• Gumshoe blogger finds Steve Fossett crash site on Google Earth.
  • Gamespot does not like the new Nintendo DSi. I don’t like the camera.
  • China capturing all the Skype text chats in China. Everyone is logged.
  • Train engineer shown to be text messaging causing the wreck.
  • T-Mobile jacks up estimates to 2M in sales.
  • Ballmer using the term Goliath when referring to Google.
  • Nokia has new music deal.
  • People switching to 16:9 ratio computer monitors.
  • Fujitsu and Western Digital are in hard drive merger talks.

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  1. Miss_X2b says:

    Skype encrypts all chat and calls that are skype to skype so how can the Chinese capture the chat text? The only way they could do this if they use spies to chat directly with others but actually intercepting chat between others can’t be hacked.

  2. Geoffrey says:

    “both Schneier and Simson Garfinkel, an associate of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University who has studied Skype’s security, believe it would be trivial for the company to listen in on conversations.

    Yet German technology site Heise Online reported in July that Austrian officials claimed to be able to listen to Skype conversations. The relative quietness of the law enforcement community on the issue in recent years could be the result of such cooperation.

    The FBI did not return a call for comment Thursday.”

    I would stop worrying about Chinese citizens.

    I would start worrying about my own country.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Miss Xab

    NSA isn’t the only spy agency who has good code breakers.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ha! I always knew you have the voice of a robot.

  5. B. Dog says:

    Yeah, who has time to do the math and figure out that you get fewer square inches of monitor with a widescreen 19″ monitor than a standard 19″ 4:3 monitor. Plus, the 7 toolbars that some people have hanging off their browsers leaving a little ribbon at the bottom of the screen for an actual view of a piece of web page doesn’t set off their idiot lights. So let them blunder on until the day that Mr. Dell’s spokesperson tells them that their equipment is sorta stupid now and Windows 7 and a normal monitor can make them seem modern.

  6. moss says:

    Uh, and the 16×9 computer monitors y’all are discussing are actually 16×10. Which is why when you watch media produced with an OAR of 16×9 you have a wee piece of screen leftover top and bottom.

  7. ArianeB says:

    #5 its actually basic geometry. The biggest area with diagonal measure X is always a perfect square.

    The only reason everyone is going to 16:9 monitors is because you cant even buy 4:3 monitors anymore.

  8. GigG says:

    #1 How sweet. Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa?

  9. J says:

    # 6 moss

    I have been using 16×10 since about 1997. They weren’t LCD’s they were actually HUGE SONY’s. They weighed about 100 lbs and took up a shit load of reinforced desk space.

    Now though they do have 16×9 as well as 16×10. Most are TV’s that have HD DVI or DB15 input.


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