Republican presidential candidate John McCain is withdrawing staff and resources from Michigan in order to concentrate on other states where his prospects are stronger.

McCain had harbored hopes of winning the state, but three polls in the last week has had Democrat Barack Obama with a double-digit lead in the Midwestern state, which has gone to the Democratic candidate the last two elections.

“Certainly, Michigan was going to be a challenge for any Republican in this climate,” said the McCain campaign official.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the McCain camp was happy to have spent enough time and money there to force Obama to defend the state.

McCain got himself into trouble for saying the fundamentals of the U.S. economy were strong, a statement that was proved wrong by the Wall Street financial crisis. He also was perceived by many Americans as having lost his first debate with Obama last week.


  1. Jägermeister says:

    Hockey mom didn’t help?

  2. Beonarri says:

    As a Michigander, all I can say is, “…and stay out!”

  3. deowll says:

    Obama must have thought they were sound too. He was going to pay for his welfare state by taxing the rich and business.

    This pretty much says that neither candidate seems to know any more about how to keep this nation prospering than daffy duck does.

  4. Jim says:

    #2, is a female from Michigan a Michigoose?

  5. JM says:

    And not one pundit picked up on Palin’s earpiece.

  6. JimD says:

    Didn’t McBush tell Michigan that their “Jobs were gone for good” ??? Now, John is GONE FOR GOOD !!!

  7. Palin is a says:

    Yes, we need more Republican Fembots to descend on all struggling states, just long enough to get their votes.

    Votes in hand, the Fembots would be deactivated, and the Republicans would leave those people to fend for themselves just as Palin says.

  8. The Commodore says:

    Hate to say it, but this is an indicator of leadership ability – being able to collect a campaign warchest. This has never been one of John McCain’s strengths, and this has to translate to an ability to influence legislators and the machine in Washington.

    McCain is probably being practical in dumping Michigan, but I’d really rather have a leader that knows how to collect and manage money. Bush was able to collect a huge warchest also, and perhaps spent it well, but he certainly doesn’t know how to manage the coffers of the government. McCain doesn’t strike me as someone who is any better at it.

  9. ltsiver says:

    Most of rural Michigan was pining for Ron Paul. Since Dr. Paul was pretty much shut out of the Republican’s push for the president (choosing McCain instead) most Michigan republicans were really pissed. We (as I am a Michigander) wanted someone who would restore constitutional rights, and turn back some of these laws that allowed this crap to happen in the first place. I think it is quite ironic that all the MSM (Main Stream Media) is now having Dr. Paul on to say his thoughts on the banking meltdown, since he’s been saying it for quite a while. Maybe the powers that be in the republican party will have Dr. Paul as the front runner next election…. if they were smart.

  10. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals continuing to fail at making meaningful replies.

    Liberal editors forgot to include Palin in the headline, and missed out on extra hits.

    Here are the undeniable facts:

    – Smart move by McCain: This allows for resources to be poured in to Ohio and Florida, which the right needs more than Michigan anyway.

    – This proves that Romney isn’t a meaningful political player, as he was supposed to deliver Michigan.

    – Now that the left doesn’t have to worry about Michigan either, they won’t get shit in terms of funding over the next four years.

  11. Palin is a says:

    James Hill, your partisanship shows that you are unable to think for yourself.

    Thank you for mindlessly parroting others’ views.

  12. ArianeB says:

    VP Nominee Romney would have kept Michigan in play. Palin is not delivering any independents or moderates, and is driving them away.

    The electoral math is very bad for McCain right now. Obama has locked up every Kerry 2004 state except New Hampshire, plus Iowa and New Mexico, for 260 “safe” electoral votes.

    McCain has maybe 163 “safe” electoral votes.

    To win McCain has to SWEEP the following up for grabs states: Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado

    McCain will have to put all his remaining money and efforts into those seven states.

  13. JimD says:

    #11 Palin, I have to agree with you ! Seems like Mr. Hill’s grapes are sour !!!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    The good side is McCain won’t be bothering Michigan anymore. That can only help Democrats running for local seats.

    The bad side is Indiana and Ohio will be getting even more McCain bullshit TV advertising.

    In 2000 and 2004 I Bush took Indiana by over ten points. Even in February, McCain had a ten point lead. Today McCain has less than a two point lead and is falling fast.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE: #14,

    Oopps, I screwed the pooch with that last paragraph, first line should read:

    In 2000 and 2004, Bush took Indiana by over ten points.

    Darn, I hate it when I do that. So does the pooch.


  16. grog says:

    dear michigan,



    john mccain

  17. Nolimit662 says:

    Good riddence republican scum!!

  18. Pmitchell says:

    so how is this news Obama pulled out of Montana 2 weeks ago. Why waste money in a democratic strong hold use it where it can best serve you

  19. grog says:


    i know your question was rhetorical, but …

    because michigan is home to the auto industry?

    because if you can’t win michigan it proves that blue collar joe six pack doesn’t trust you?

    because michigan is about as middle-america as it gets?

    because it underscores the fact that you don’t care about manufacturing jobs?

    just some ideas.

  20. Dallas says:

    I’m hoping the Florida demographics have changed such that kissing the Cuban communities asses this time will have negligible impact.

    Really, is there anything else to do in Florida other than hug the governor and bash Raul Castro?

    Either way, I hope Obama heads down to this pathetic state and take the intelligent vote.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #20 “Either way, I hope Obama heads down to this pathetic state and take the intelligent vote.”

    The same ones that couldn’t figure out how to use a punch ballot? Shouldn’t be a problem to get that vote. That is, as long as they use pictures instead of printed names on the ballot.

  22. Dallas says:

    #21 Glad your amused at your own punch card joke but that vote I submit is all McCain’s.

    The more intelligent vote I’m referring to are those that don’t give a shit about what Raul Castro ate last night. I submit that population of voters is far greater than the 50’s era Cubans that the GOP visits every four years to kiss their ass.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #22 “Glad your amused at your own punch card joke but that vote I submit is all McCain’s.”

    Sorry, those are Dems, Gore voters. LOL!

  24. Montanaguy says:

    The Obamination voters get a special lotto scratch ballot with an attached FEMA check and an extension on their interest-only-mortgage. No more hanging chads, confound it.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Cow-Paddy,

    So you used to eat shit sandwiches until you developed a gluten intolerance.

    I see James Hill has some competition for the Dip Dork Award.

  26. Dallas says:

    To capture low hanging Florida stupid votes that go to McCain, I advise Obama to come out chanting – ASAP

    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”
    “Cuba Si, Castro No”


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