(Click photo to enlarge.)

Found by McCullough.

  1. Scott says:

    grass4: Yes, a stupid-ass neo-liberal political comment would be far more appropriate.

    It’s amazing to me how childish you guys can be. To you it’s “fighting the man” but from the other side it just looks immature. The only people that think you’re cool for being this way are others like you. Just like the zealots on the right, all you do is turn the middle away with your cause with your over the top hysterics.

    How can you not see this?

    [See what? – ed.]

  2. McCullough says:

    Say hello to my leetle friend!

  3. QB says:

    OK, you play Joe Biden, I’ll play Sarah Palin.

  4. brendal says:

    Yah…my mom got that jacket at Wasilla Wal-Mart…what’s it to ya, doncha know!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    HEY Lil Digby, this is for you !!!


    Ya, my mother dressed me too.


    My big sister showed me where I can put this. Dream on Digby.


    Ya??? Well this is what us Alaska Ice Necks think of the other 49 States.


    Ride this Bridge to Nowhere Digby.


    Alright, so my mom’s a palintard. That is still better than being related to George Bush.


    Well this is what I think of your Arizona Cardinals, the Bills are gunna kill ’em from a helicopter.

  6. Terry says:

    Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin addresses Gateway employees.

  7. Winston says:

    If I were out in public and saw someone’s little girl do something like that, my first thoughts would be “lousy parenting” and “I wonder what sort of language is used in THAT household.” The very LAST thought that would enter my mind would be, “Gosh, a representative of the common man who I’d love to see as a Vice President just one old man’s stroke away from President of the United States.”

  8. Pmitchell says:

    she is pregnant in this picture, but ohh I forgot that isn’t her child it was her daughters so she cant be pregnant can she because all you left wing batshit crazy loons say so.

    ohh and for the blind it is a daisy print coat

    and that pic is absolutely hilarious

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Paul,

    Dream on. The cut of her coat is straight. She is not pregnant and hasn’t been for eight years.

    Her coat could pass for the Gateway Cow because of the heifer inside.

    If you really believe this is funny, then why aren’t the right wing nuts laughing?

  10. geko says:

    “Fuck off, can’t you see I’m busy trying to make my mom look good”

    “Fuck off, I’m not in the mood”

    “If you don’t leave me alone, the next president will be black”

    “Just because my sister is pregnant doesn’t mean…”

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Well at least the little girl isn’t sporting a “baby bump”.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    “Mommy can wear a table cloth if she wants to”

  13. Chris Mac says:

    If you were this big, I’d be pregnant too.

  14. Chris Mac says:

    *Comic thought bubble over Sarah*

    “Damn dirty apes!”

  15. Rabble Rouser says:

    Lipsticked Pitbull in training.

  16. iamanasshole says:

    “Wrong finger you little twit.”

  17. Rick Cain says:

    Ooh, Target. I wonder what goodies she bought there.


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