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The United States will not likely launch another regime-changing war “anytime soon,” but American troops will remain in Iraq and Afghanistan for years, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday…
Gates said not to expect troops to leave Iraq after the upcoming U.S. election.
“No matter who is elected president in November,” he said, “there will continue to be some kind of American advisory and counterterrorism effort in Iraq for years to come.”
To combat…evolving threats, the U.S. military will need more than expensive high-tech weapons. It must adapt to “a blended, high-low mix of adversaries and types of conflict.”
Gates doesn’t have to plan on changes. His pension, consulting and lobbying career after Pentagon daze is guaranteed.
DAZE and Days are NOT related words.
Unless you wonder your Days in a DAZE.
NOthing NEW here.
THE USA GOV and corps BOTH want something MORE in the middle east.
Gov wants 1 more HOLD in the middle east.
CORPS want the OIL BACK..
Another reason Ron Paul would be best as our next Commander/Chief.
The Mobil/Exxon Army of the Tigris and Euphrates will REMAIN ON STATION, with it’s boot on the neck of the Iraqis UNTIL THERE IS NO MORE OIL !!! Amerika Uber Alles !!!
Welcome to Walmart Nation. You get to pick your fascist ruler, but their agenda has already been written by somebody else.
We will never leave. And we should never leave. This is just a opening salvo in what will be the main event in the future as the oil runs out.
The more we learn and the more forward assets we have deployed in this area the better..
You might not like it, but its the way the world is.
#1 ECA – You mean “wander,” not “wonder.” If you’re going to correct someone’s spelling, make sure your spelling is up-to-par as well.
Caption this photo: “Sarah may be dumber than most salad vegetables, but boy does she love it when I shove my thumb up her ass.”
#7 – Shouldn’t you refer to your mother as Mrs. Sarah?
“No matter who wins election, our troops will be in Iraq “for years””
No way! Obama the Messiah said he’ll fix everything, including my squeaky screen door.
My ass
That said i’d still vote for Obama over McCain anyday as the latter being the more evil of the two evils.
No surprise. Obama has admitted as much.
we’ll never leave. my mate that was over there
said they’ve been building these huge
concrete barracks/bunker style base/cities that are meant to be permanent. he knew of 3 while he was there and knew of several more
in progress.
iirc, he said they are pretty much completely self sustaining concrete walled mini-cities that house between 5k-10k troops, depending on size. (mostly concrete buildings within as well.)
whichever president gets elected, the grim reality will soon be made apparent to him
that we will be maintaining a permanent forward base there of at least 40k
troops.. [if we can still afford it after
the crash] -(and i don’t think he’ll like
the actual death toll numbers either)
-unless of course, somehow the truth comes out that the whole war on terror was a total scam, started with false flag/false pretense. -even then..i still don’t think we will ever leave.
iirc, with very few exceptions, we’ve never left any country completely, once we set foot there. -of which i think are currently around 130-140 around the world..[bases])
if obama wins, i cant wait to see him squirm
as he tries to explain why he cant “recall” our forces as soon as “promised.” more likely, -he’ll just move them all to Afghanistan and say “see, i got them out of iraq.”
-still need to catch that al-quaeda king pin Bin Laden boogieman..(who the FBI still does not accuse of having anything to do with 9/11)
not true..obama has the power to end this all because he is a chicago politicians and chicago politicians have the power to DO ANYTHING they want!
“U.S. military will need more than expensive high-tech weapons”
Well, it’s clear who his next employer will be (or who he moonlights for now)
How about finding some people who can actually learn from history. Although they are profitable for the manufacturers, high tech weapons can never detect/stop a terrorist (or patriot) on foot. Enough of them and the foreigners go home (as they always do sooner or later).
We couldn’t win our revolutionary war without the French – but then they left. If they stayed around to “protect and guide” us, we’d still be fighting them. If they came back to prevent or settle our Civil War, the North and South would have joined together to throw them out – then continued fighting each other.
No country wants foreign troops on their territory for any reason. Even the South Korean people want us to pack our bags.
Why do we think we’ll ever be welcome in Iraq? The only Iraqis that want us to stay “a little longer”, are the ones who are benefitting financially.
If we stay there for 100 years – and it looks fairly peaceful – there will still be a bloodbath of internal war. That’s their business, not ours.
Our soldiers dying is your job to stop. If you think it’s worth their lives, then why aren’t your sons and daughters signing up? Don’t be a hypocrite – drive them down to your neighborhood recruiter – he has a hard job these days, and will appreciate your help.
Any US President can get us out if he/she wants to. Even if you hate Obama, he’s the only one running who knows we should leave.
Sarah Palin is so dumb the only computers she can’t crash are Macs.
Gates can say that as long as Bush is his boss.
That BS will go away in January as Gates gets swept out along with all the rest of Bush’s cabinet.
Nah, it couldn’t happen here….
Or could it?
Does Mr Gates know a secret? Is he REALLY sure he is going to stick around in the president’s cabinet for that long and stay the course of Mr. Disaster President Bush?
“The ten classic steps that are used to close open societies are currently being taken in the US. Martial law is only a declaration away.”
Last time I looked we are still have military in most of the countrys we had wars with. viet nam excepted.
# 13 soundwash – The Nazis left concrete bunkers and fortifications all over Europe, so it shouldn’t surprise us that the American Invasion Army is doing the same in Iraq !!! But the Nazis were gone in less than five years, so the Iraqi might find the concrete works usefull for other purposes when a BANKRUPT AMERICA HAS TO WITHDRAW !!!
Angel Wong
What makes you so smart?
unless your ready to put up your IQ for all to see…shut yer trap ~