A seven-year-old boy has been filmed going on the rampage at a popular zoo in Australia, killing rare reptiles and feeding live ones to a crocodile.

Footage from the security cameras at Alice Springs Reptile Centre caught the child smiling as he killed a total of 13 animals. During his 30-minute spree, he was seen hurling the animals over the security fence into the crocodile enclosure. Zoo officials described the boy’s actions as “unbelievable”. They are considering suing the parents as the boy is too young to be prosecuted.

The attack happened on Wednesday morning after the boy entered the zoo by jumping over the security fence and evading sensor alarms. Over the next half hour, he bludgeoned some of the animals to death with stones and hurled others over the two fences surrounding the crocodile enclosure. At one point, he tried scaling the outer enclosure himself to get to “Terry”, the 11ft (3.3m) saltwater crocodile. A turtle, four Western blue-tongued lizards, two bearded dragons, two thorny devil lizards and the zoo’s 20-year-old goanna were among those killed.

Zoo director Rex Neindorf said many of the animals were rare or mature and would be difficult to replace. “The fact a seven-year-old can wreak so much havoc in such a short time, it’s unbelievable,” he told Reuters news agency. Mr Neindorf said the boy had “clammed up” when questioned by police.
As children under the age of 10 cannot be held accountable for their actions in the Northern Territory, the zoo would be seeking to take action against the parents. “We’ll be looking at suing the parents, who were supposedly in control of him at the time,” he said.

His parents were in control of him? Too bad he didn’t fall into the pit with the crocodile.

  1. morbo says:

    Arrange for him to spend some quality time with the crocodiles. Might mention to him to not fall asleep. This type of ASBO behavior @7 when the age of justice is 10 in Aus is lame. Sure they want to sue the parents but the boy is defective clearly. A lawsuit won’t scare him straight.

  2. sargasso says:

    He sounds like a normal seven year old, to me.

  3. clone4crw says:

    Now they’re gonna fill the zoo with 7-year-olds just like him. Maybe he’ll year what it’s like behind bars for a lifetime.

  4. clone4crw says:

    I mean LEARN! Sorry.

  5. Dallas says:

    Too bad the little sick bastard didn’t fall in.

    I hope everything will be done to publish his name, address, picture, school, background and anything else to make his miserable life a living hell for a decade.

  6. James Hill says:

    (Sorry, can’t resist…)


  7. chris says:

    Let the punishment fit the crime. There are enough dumb 7-year-olds everywhere.

    Why was this dork allowed to operate for half an hour?

    How did he get all the other animals?

    Dysfunctional humans are not a protected species. Imagine a long sequence of reconstructive operations.

    Ughh.. Death penalty!

  8. whatacroc says:

    He was probably traumatized when he was younger,
    seeing the “baby Bob” episode of the Crocodile
    Hunter on TV.

  9. LinusVP says:

    Wow. I’d hate to run into this kid in about 10 years.

    #6 -douche

  10. John says:

    Was his last name “Irwin” by chance? Crickeys!

  11. Rick says:

    What a dick. Really, kid or not, he’s a dick.

    #6 – seems like a weak jamming-in of politics where it wasn’t.

    But…on the subject of the “kids” of everyone’s new favourite mother figure…what is up with that baby? How many of you have kids? How many of you would have expected your baby to be as sedate as often as this kid is…at the convention, at a debate, in a crowd…the kid is a rag-doll. I’ve never seen him even fuss or cry like a normal baby does. So, letting loose with the unsubstantiated rumour-inducing questions….

    Does Sarah Palin drug her baby to keep him from being a distraction or hassle? I mean, sorry, to keep him from being a hassle to their daughters who seems most often in charge of him…

    /me ducks and then hides

  12. Rider says:

    How many times is going to happen before the zoo hires a security guard. Seriously a 7 year old managed to break in.

  13. Jim says:

    We’re talking about a 7 year old child. Wishing him dead, is that what it’s come to. We should be blaming his completely irresponsible parents. This kid needs parental love and attention not texas justice.

  14. jccalhoun says:

    Without knowing what the kid thought he was doing it is hard to judge him or his parents. However, watching the video they say that teens got into the zoo a couple years ago. So it sounds like the zoo is in need of some real security in order to prevent this. If a 7 year old can jump in then anyone could

  15. Jägermeister says:

    It’s time for the parents to buy a new chair for their little brat and save the Australian society a bunch of money and suffering.

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – In case someone can’t view the BMP.

  17. Miss_X2b says:

    People are born as psychopaths. Apparently that kid has the genes.

  18. usagi says:

    If it had been Texas, he would have gotten the death penalty.

  19. Bob says:

    #18, if he had done this in Texas, the left would be saying it was somehow a neo-con plot, or perhaps even Bush’s fault somehow, that seems to be the popular thing to do these days, but I digress.

    Truth be told, the kid has issues, and should be forced to take psychiatric evaluation. As for the parents, they need to be investigated to see if they are responsible for creating this behavior. If they are, then they should be stripped of parenting rights, if they are not (hey some kids are just born psychopaths), then they really need to have this kid have regular psychiatric evals for the next several years.

    And the parents should have to pay for the damages, they were in charge of the kid (who lets a seven year old run wild in a public place anyways?) and are responsible for the trouble he caused.

  20. Balbas says:

    Let’s bring back the old days when it wasn’t illegal to take a belt off and spank a child.

    And spank the parents for good measure.

  21. syrinx says:

    I’m going with the psychopath angle. This kid needs treatment before he moves on to hurting people.

  22. zoesav says:

    I have a 7 year old who loves animals,i just cant understand how he was away from his parents for a half an hour,where were they.This is very sick and i think the parents should explain where they were and why they were not watching there child.

  23. Nappy Rash says:

    I wonder if anyone asked him just why he did it?

  24. gquaglia says:

    I’m going with the psychopath angle. This kid needs treatment before he moves on to hurting people.

    It already too late. This kid has a bright future as a professional scumbag/criminal.

  25. Nimby says:

    I think some of you are being a little tough on a child. As for his parents? Maybe they should sue the zoo for inadequate security. A seven year old boy “jumped” over a security fence and evaded intrusion sensors? I hope the kid gets the psych help he needs but I think the zoo ought to re-evaluate their plan to sue the parents. I think even Oz has a “contributory negligence” law.

    Oh, #11 (Rick) You said: “the kid is a rag-doll. I’ve never seen him even fuss or cry like a normal baby does.” Wake up and read a newspaper, dodo. The kid is NOT normal!

  26. Chris says:

    People care more about animals than people. If he had killed 13 people in 20 minutes this wouldn’t even be a news story.

  27. Stephanie says:

    The zoo should sue. I will be disappointed if they don’t. The kid also needs some hefty psychiatric care. Nimby, just wait until the kid goes from animals to people with the killing.

    I think that it would be one thing if the boy was killing random lizards around his house… but it takes a sick little bastard to trespass and destroy other people’s property as well. No fear or regard for anything at that age is NOT a good thing.

    God only knows what kind of parents this kid has.

  28. R.O.P. says:

    Even Jeffrey Dahmer wasn’t this cruel to animals. World, this is your next big serial killer!

  29. Rick says:

    #25 – right. The kid is not “normal”…I read the papers. But, last I checked what you are calling “not normal” isn’t, to my knowledge, correlated to being absolutely sedate. Last I checked, even such (dare I paraphrase your sensitive language) “abnormal” kids still cry and fuss just like regular babies.

    “read the papers”…how DARE you!


  30. Daniel says:

    This is a disgusting display of animal cruelty and I, for one, am appalled. How was a 7-year-old capable of this and why was it allowed?
    Kill the little shit.


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