1. deowll says:

    I thnk I prefer to save the children. The point is fair.

  2. McCullough says:

    *sniff* I think I’ll donate some Spam. Giving them cash just encourages them…

  3. Paul says:

    Now, that is great satire. I love it.

  4. Buzz says:

    Too bad the guy didn’t take announcer lessons.

  5. Improbus says:

    I wanted to laugh but it just wasn’t that funny. With nondescript actors they should have a better script.

  6. admfubar says:

    red greene should have been the guy in this…..

  7. Brock says:

    What a riot. The funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks.

    Not intellectually accurate. And doesn’t ID the real bad guys, Carter, Clinton, Franklin Raines from Fannie Mae, Dems in Congress and the Community Reinvestment Act.

    But still funny as all get out.

    The ones you should actually feel for, are the thousands of workaday workers who did the mundane things at these firms to keep the wheels turning, that have seen their retirement money turn to dust. The fat cats got their bonuses and moved the money into tangible assets or cash, while everyone else, put their money into their 401k’s,mostly company stock, and left it there to grow. Stupid…

    This makes Enron look tiny.

  8. Please says:

    Speaker Pelosi:

    In the past I was not a fan of your positions.

    That changed when you showed great leadership during your Monday speech, on the pending Bail Out, in the House of Representatives.

    Speaker Pelosi, please continue to stand up against the forces attempting sell out our futures. I believe the proposed Bail Out will destroy opportunities for Americans at every level of the economy – for decades to come, by dragging down economic activity through greater tax rates for everyone.

    I believe we can all weather a short-term collapse, but we would be doomed for decades, by an economy that can’t provide sufficiently for the population, if we spent our money paying off the bad bets that our financial industry made.

    Please remain strong in the face of the obscene pressure that some government, and private, individuals are placing on you and your like-minded colleagues in both political parties.

    Best Wishes.

  9. chublove says:

    that dude in the video is sexy, anyone know his name?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    I have to admit, this did bring a little tear in the corner of my eye. And I am not given to shedding tears for just any appeal.

    Brock, get a life.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    All they need is cash… ta-ta-ta-tah…

  12. Bodacious says:

    I think I’ll send paperplates and plasticware to eat with,I don’t give CASH to anyone.After all,whos gonna BAIL ME OUT WHEN I SUFFER FINANCIAL FAILURE? ANSWER:I’LL JUST BE ON MY OWN,NO BODY WOULD HELP ME


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