Was Biden too focused on McCain’s past votes? Was Palin arrogant in saying she wouldn’t follow the debate guidelines and not always answering the questions asked? Was Biden too professorial while Palin was too folksy? Which was stretching the truth too much? What would you liked to have heard that you didn’t? What did you hear that you didn’t like?
If the VP were to become President, to redirect what one of the pundits said after the debate, which would you rather have making the decision in the War Room with generals on shooting down a plane that might start a war? Which do you trust with your money, job, health care and all the rest?
Have at it!
Why not vote for someone who is for REAL change. Bob Barr/Wayne Root (LIB); Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle(CST); Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez (IND)
Crap. That debate was today?!
Oh, well. Maybe next time…
In order for Palin to win the debate, she just had to avoid wondering off the stage.
Conservatives LIKE their candidates to have vague generalities and slogans. They want to BELIEVE and not be bothered by pesky facts, which have a know liberal bias.
I was glad Biden knocked down this whole notion that McCain is a Maverick. He is an old man who was a Maverick. Now his is just a lackey!
I am truly amazed Palin did not screw up. She also did not say anything. Funny, all I could think of when she side stepped a question is how she would look naked. Sexist I know but if you are not saying anything, I have to have something to latch onto.
Libertarians want to give all power to gigantic corporations without regulation.
How is that change from the GOP?
#23 – Jimbo
>>One more undeniable fact: – A number of Biden’s
>>“facts” are turning out to be wrong. It will be
>>interesting to see if the media gets on this.
I bet once the fact checkers check the facts, Palin is going to be ahown to be a lot fuller of shit than Biden.
One thing the debate coaches taught her well: If you don’t know the answer, either deflect the question and answer something else, or JUST MAKE SOMETHING UP.
Even though I’m disappointed that Palin did OK, I take some consolation in the fact that the VP debates never make a difference in the election.
This one won’t either. I wouldn’t have mattered if Palin screwed up, either.
Palin was overcoached. She seemed really programmed to me. Of course the GOP is used to being told what to do by the fatcats who are getting that $700 Billion.
Now are we to believe that she can pronounce AHMADINEJAD but not NUCLEAR.
You republican dumb asses its not NUCULER its NUCLEAR! That probably explains the last 8 years of our country!!
OvenMaster said,
Crap. That debate was today?!
Oh, well. Maybe next time…
Sen. Biden sounded like he was giving a floor speech on the Senate floor.
Gov. Palin was too down to earth or folksy. However, from SNL and/or Couric/Gibson internviews, she’s not dumber then a rock with three memorized lines.
Neither won nor lost. The undecideds are probably still undecided. If you were leaning or have already chosen a candidate, it just cemented your opinion.
I’m voting for Bob Barr (no dog in this fight).
How can we be sure that the surge of troops is what worked and not a payoff to the tune of billions of dollars? All I know is that there was a story where $9 billion was lost and unaccounted for a couple years ago and it was suggested in some circles that the money went to our enemy to get them to calm down. I might have to try and dig that story up to be sure though.
I’ll say what I have been saying about Palin all along, if she was a man would her performance tonight have been acceptable for a vice-presidential candidate?
I think the answer, if you look at it unbiasedly, is an absolute no.
This may seem like a sexist way of looking at Palen as a candidate, but truly it is the only non-sexist way of approaching the matter.
Is this the best that republicans can field? Is this just a way to chase the trailer park(“joe six pack”) vote?
Seems to me that Palin is not here to appeal to intelligent people but rather to the mediocre and status quo. If that’s the case then she excels.
Keep in mind that if she does become VP, she will be practically instantly validated as a candidate for the presidency at some point in the future.
@21 Greg Allen
Since you are such a critic of the “uneducated” I might point out that an “educated” person might have commented on Palin “wandering off the stage”, not “wondering off the stage” as an “uneducated” person might say. (Post 31)
It’s also ee-rahq (Iraq), not eye-rack. It is not an admission of respect to properly pronounce a country’s name. I’m not sure why the republican “elite” find it necessary to sound like their midwest constituency.
“You betchya!”
The only thing missing from her was,
“Git’er done!”
quote of the debate – Palin:
“I know education you are passionate about with your wife being a teacher for 30 years, and god bless her. Her reward is in heaven, right?”
what exactly does that mean ?? indirect reference to the shi* pay teachers get?
Ah, the billions were essentially stolen or went to war profiteers (Halliburton, Blackwater, etc)…
Did Palin answer any of the questions she was asked?
On the “nuclear/nuculear” bit: it was clear she was coached to say it the dumb way. Look again at the parts where she talks about nuclear weapons: When she used the word as part of a long sentence/thought, she pronounced it properly. When she spouted some slogan or other, it was “nuculear”. She even stumbled on the dumb-down pronunciation once or twice. All part of the “we are folks just like you” strategy.
This circus make me very glad and proud that I am an Australian, with Neo-Cons like Palin and totally infective Biden. Happily we voted the conservatives out here last November.
I’ll wait for the SNL parody version before making my evaluation.
Does anyone moderate this blog? If so, I think comment #10 is not worthy of even internet standards. Name calling of this variety to a Woman candidate, not to mention…mother of five, is unhelpful to his candidate’s cause, dishonest and nonsensical. I recommend it be removed.
You are saying that speech should not be protected?
I can see you would love to join the Cult of Personality, they definitely have a place for you.
While the visiting nutballs prate about how the world obviously agrees with them, a more traditional conservative sample, e.g., Wall Street Journal readers gauge the results:
53% Biden, 46% Palin, 1% neither advantage.
Of just under 58,000 voting when I looked.
The repetitious maverick thing annoyed me too. She was obviously coached to keep using that reference to 90’s McCain.
McCain hasn’t been a maverick in at least 9 years, once he got a whiff of presidential possibilities he turned full-on christian-conservative, Bush-doctrinite.
I’m pretty disappointed in both. But I did get the distinct impression that Biden and Osama would throw money at every problem we face… kind of like we are doing now…
When is it going to end Biden?
#52… this is Dvorak UNCENSORED after all 🙂
Fact: Regan increased the budget deficit at an unprecedented rate.
Bush senior tried to reign it in, and Clinton continued the trend.
Bush Jr. spent like there is no tomorrow (literally).
Look up “United States public debt” on Wiki.
Joe Biden came across just like a politician. Especially his closing statement.
I thought Palin came across more like an executive in the business world.
Time for CHANGE ?? Get rid of the Politicians !!
you go girl !
#56, while that is a funny comment…truth is there is a policy here where moderators can and sometimes do step in to remove unworthy posts…which comment #10 is a unusually strong case of.
That the commenter is unrepentant says much about him. I had thought maybe he made a mistake in the heat of a political debate. Obviously he is a unabashed bigot.