Did any of you pick up on those interesting verbalizations by the VP candidates in the debate? While talking about the past war in Bosnia, Biden called Bosians ‘Bosniacs’ while Palin constantly used Bush’s illiterate pronunciation of the word nuclear.

While it struck many as odd or funny, it turns out Bosniac or Bosniak is an actual term for those from the region, so Professor Biden was correct in his use of it.

On the other hand, I wonder if Palin’s pronunciation of nuclear as “nuke-u-lar” was accidental or on purpose. Since Bush pronounces the word that way, was she mimicking him to subconsciously tie herself to Bush and his related policies for those who know the correct way? Or is it just that, like Bush, she doesn’t know any better?

Whatever the reason, it stuck out like a sore thumb when she said it. Over and over and …

  1. Gobble Up All The Gook says:

    Didn’t notice that at all. Good thing you pointed that out as we certainly cannot expect anyone lead without perfect use of the English language. It’s like expecting a medical doctor to be able to provide good care when they can’t write worth shit, or to expect an traffic ticket to be at all valid when you can’t even read what the charges are. Keep up this very important work. Oh, by the way, I hear you will be getting about 415 million dollars allocated for this from the bailout plan along with the others like 111 million dollars towards a company that makes children’s “indian arrows”, NASCAR, and 233 million dollars going toward the production of rum. Let’s all hope this bill passes today so that we have more of the same kinds of focus on what’s important only to certain folk.

  2. exhoosier says:

    I wondered the same thing. She slipped and pronounced nuclear correctly one time. Hmmm…

  3. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Good thing you pointed that out as we certainly cannot expect anyone lead without perfect use of the English language. It’s like expecting a medical doctor to be able to provide good care when they can’t write worth shit,

    No, it’s not like that at all.

    Politicians are wordsmiths. THey operate in a world where words are their tools, and in political discourse, every nuance of every word is often meaningful. That’s not my opinion, that’s how it works.

    Having a politician who is essentially illiterate (e.g. palin and bush) is like having a doctor who doesn’t know which end of the stethoscope to put in his ears, or a cop who doesn’t know the difference between opinion and fact.

    Or a blogger who gets all of his opinions from a shill hack, like rush limbaugh.

  4. fulanoche says:

    Mission accomplished.

    You betcha.

  5. contempt says:

    #2 UTH

    Don’t know where you get the idea Palin is illiterate? She’s been in Washington 5 weeks and held her own against someone who has been there for 35 years.

    Exceptional is a much better description.

  6. Dubie says:


    If by “held your own”, you mean repeatedly lied and avoided the question, you’re right! She did a fabulous job of jumping over the ridiculously low bar set for her success. *WINK*

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    “Held her own”????

    She read from notes the whole night. She spoke in sound bites, just as she learned one time at debate camp. When she wasn’t reading she was dropping g’s and using cutsey (dumbass) language. It’s not endearing, it’s maddening to listed to someone speak like that.

    Bosniac, now that was funny, and Biden would be the first to admit it was a mistake. But it was a good one and made me laugh when I heard him say it.

    Look at the transcript….much of what Palin says isn’t even close to sentences. God help us all.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    While Palin is from Alaska, her accent is very Midwestern (ie., Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan) and typical of a “yooper” accent. For what it’s worth, that’s just how we talk. I’ll admit that I, too, must fight the natural instinct of pronouncing it that way, since that is my original accent.

    Unless she comes out and says it’s spelled “n-u-c-u-l-e-r,” I’m not going to hold it against her.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    Palin has proven several times that she knows how to read, so I don’t think it’s quite accurate to label her as illiterate.

  10. Buzz says:

    The word stabbed me in the ear, too. I noticed it right away and speculated that she probably had very little history in using the largely Republican pronunciation (it started with Ike) of the word until the debate practice sessions.

    When moderator Gwen Ifill used the correct pronunciation in a question, Sarah then said it right for a couple of times, but by the end of her paragraph had thoroughly gone back to New Q Lar. Lesson unlearned.

    The real question is this; does she talk about the nucular family and the nuculus of a cell? And what does she think covers a kitchen floor or is the sole ingredient in Reynolds Wrap?

  11. tcc3 says:

    After all shes read all the material on foreign affairs. All if it. All the media that’s been put in front of her.

  12. #6 – OBoB

    >>Bosniac, now that was funny, and Biden would be
    >>the first to admit it was a mistake.

    Then he’d be selling himself short. As was pointed out in the intro and the linked Wiki-whatever article, “Bosniacs” is a perfectly legitimate term.

    Unlike Mook-you-ler.

  13. Noam Sane says:

    I’m sure she’s been coached to say “nuc-u-lar” as it aggravates liberals, and that’s what the Republican party is all about: finding stuff that pisses off liberals.

    At least it’s an ethos.

  14. hh says:

    She also said EYE-rack and EYE-ran when I think she meant Iraq and Iran.

  15. grog says:

    she didn’t make a fool out of her self.


    guess that means she’s qualified.

    nuk-u-lar is a way for people who “don’t trust high-falootin smarty pants” to identify themselves. and yes it agravates we liberals who think that actually studying and using your brain is a good thing.

  16. KevinL says:

    Funny how it upsets liberals so much 🙂

    Was I the only one that noticed her call him O’Biden? Just slightly but I heard it a couple times.

  17. George says:

    Jimmy Carter couldn’t pronounce it correctly either, and that idiot was a nuclear engineer in the Navy.

    All you Wine and Cheese liberals should be careful about making fun of the way people speak. Many of Mr. Obama’s voters have a problem pronouncing the word “ask” correctly.

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    “Many of Mr. Obama’s voters have a problem pronouncing the word “ask” correctly.”


  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – At least it’s an ethos.

    A Big Lebowski reference is always appreciated. Well played sir.

  20. NeenerNeener says:

    Biden got his ass kicked by girl! (snicker)

  21. Raff says:

    Isn’t the root word of nuclear, nucleus. Or perhaps nuclei? The dense center of an atom?

    Should that be changed to nuculous?

    How retarded to do you to be? Its not tough people… New-Clear
    You can say it… I know you can. Say it with me…


    I knew you could.

    Bosniacs? Weren’t they are war with the Animaniacs?

  22. Digby says:

    Scientists in the nuclear industry pronounce the word the same way as Bush. Go figure, know-it-alls.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    I caught the O’Biden once and the camera quickly showed Biden laughing.

    Her accent is not upper Mid-West. There might be tones of Mid-West, but I think it has a more rural West aspect to it. Knowing she comes from Utah and Alaska would answer that.

    The dropping of the “G”s was noticeable and irritating. Even when my wife does it because then I find myself doing it too. Also her sing-song voice grated after a while.

  24. PoBiddy says:

    That weird pronunciation has bothered me for years. Ever since Jimmy Carter started using it on the 70s. And he certainly should have known better. He worked on “nu-clear” propulsion while in the Navy!

  25. Paddy-O says:

    A liberal CA newspaper columnist wrote:

    “As the debate wrapped up, I was pulling into a parking lot for an evening speech to a local Democratic club. The person who greeted me shook his head and suggested that Palin had faked-out her critics by weaving a caricature of an airhead. Then, underestimated, the lipstick-wearing pit bull mauled poor Joe Biden.

    Could be. The conversation brought to mind the classic film, “The Hustler.” The late Paul Newman pretends to be dreadful at pool, and then, with his mark on the hook, clears the table.

    Don’t look now, Democrats. But you’ve been hustled.”

  26. ibdense says:

    At one point Palin said something like “My kids is attending public schools” and I wasn’t sure what she said. I replayed it three times and then turned on the captioning. The caption entry person stopped and paused for a couple of seconds after “My kids …” then corrected Palin’s English and put in the word “are” before continuing. Is Closed Captioning run by the right wing? Probably not. That would mean that they care about people other than themselves.

    Wow! Joe Six-pack is running with John Six-pack of beer distributor money fame. That’s what I want – a candidate that sends a beer drinking message to the youth of America.

    I feel sorry for Joe Camel being left out. (Not really.)

  27. B. Dog says:

    It could be time to provide an alternate pronunciation in the dictionaries to square things up with reality, but you just know the damn liberals (who run the publishing world) are too lazy to do it.

  28. Pimpdaddy says:

    JFK had his own peculiar accent (“Cuber”) as did LBJ. Jimmy Carter speaks like a retarded redneck hillbilly. And what about that “uppity” FDR? Or how about Hillary’s ever morphing accent? Being a Michigan native I can confirm that Palin’s Alaskan accent is indeed very similar to the “Yooper” Michigan accent as a writer previously noted. Liberals need to get over it. But wait! Biden himself noted how articulate Obama is. He must have been surprised that Obama doesn’t speak “jive”. Ah yes the old Liberal double standard is alive and well.

  29. jccalhoun says:

    I’ve noticed that the people on Fox News tend to follow Bush’s lead and say “War on Terra” rather than “terror.”

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Cow-Paddy,

    As an idiot once said, “It is unconstitutional for Congress to regulate wages”.

    That same idiot also claimed Barrack Obama encouraged other Democrats not to vote for the bailout.

    Now, that same idiot is claiming Democrats got “hustled”.

    If you or anyone else still thinks Palin is qualified to be President, you have a real intelligence problem.


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