This independently produced video will be typical of the character assassination videos we can expect to see in the month ahead. Since Obama actually has the most to lose at this point we can assume that they will hurt him more than McCain. I personally think that these do need to be carefully produced. This one is a good example of that. This one was produced by Comic Dan St.Paul. And, of course, the campaigns can say they have nothing to do with it while snickering.

Found by David Feldman.

  1. #24 – Ah

    >>BTW, I am also surprised that no one challenged
    >>me on my statement that Obama is a Marxist-

    That might have gotten folks’ blood a-boilin’ in 1954 at the McCarthy hearings.

    These days, absurd claims like that are recognized as having no more validity that the claims of the Swift Boat Liars.

  2. John McSame says:

    He he he!
    Mission accomplished!

  3. MasonReese says:

    This isn’t even true. Cindy McCain is his first wife.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #33 – MasonReese

    >>This isn’t even true. Cindy McCain is his
    >>first wife.

    I know. I KNOW! And Palin is supremely qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    What are these liberal commies thinking?


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