minions.

    I call bullshit.

    Total bullshit.

    Prove me wrong, O’Pinocchio.


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