1. ECA says:

    sponsored by Association for ducks for president.
    Daffy, Donald, Howard, duckman

  2. mthrnite says:

    I do whatever Spider-Man tells me to!

  3. Breetai says:

    HA HA! Choose between two guys who are just going to support the same Corporate Oligarchy. Democracy is an illusion to make the sheep think they’re in control.

  4. Brett says:

    Agree Breetai.

    What a bunch of losers think Obama is going to be any different than McCain.

  5. RTaylor says:

    With the wonders of the the Electoral College system, there is no reason for me to vote. A lone blue dot in a sea of red. Do you think if a bloody simple system of the popular votes was used, more people would vote. A system from the 1780’s is so relevant today. Jefferson believed the constitution needed to be thrown out and rewritten for each generation.

  6. S. Heap says:

    To Breetai,

    Baa Humbug!

  7. jobs says:

    Voting for Obama may not make any difference but it will make celebrities feel they made a difference and isn’t that the important thing.

    My vote hasn’t made a difference Reagan.

  8. Thinker says:

    #6 Ah_Yea…
    I’m with you on this one. Or perhaps all these people donate their time? (We wish)

    And I just think I answered the question of how many pompous people can you fit in a video? (not counting Sara Silverman, she’s just funny)

    But most of the rest of them come off that way.

    I say vote because you can!
    Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote.

  9. Matt says:

    Cthulu 08!
    Why choose the lesser evil?

  10. chuck says:

    As long as none of the idiots in that video vote, then the world will be a better place.

  11. deowll says:

    I agree with chuck. I want none of the above listed as an option.

  12. JoaoPT says:

    Would Obama be different from McCain?


    Was Reagan different from Carter? Bush from Clinton? Truman from Eisenhower? Nixon from Kennedy?

  13. Fedup says:

    It’s these left wing dumb asses that shouldn’t vote!

  14. iVote says:

    How else do I vote for Nunof Theabove ?

  15. soundwash says:

    piss on ’em all and vote for ralph nader…

    lest you go down in history as voting for one of the two biggest lying fools on the planet…

    smarter still, dont register. -if you think either of the two pinheads running are worthy..turn 5 people to vote the “other way” (for the one you want..)

    this way that’s one less chunk of paper sitting in a warehouse somewhere with your name on it to be used against you when they start using voter reggies to pick out the “dissident of the month” to be chipped..


  16. Jim says:

    #14 You guys really need to get over this left wing, right wing shite. Can’t you see it’s dragging your nation down.

  17. steve says:

    annoying insipid

  18. cmon says:

    Gotta love the “issues” they harp on in this. Darfur? Global warming? You’d think we’re electing a God. Couldn’t stand it long enough to watch it all, maybe there are some tractable issues relevant to the federal government later on.

  19. Erik says:

    If I am close to the polling place on the day of voting I will vote, otherwise I would have to make a decision between the giant douche or shit sandwich.

  20. jake buck says:

    it was good for the first 90 or so seconds.

  21. geofgibson says:

    Good. All you cynics just turn off and drop out. Let the cats you don’t like and agree with make all the decisions. Then you can stand around and be smug because YOU didn’t vote and the world goes to Hell.
    A self fulfilling prophecy. Aren’t you smart.

  22. the answer says:

    ty joaopt well said. As for all you conspiracy theorists out there who could
    make bill bixby look like joe average, exactly how do you use who you voted for against someone? Other then getting a list together for jury duty. Also when was the last time a state voted against the popular vote? Does more then one state do it at a time? If you got answers share. I don’t remember any. Just a bunch of old farts in florida, and I doubt the public would take a debocle like that again

  23. Ron Larson says:

    As I tell my friends, “If you didn’t vote, then you have zero right to bitch about anything”.

  24. jbenson2 says:

    Did anyone try to watch it all the way to the end? What a waste of time.

  25. Grandpa says:

    I’m not voting for a traitor politician. I’m not wasting my vote. I refuse to lend credibility to an election by voting. Don’t vote for a traitor, don’t vote.

  26. OvenMaster says:

    Like I give a crap what Jennifer Anuston thinks about the political process.

  27. OvenMaster says:

    #16: don’t forget the states that use voter registration to smoke you out for jury duty!

  28. ECA says:

    votE FOR DAFFY duck..
    At least SOME ONE may get the point. If there are a SUBSTANTIAL turn over with 1 NAME…maybe someone will LISTEN TO US.

  29. Deltapapa says:


  30. Balbas says:

    Jeez, this video is so amateurish.


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