This is Cynthia McKinny, the Green Party Presidential candidate. She is either on to something, or has been led astray. She is a known crackpot. So where are the bodies hidden? Whatever the case, you can be sure this will be getting some attention for a while although it just sounds like a complete hoax to me.
Found by Adam Curry.
It sounds like a hoax to me, too. At least 1 in 5000 prisoners is sure to be missed by someone, enough for a great many questions to be asked and for this to turn into a bigger story much sooner.
It’ll be interesting to see how this unfolds. This would make Kanye West go absolutely apeshit.
That’s asinine! If 5000 prisoners had been killed there would have been one hell of a lot of families and friends complaining about missing people.
Its crap.
There would be a lot of missing pieces to the puzzle if it had happened.
The DoD, IF they had done this, would have trucked the bodies to an out of state location for disposal. NOT dump them in the middle of a disaster that had media coverage.
Just more urban mythology… and they talk about Palin being dumb.
The entertainment value of this election is never-ending.
Adam fails to realize the world he’s “found” is just like the one from The X-Files. In this world, there is not out; the true power holders have all contingencies planned and even someone like him is expected and perhaps even necessary as a pressure valve. In the world Adam believes, there is hope if people do something; but they won’t due to the plans of the power holders and even if they did, again, that has its own resolution in the grand scheme. It’s a loose-loose situation, which sadly seems like the present reality without the B.S.
Now, as for this report, it seems a bit extreme considering the logistics explained by the commentators above. A lower number would be more plausible. If it is so big, why wait until now? Where is her evidence if she’s this “brave” to reveal the truth? Why does she speak of it with so little emotion? If she speaks the truth, she just shot her case in the foot…
I love your show with Adam (“No Agenda”) but what the hell is this? I guess the bodies could have been hidden after our government supposedly blew up the levies, resulting in New Orleans flooding.
Maybe those 5,000 bodies were “processed” but originated from the hurricane and flood and had to handled after the fact (e.g., by the coroner and others).
Occam’s razor seems work for things like this (from Wikipedia) above any magic the “reptillians” (as Adam calls them) seem to do:
“All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.” In other words, when multiple competing theories are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the theory that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities. It is in this sense that Occam’s razor is usually understood.”
Yes there are bad actors in our country as is the distribution of typically evil or good people anywhere. I am aware of our country’s exploits in the book “Legacy of Ashes” but I feel sorry for folks who buy into the bunk Cynthia McKinny is selling.
It’s great that Adam had awoken from his so-called dream state…it’s too bad that he more and more reminds me of my schizophrenic brother when he’s off his medication. Someone close to him should get him help.
I really think Adam has had some sort of mental break with reality. The Daily Source Code has become this crazy unlistenable mess of conspiracy non-sense.
It says something that you have to think twice as to whether this is true or not.
Too bad this wingnut wasn’t among the 5000.
Yes, this sounds completely plausible. I’m sure actions like this take place frequently. But 5,000 seems a bit high. I wouldn’t be surprised at all at say, 1,000.
OMG. I’ve got a lot of experience w/ this woman – she used to represent a large congressional district in metro Atlanta until the voters there FINALLY wised up just a bit.
And now she’s the Green Party’s PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE??? I would never have voted for Nader, either, but some of the ideas he had weren’t really all THAT bad. What happened to them?
Look at her – she’s obviously making this up as she goes along.
Oh, and 2 last words – CRACK EYES!
I wish someone would make her sign a “silence agreement”.
Stupid does as stupid is.
Uh, let’s remember what party Cynthia represented in congress. It was the Democrat party. She was part of the Black Caucus. Her views do not deviate too far from many of her constituents and others of the radical far left. And there is no way 5000 prisoners were executed. Democrats would never let this important “voting” base be eliminated. Prisoners, vagrants, homeless, drug users are Democrats most important groups in winning elections! Just look how this party is using them up in Ohio.
I remember hanging out with D/Sec State one day and went to a Cong hearing with him. Cynthea was on the committee. Anyway, at the end of the hearing she asks the Chairwomen if she can ask a question for the record.
Her question to State, “What is the State Departments position on slavery?” he guy from State looks around trying to find the men in white coats. Not seeing any, he simply looks at her and says, “State opposes the idea.”
I went into her Cong office to ask her a question once. Spoke for a few minutes. She is certifiable.
Looks like she found a missing page from an X-Files script. Do a little digging on her and the results are more entertaining. She used to be a Democratic Representative in Congress.
Extremely amusing, and very full of herself.
# 16 Paddy-O
If you were in her office what did she have on the right corner of her desk? You couldn’t miss it. It was big and it was always there.
#18 No idea. We were in her Chief of Staff’s office. You know, the one directly behind the reception area? Oh, that’s right, you don’t know.
# 19 Paddy-O
So you lied? Why did you lie? You were never in “her” office.
You are a liar!
#20 – J
>>So you lied? Why did you lie? You were never in
>>“her” office. You are a liar!
You’re just figuring out now that Paddy-O is a liar? HAW!!
Why do you think they call him O’Pinocchio?
# 19 Paddy-O
Ok then smart ass. LOL
Did you notice anything unusual about her COS office? You know by the window?
#7 (Dick Dawkins)…
There is a version of Occam’s Razor that I always feel makes most sense:
Never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by incompetence.
Speaking of New Orleans… Funny isn’t it how when Katrina washed that town down the drain Washington practically ignored them and spent very little in reconstruction, yet when 9/11 happend money and help poured in there. Now this. If money is always the measure – you end up living in a society where clases divide, where people die of treatable infirmity for lack of insurance, where parents don’t raise their kids – who has time after working 60 hours a week in 2 low paying jobs just to keep from ending up among the homeless? Or a 16 y.o. hispanic that goes to jail for shoplifting a package of chewing gum, yet people who are robbing this nation blind by taking advantage of weaknesses in regukatory legislation get paid 6,7, and 8 figure salaries.
It doesn’t take a psychic to know it’ll get a lot worse before it gets better. Don’t wait emmigrate!
#19, Cow-Paddy,
So what part of the Constitution prohibits Congress from regulating wages?
This is the fourth time I’ve asked, surely you can answer. If you’ve been in McKinny’s Congressional office you would know the answer. Ooopps, excuse me, you only pretended to be in her office. Just like you only pretended to be at a Congressional Hearing with a State Department official.
BTW, Slavery is an issue, especially in sub-Sahara Africa. The question McKinny put to the State Department was ‘what the department doing about slavery’ (recollection, not quote). That was in 1999 (maybe 1998). She did not speak out of turn and it is very rare for a Committee Chairman to allow extra questions after a member’s time is up.
But since you know so much, who was the Committee Chairman and which committee was it?
#25, So what part of the Constitution prohibits Congress from regulating wages?
The 10th Amendment. It is not a power delegated to it by the Constitution.
Quite a few people forget about that little ol’ amendment when they start screaming for congress to “do something.”
#25 “The question McKinny put to the State Department was ‘what the department doing about slavery’”
Wrong. The question was what was the State Dept’s position on slavery. Thus the response from State. It wasn’t in the 90’s either.
Thanks for playing though.
This is one of the nut cases the liberals have sent to Washington and stood behind when she went nuts and assaulted a guard in the capitol
Is this not a good piece of evidence not to vote democratic at least when republicans do something wrong we get rid of them IE the perv in Fla you libs circled the wagons around this batshit crazy loon and even tried to help get her reelected
#28. Mitch: “Is this not a good piece of evidence not to vote democratic at least when republicans do something wrong we get rid of them IE the perv in Fla you libs circled the wagons around this batshit crazy loon and even tried to help get her reelected”
Huh? Are you for real?
Having said that, even I think she is crazy….and that’s saying something.
WTF, I didn’t shoot the video, didn’t upload the video and never said I believe it. Just sent Dvorak the link. That said, from the crappy audio I think I heard her say that she has ‘proof’ from ‘people’ inside the Red Cross. It certainly warrants further investigation…
#28 – Paulio
>>she went nuts and assaulted a guard in
>>the capitol
Uh, she didn’t “go nuts”. A guard chased her down the hall and grabbed her b/c she wasn’t wearing her “congressional pin” (many members of Congress never wear them). She poked him in the chest and told him to back off.
And she may be a little outside the mainstream, but that doesn’t mean her allegations don’t contain some truth.
Rather than say “well, she’s a nutcase, so let’s ignore it”, it might be prudent to look into the situation.
I’m more interested in finding out what the “rectangular object” was under Dumbya’s jacket during the last presidential debates, though.
If he was cheating, that needs to go down in the history books along with the rest of his miserable legacy.