You know what? It’s time that normal Joe six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency.” – Sarah Palin

Associated Press – October 2, 2008:

Sarah Palin and her husband have pieced together a uniquely Alaskan income that reached comfortably into six figures even before she became governor, capitalizing on valuable fishing rights, a series of land deals and a patchwork of other ventures to build an above-average lifestyle.

Add up the couple’s 2007 income and the estimated value of their property and investments and they appear to be worth at least $1.2 million. That would make the Palins, like Democratic vice presidential rival Joe Biden and his wife Jill, well-off but not nearly as wealthy as multimillionaire couples John and Cindy McCain and, to a lesser extent, Barack and Michelle Obama.

  1. Higghawker says:

    “You know what? It’s time that normal Joe six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency.” – Sarah Palin

    We will see if this plan works? There are allot of Joe Six-Pack voters who will be voting for the first time. Can she make a difference?

  2. GigG says:

    From what I can find on the web the Obama’s are worth in the 1.3 to 1.5 range. Most of that has come from book sales.

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    #2, or as Giuliani jokingly has said, Obama has spent more time while in the Senate authoring various memoirs than any useful legislation.

  4. Dallas says:

    Her Joe six pack comment was her scripted attempt to connect her folksy “twang” to the average American. I think she over did it and came off too obvious.

    Either way, I was expecting a train wreck and admit that while Biden won on the issues, she did a good job of deflecting the topics to something she was comfortable talking about. Credit to the GOP for a successful polishing of the Palin turd.

    I though the moderator was weak to allow Palin to skirt the questions repeatedly.

  5. Buzz says:

    Dear Mr. Sixpack,

    I know you want to, but for the ten millionth time: You are too drunk to drive!

    I don’t care how pretty you lobbyist is.

  6. grog says:

    the federal government is a complex piece of machinery, our nation is vast and vastly diverse, the challenges that face our nation from without and within are myriad, complex and intertwined.

    please don’t misunderstand me; i’m all for having simple values guide your decisions, but at the end of the day, if i’m gonna have surgery, i don’t want joe six pack holding the scalpel.

  7. Paul says:

    Ron Paul ’08. He is only candidate that is actually different from the Remocrates.

  8. Smartalix says:

    “I though the moderator was weak to allow Palin to skirt the questions repeatedly.”

    That’s because she was scared to push beack because of the book issue. Ifill should have recused herself the moment she was compromised, botching the debate. A better moderator would have been able to handle Palin more firmly.

  9. Smartalix says:

    “I though the moderator was weak to allow Palin to skirt the questions repeatedly.”

    That’s because she was scared to push beack because of the book issue. Ifill should have recused herself the moment she was compromised, botching the debate. A better moderator would have been able to handle Palin more firmly.

  10. J says:

    Joe six pack??

    They are parading that around like it is something to be proud of.

    They wonder why we think they are a bunch of uneducated idiots?

  11. emeryjay says:

    So if Joe Sixpack winds the lotto, does that kick him out of the club? An expert on the subject says Palin’s accent is uniquely Alaskan… not the Minnesota talk used so expertly by Frances McDormand in Fargo.

    So who would play Sarah Palin in the Coen Bros. movie about the campaign? Not Tina Fey, despite her great immitation.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Smartalex,

    A better moderator would have been able to handle Palin more firmly.

    I disagree. The moderator should not interject them self into the debate unless it gets out of hand with arguing. Gwen Ifill did a good job and allowed the two sides to make or break it on their own. If she pushes for an answer or editorializes, then she ends up being accused of favoring one side. She stayed neutral.

    I understand your point and would have liked to see more answers from Palin. Unfortunately she didn’t give full answers and that is why she lost the debate. You know there is no substance when your backers have to talk about her cheery, folksy manner.

  13. James Hill says:

    Even the commentators are smart enough to realize this is a non-story. Having $1M in assests in Alaska is common, considering land value.

    As for the debate comments, I already nailed this one in the other thread, but if you want to allow me to win again then so be it.

  14. chuck says:

    Up until a few months ago, the average Joe six-pack also owned property worth about $1.2 million.

    Then the subprime mortgage payment ballooned up and the property returned to it’s true value: $0

  15. Flip Wilson says:

    F this noise.

    I am Joe Six Pack, and I’ll tell you that a sixer still ain’t enough to make Palin palatable.

    I wouldn’t tap her for anything. I wouldn’t tap her for VP and after a sixer I still wouldn’t tap her.

  16. Dallas says:

    #13 .. Where the accumulation of wealth occurred and how it occurred is a don’t care to the average Joe in America. The fact that it is ‘common’ in Alaska means nothing. A millionaire is a millionaire is a millionaire.

    Because McCain has a dozen or so homes (he doesn’t quite know) because he married into it is also a don;t care. The fact is, he own a dozen homes and the average Joe owns NONE.

  17. Beonarri says:

    I’m not a “folk”, I’m a person.

    “Folksie” talk annoys me to no end. I don’t want someone in office who’s a friend, drinking buddy, small-town simple person, buddy, pal, or even an ally. I want someone who will listen to me and work for me. I don’t want a friend, I want an employee.

  18. Brian says:

    “Income” is not the same as net worth, you morons! The post distorts even more by discounting the Palins’ liabilities (loans) associated with these assets.

    Plenty of middle class people are “millionaires” based on net worth if you count all the value of their assets (particularly if you ignore their liabilities).

    This is a stupid story. Another Liberal attempt to distort facts.

    By the way, Palin won by a LANDSLIDE last night. Proven by the grudging acknowledgement by virtually all of the media that she won, even with all the disclaimers about “the bar was set low”, etc. If she had not won so convincingly, the media would have smeared this into a “draw”.

    Eat that Osama fans!

  19. grog says:

    #17 Amen, brother.

    This glorification of ignorance is symptomatic of what’s really wrong with this nation and is exactly why China and India are about to completely eclipse our technological edge, and is going to drive us into 2nd world status.

    Heckuva job, Sarah!

  20. Cursor_ says:

    NONE of them represent the middle or lower classes!

    They are ALL plutocrats. From the executive branch to the legislative to the judicial.

    Ww are a Plutocracy. And have been since 1870’s. And before that there were only a handful of people that were middle class.

    The aristocracy has not died, they just go by a different name.


  21. JimD says:

    But what I want to know is, WHERE ARE THE PORK-RINDS ???

  22. Radarman says:

    #2 Obama paid over $100K for a 10ft. wide strip of land to go with his $1.9mil home. It works out to be about $1000 per square foot. I think you need to re-figure your figures on how much he is worth.


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