(Click photo to enlarge.)

Found by McCullough.

  1. Digby says:

    Good for her. Good for both of them. Another proof Sarah is a REAL person, not some phoney, fake-smiling, Biden type crook.

  2. Don says:

    Yea, that’s mommy’s little girl! 😎


  3. grass4 says:

    Digby – You’re supposed to caption the photo, not make some stupid-ass neo-con political comment.

  4. Jägermeister says:


  5. grass4 says:

    Caption: “This is my Mom’s IQ.”

  6. Little Johnnie says:

    “Why does everyone keep referring to my grannie as my Mom?”

  7. Stars & Bars says:

    Have you been Deprogrammed? http://www.deprogram.us

  8. Buzz says:

    “This is what Mommie says you deserve, Jimmy.”

  9. fulanoche says:

    is that mccain’s grandson?

  10. clone4crw says:

    I’m here because Mommy didin’t let herself have an abortion. What about you?

  11. John says:

    Mommy picked that outfit all by herself.

    (Seriously, WTH she pick THAT to wear?)

  12. Max Bell says:

    “Mind if I ignore your question and answer my own way?”

  13. Digby says:

    grass-4. Sorry. You’re right. How about this:

    “Another example of how a Palin can connect with real Americans, unlike Dumb-Ass, Fake Smilin’, Biden-Type Crooks”

  14. Beonarri says:

    This is what you deserve for bringing me here and whoring me out like this.

  15. Jim says:

    “Told you, she could wear a cow and they’d still think her talking points were her own”

  16. R.O.P. says:

    Digby, every time I read one of your inane comments I lose IQ points. I think the caption should be “Digby, you are number one!”

  17. “See this finger? It’s gonna make Digby happy!”

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #16 – R.O.P. – “Digby, you are number one!”

    … from the bottom.

  19. P.P. says:

    “Just wait til you go to sleep mother*****r!”

  20. mthrnite says:

    “Fuck you, and the moose you rode in on… also.”

  21. multipleshotsfired says:

    “get me a helicopter and my 7mm.. we’ll find out who is a heartbeat away”

  22. Bahramks says:

    “You wan’ a piece of my small-town values f***er?”

  23. ECA says:

    See this finger?
    Its Da’ Bird..
    Can you figure out WHICH bird, and what to do about it?

  24. P.P. says:

    “Spin around on this one bitch!”

  25. chrisroxx says:

    Cow print is the bomb-biggity!

  26. fred says:

    God, up there, is on *our* side.

  27. Grandpa says:

    “I’m going to show you where to insert this you anti-christian devilworshipper”

  28. harold says:

    Where’s the cabbage patch kid?

  29. Buster says:

    I’ve got your lipstick right here, buddy.

  30. Matt says:

    “Make my day kid, the snipers are standing by”


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