08.10.04 Saturday – Episode #50


Click image to go to No Agenda.

This Episode’s Show Notes by KD Martin:

It’s time once again for Joe Six Pack and The Soccer Moms — No Agenda from the Gitmo Nation is on the air. “She had me from hello” says Adam, in reference to Sarah Palin in the VP debate. John thinks Joe Biden kicked some serious butt. This with a moderator about to release a pro-Obama book.

John is enamored with CNN’s graphic on screen of approval ratings – men vs. women in Ohio. Should we take the vote away from women? John and Adam discuss even the small things, like the set, Palin and Biden’s dress and look, the sound, clock tricks, even mannerisms and innuendos. Adam decides this may be the greatest reality show ever on TV.

John wonders if this debate actually saved the McCain campaign. Did the media actually screw up so big (Katie Couric) that the public is clued in? Adam points out that TV is slipping, we may no longer pick our leaders like we pick our washing powder.

John relates his notes on approval ratings based on topics: mavericks, corruption and greed, finanacial crises, theocracy, hockey moms, parenting, Iraq and more. Adam has interesting comments about each, including Biden’s reputation as an actor for just this type of speech. Did Palin miss an opportunity here?

A very interesting point by your pundits: Sarah Palin may be like country music and NASCAR — everyone laughs about them but the numbers in mainstream America are huge. Adam has some fun with Palin’s “axis of evil” and surprises John. Did Biden come off as a bigot?

Adam defines a “community organizer,” which leads to some interesting insights about salesmen and political parties. John nearly gets into trouble with this one. Would ethnic salemen make good politicians? Adam points out how the American work ethic is much different than others around the world. John has a great moment with a story of the Cantonese checker, you’ll have to listen for a good laugh.

Queue the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda

Running time: approx. 68 mins.

  1. Yah, “Bosniaks”. Yuck yuck yuck yuck! HAW!

    Who looks like the dummies now?

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Thanks John and Adam for your Beavis and Butthead impersonation show. Your comments on the word Bosniaks were priceless.

  3. ran6110 says:

    Just a question, not a complaint…

    What are the steps from finishing the podcast to having it ready for download here and on iTunes?

    It seems there’s at least a couple of hours after you say it’s ready before it shows up on iTunes. In fact it been a few hours today.

    Again, not a complaint I want to verify things before I say something to the iTunes support people about the delay.

  4. miranda says:

    To all of you who broke up laughing about Biden’s use of the word “bosniac”, take 30 seconds to Google the word and you’ll find it’s the correct term:
    From Wikipedia, for example:
    “Bosnian language (Bosnian: bosanski jezik) is a South Slavic language native to the Bosniak people.”

  5. halstrom505 says:

    Hey guys, I love your show, but get the facts straight…bosniak is a proper term for Bosnian Muslim.

  6. Mike from Illinois says:

    you guys are really full of balony. Gov. Palin will be an interesting historical footnote like Ferraro but she is not going to have an impact on this election. talk to a few people who have real life middle class jobs that are not associated with high tech. even many middle class republicans don’t want 4 more years of George Bush policies, Patrick Buchanan says that’s what McCain will bring. everybody is demanding a change and the “mavericks” aren’t convincing at all.

    the economy is killing us in the midwest. McCain/Palin couldn’t care less about us and they haven’t said anything to convince anybody otherwise. that’s where the most swing states are.

    Fox news is the official mouthpiece for Bush/McCain, and MSNBC has taken up the cause of Obama. the other networks, especially CNN are reporting in a balanced way, do you ever watch Lou Dobbs? what about Limbaugh and his 40 million listeners a day and Hannity and Bortz and the others who repeat the republican talking points every day? they have an impact and their only goal is to persuade listeners to vote republican.

    you are right when you say eventually the voters “get” it and see through the balony. Bush only got re-elected because we are at war, but that won’t work this time around. about 45% of voters are republican and 45% are democrat. the “independant” voters have decided the last 2 elections and they will again. all signs indicate they want change.

    John, you just don’t want to lose your bet and no matter how hard you campaign for McCain, I truly believe you will.

  7. Libertican says:

    I wonder if Joe Biden preferred Delawarians or Delawarites as seen in the ‘Zen and Art of Cab Driving’ episode of the TV show “Taxi”.

  8. Captain Har says:

    This isn’t a beauty pageant, we are talking about someone that could be a heart beat away from being leader of the free world. I beg you please vote with your brain and not your dick.

  9. jvbeau says:

    Just a suggestion not a complaint. Could Adam Curry please let John C Dvorak finish what he is saying before he interrupts.

  10. Chris Mac says:

    good show guys

  11. R.O.P. says:

    Weird, I always think it’s Dvorak that doesn’t allow Curry to finish his sentences/thoughts. So I guess the McCain/Palin camp will attack Biden for actually knowing the term Bosniak in it’s proper usage. D*mn intellectual.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    I think the Palin vp nomination has backfired.

    When Russia invaded Georgia, the thought of Obama being in-charge was a little disconcerting.

    The first couple of weeks, Palin was new and exciting. But that’s faded now and she comes across, I’m sorry, but as someone grossly unqualified to be president or VP.

    Obama’s main weakness was lack of experience, something that could have been hammered hard by the McCain campaign.

    Palin is so inexperienced that no one gives a single thought to as whether or not Obama is experienced enough.

  13. Hmeyers says:


    The VP debate was horrific in many ways.

    Biden spent 90 minutes doing double-speak and making up stuff and Palin spent 90 minutes reading off a card and saying terrible cliches (“maverick”, a Reagan-like “there you go again ..”).

    This election is cycle is devoid of concrete facts or even campaign promises and I can’t claim to really know wtf anyone will do if elected.

    The Obama and McCain campaigns remind me of the invasion of Iraq where they each want to win the presidency but I don’t think either has a plan after they BECOME president.

    Think the Iraq War was expensive? I think the government has thrown more money into a black hole (… err, sorry, I mean “white hole”) in the last 4 months bailing out mismanaged banks and insurance companies than the cost of the whole Iraq War.

    Both McCain and Obama seem to have no problem with this.

    Be afraid.

  14. J says:

    LOL I have never heard two people, that I like, be so wrong!

    I think the evidence already shows that McCain has not gained in the poles and has actually lost in the poles.

  15. That Vomit Bag says:

    Sorry, I couldn’t stand to listen to any more of your babbling after suffering through a whole 50 % of it. You both sounded like old women in a nursing home telling your stories to the kids visiting you who were playing 52 pickup and also could care less what you were saying.

  16. ran6110 says:

    Monday morning and still no update…

    Is the No Agenda podcast still going to be available through iTunes?

    If not then I’ll move on and not bother any more…

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #16 – Ran

    Check on It’s always available there long before you can find it either here or on iTunes. Don’t think you can listen on the iPod though.

  18. AC says:

    Couple points:

    1) After we record, there is a mixdown and upload process. In the UK this is usually interrupted by sunday evening dinner at the Curry Manor. Here in SF it usually takes about 1.5 hrs to do everything .

    2) We have no control over thye itunes update, once published, the feed needs to be parsed by apple, they got a lot of parsing to do so we just wait in turn. I have a feeling weekly shows get parsed less frequently.

    3) All of you harping on the bosniak gaffe, you are now forbidden from listening. Go away.

    4) If you don’t like an episode, chill. There will always be a new one next week.

  19. Kerouac says:

    I’m sure Adam was too busy whacking off to actually listen to what Palin was saying, but I expect more from you, John! I can’t believe a rational person actually thought she came across in a positive manner.

    (Adam: “Hehe. He said ‘came’. Hehe”)

  20. Barney5 says:

    Were you guys drunk? That was hilarious. Another great episode.

  21. Chris Mac says:

    # 18 AC said, on October 6th, 2008 at 3:13 pm

    3) All of you harping on the bosniak gaffe, you are now forbidden from listening. Go away.

    A “real” actor would never have owned up to it.
    Again. Good job


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