Living in Vegas, this has been a big deal for the last few weeks. It took forever to seat a jury because so many people believe he got away with murder (who doesn’t?). Couldn’t get near the courthouse downtown for all the press trucks.

O.J. Simpson Found Guilty of Armed Robbery in Memorabilia Heist

O.J. Simpson, the former Buffalo Bills football player acquitted 13 years ago of murdering his ex-wife and her friend, faces life in prison after he was convicted of robbing two sports memorabilia dealers at gunpoint.

A jury found Simpson guilty of armed robbery, kidnapping and 10 other counts after deliberating for almost 13 hours yesterday, following a three-week trial in Nevada state court in Las Vegas. Simpson and five others were accused of robbing Bruce Fromong and Alfred Beardsley at the Palace Station hotel casino in Las Vegas in September last year.

Simpson, 61, took items including footballs with his autograph, prosecutors said. Simpson said he was trying to recover family heirlooms and personal photographs stolen from him. He denied there were guns in the hotel room during the robbery. His codefendant, Clarence Stewart, was also found guilty on all 12 counts.

The jury “already had a fixed opinion” about Simpson, the former football star’s lawyer, Yale Galanter, said outside the courthouse following the verdict.
Thomas Riccio, the man who set up the meeting between Simpson and the memorabilia dealers, tape-recorded the alleged robbery and previous conversations at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas. […]In the recordings of Simpson, played by prosecutors during the trial, the former football star said “I gotta be at my intimidating best,” and “We gonna get it all back,” prior to the alleged crime.

  1. bob says:


  2. gquaglia says:

    At last, Justice!

  3. chris says:

    If you show up the American criminal justice system you should not commit a felony in the most surveillance heavy place in North America.

    Lesson here OJ, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

    As to the other matter… did he do it or not?

  4. Lou says:

    There is a flag on the field.

  5. Justice says:


  6. TheBlob says:

    You guys are cheering because O.J. could get life for recovering 2 footballs. Meanwhile you’ve just been robbed of 700 billion dollars – morons.

  7. B. Dog says:

    Good. You folks do know that he confessed to that murder thing in a room full of cops when they first nabbed him don’t you? The evidence was inadmissible in court because he wasn’t talking to them, but to his buddy Rosie Grier, who is an ordained minister. That made it hearsay evidence. It was in a long multi-issue article in Rolling Stone prior to the trial.

  8. Stephanie says:

    It’s about f’n time. OJ sucks at life. Good riddance.

  9. Improbus says:

    Oh, man, they Aryan brotherhood is going to love messing with OJ.

  10. Digby says:

    Waiting for the blonde girls to try to marry him while he is in jail.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    His next book title… IF I DIDN’T DO IT

  12. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Who knew that in a place where you supposedly can get away with just about anything, the murderer would finally get done in. Karma’s a bitch, O.J. See ya in Hell!

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, B. Dog,

    You folks do know that he confessed to that murder thing in a room full of cops when they first nabbed him don’t you?

    No I don’t know that. So far we only have your word about it. Would you have a cite for it? I am familiar with much of the trial and have never heard that before.

    So yes, he could get what, up to life in prison, for retrieving what belonged to him. Yet so many have such a hard on for Simpson that they wouldn’t understand justice if it bit them in the ass. So if you ever get hauled up on a flimsy charge, just remember how you felt about someone else in the same position.

  14. Montanaguy says:

    Ever stop to think how Nicole felt as OJ cut her throat? Idiot.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    It’s not like he’s strapped for cash. But apparently obsessed with screwing people, especially white folks. He probably sold his memorabilia thru a straw man, and to these dealers. And then figured to get it back from them this way, and claim it was stolen goods. But his arrogance kept him from realizing that it’s illegal to take such matters in one’s own hands. He’s watched too many movies. So it’s backfired on him. However, I’ve no doubt that an appeal will either free him, or greatly reduce his sentence. And screw the sacrifice of those original jurors’ time and patience.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Hanah,

    He was found Not Guilty. If you believe in our system of justice that means he didn’t do it. If you are familiar with the trial you would know there were enough tell tale clues that the police planted evidence.

    The down side is your own prejudice shows where all blacks are automatically guilty. Sorry, here is one that wasn’t.

    #18, Glenn,

    He probably sold his memorabilia thru a straw man, and to these dealers.

    The probability is greater that you are an idiot. You have no proof so instead throw out something without any foundation as a fact.

    He tried to retrieve his personal property by himself when he should have called the police. The downside to him calling the police is they don’t always respond when blacks complain about some white guy stealing his stuff.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    I guess he didn’t learn and kept being a criminal. Eventually, your luck runs out & the law catches up with you…


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