We’ve written previously about what conservatives think about Palin when they think no one is listening. But conservative columnist Kathleen Parker is a little more open about it. Her message is clear: Sarah Palin must go!

Kathleen Parker – National Review – September 26, 2008:

Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.

Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”
If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.
Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.

  1. J says:

    Wow I am starting to think that there is a conspiracy at the National Review against this woman.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well, DUH!

    Palin’s not qualified because she’s a hot brunnette Bible thumping woman but because she’s a younger (& hotter) version of Harriet Myers.

  3. MarkP says:

    Isn’t this pic a fake? http://www.snopes.com/photos/politics/palin.asp
    (scroll down for the snopes scoop on this particular photo)

  4. jim h says:

    The only way this would happen is if polls showed clearly that she’s hurting the ticket. So do they?

  5. JM says:

    To Clandestine Staff.
    Eyes Only.

    The plan has changed. We have not been able to convince SP to drop out under Operation Colicky Baby. More decisive measures will have to be implemented.

    Our operative in Fairbanks says he can rig the fuel line and make it look like an accident.

    When SP gets the news, she will most likely rush back to be with the remaining family. Giulliani is on call to take Thurs nite.

    Please ignore the last six emails. Those were not for you. I still haven’t figured this thing out completely.


  6. She’s got to go. For zee cheeldren.

    How much of a beat-down is she going to make her kids watch her take.

    Maybe in 2024, when she’s got some experience under her belt, she’d be a viable candidate.

    And maybe she’ll mellow a little on Creationism in biology class, stripping books from library shelves, and supression of reproductive rights by that time.

  7. SN says:

    Isn’t this pic a fake?

    Was the picture’s name, Palin-fake1.jpg, a clue?

  8. Heavygear says:

    SN, I would like to know why you think its ok to post fake pictures?


  9. Flip Wilson says:

    The only appropriate place for this woman is on her back, or on her knees. In any other position she is unqualified.

    Let’s be honest, McCain was thinking with his dick when he selected her.

  10. Icenfs46 says:

    Honestly, I think she should go. For these reasons:

    1) She is way too inexperienced. The only experience she has is being a mayor of a small town, and governor for 20 minutes.

    2) Her claim of foreign policy experience is that she can see Russia from her backyard, and Canada from across the street. That scares me.

    3) She is nothing but a gimmick for the McCain campaign to sweep women who are depressed about Hilary. I’m sure if there was a man in her shoes, nobody would vote for her. If McCain wanted a woman VP, why didn’t he pick Connecticut’s Governor Jodi Rell?

    4) She is not down to Earth. She simply doesn’t understand the issues that everyday middle class Americans face everyday. Instead, in her speeches, she just talks about how Obama is bad.

    Now, don’t think I’m an Obama supporter because of Palin. Because both Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin are such bad choices for president and vice president, I decided to remain neutral for the time being. I’m not easy to fall into little gimmicks.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    No, he was thinking of doing boner pill ads after the election.

  12. SN says:

    SN, I would like to know why you think its ok to post fake pictures?

    First, I never said it was real.

    Second, the name of the picture (once again) is Palin-fake1.jpg, which is a clear indication that I know it’s fake and I’m letting everyone else know it’s fake.

    Third, in answer to your question: Because I find it funny.

  13. #8 – Heavygear

    >>SN, I would like to know why you think its ok
    >>to post fake pictures?

    Jesus. Have you been hiding under a rock for the past month? That picture has been around the internet a million times. I didn’t know there was anyone left who would actually consider that it was a real photo. Any more than photoshopping a picture of Dumbya’s head on the body of a jackass. Oh. Wait. That might actually fool some people.

  14. Flip Wilson says:

    Now SP needs to sit on grandpa’s lap while giving interviews.


    Is McCain going to be under the lectern at the debate making his sock puppet speak?

    McCain is a shadow of what he was. He’s redefined maverick to read: a pathetic old man with no principals, no scruples, confused, erratic and clearly senile.

    It’s so sad.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.


  16. Icenfs46 says:

    I am really hoping Palin leaves and just drops out. She is simply way too under-qualified for this high of a position. Here are my reasons:

    1) She has no experience. She’s been mayor of a town and been governor for less than 20 minutes. Is that how the McCain camp determined that she is more qualified than Obama?

    2) She claims her foreign policy experience is that she can see Russia from her backyard. That really scares me. It is like me saying that I’m a professional photographer because I looked at Aperture on Apple’s website. Get real Palin.

    3) She’s a gimmick.

    Trust me folks, I research before I rant. Don’t think I make this crap up.

  17. Heavygear says:

    Sorry I guess I did not google sarah Palin naughty pictures. When I found out she would be VP.

  18. #16 – Heavy

    >>Sorry I guess I did not google sarah Palin
    >>naughty pictures.

    Heck, neither did I. Are you saying I’m a perv?!?

    Just surfing around to different blogs, etc., that picture has shown up a million times.

  19. Heavygear says:


    Well what part of your research did you miss were you think she is running for President? Since you are comparing her to obama.

  20. Icenfs46 says:


    You make a good point. Yes, I am comparing her to Obama, only because the McCain campaign kept bragging about how she is more qualified than Obama. But I do know that she is running for vice president.

  21. Icenfs46 says:

    whoops i meant #19

  22. #19, #20

    Not sure to whom you’re directing your comment, Heavy, but we all know that McBush has a good chance of dropping dead in office. So no matter what she’s “running for”, if she gets her foot in the door, she’s as good as POTUS.

    And THAT is a scary thought.

  23. Icenfs46 says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  24. Icenfs46 says:

    Mister Mustard,
    I was directing my comment at Heavy.
    Probably shoulda just put his name instead of the number

  25. Hugh Ripper says:

    What is this American tradition of putting up complete dickheads as VP. Is it to make the main candidate look good by comparison?

    If the Republicans get in, McCain dies of old age (not beyond the realms of possibility) and Palin becomes President, America will become a bigger laughing stock than it already is with Bush at the helm. Do you really want another President that struggles to form a coherent sentence?

  26. mthrnite says:

    I wish they’d let her out and let her talk some, do some interviews and stuff. Sure, it hasn’t gone that great for her so far, but that’s no excuse to keep her shut off from the public. I’d like to know a little more about her than I’ve been given and I’m afraid that the debate will just be a bunch of pat answers and more of the rhetoric junk. She needs to be a little more candid, and I really think they’re messing up by not letting her. I mean, she was supposed to be the golden child, let her talk for christsakes, let’s see what she’s got. It’s like they’re embarrassed of her now, it just doesn’t make sense. I’m assuming she’s still popular with MOST republicans, get her outta the freakin’ closet already. Get her on The View or something.

  27. Brian says:

    Yes, run scared. Blather on about how “unqualified” she is. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Because you are talking about the next Vice President (and President in 8 years). She is articulate and compelling. And she has a clear message that she sticks to. Not the meandering, vague “change” ramblings of the islamist. Or the total silence of what’s his name, the Dem VP.

    You will never see:

    OB(S)AMA – BI(NLA)DEN in the oval office. Never.

  28. Hugh Ripper says:

    #26 Brian, have you been skipping your medication again? Or has your satire gone over my head? (or through to the keeper, as we say in Oz

    Palin is articulate and has a clear message? Obama is an Islamist? Biden doesn’t say anything?
    Clearly these are the ramblings of a madman or New Yorker esq humor.

  29. Jägermeister says:

    #25 – mthrnite – … let her talk for christsakes, let’s see what she’s got.

    Yes, let her talk.

  30. #35 – mth

    >>It’s like they’re embarrassed of her now, it
    >>just doesn’t make sense.

    Makes plenty of sense to me.

    >>Get her on The View or something.

    Those bitches gave McBush a pretty good grilling, and he’s been around long enough to know how to deal with it. Baba Wawa and Ms Behar are no softball-lobbing Katie Couric


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