This is pretty much a composite of every a-hole who thinks he has rhythm and needs to make a fool of himself in public places.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Jackson and Elvis comes to mind…

  2. don coyote says:

    Lining up early for Windows 7.

  3. Cannibal says:

    Turn off the sound and just watch the way that he is “dancing” and it becomes pretty clear that this guy has watched too much Rolling Stones footage, and that he is listening to something off the Sticky Fingers album… Brown Sugar, perhaps?

  4. bonkersbrit says:

    I don’t get what’s funny. I wish I could dance like that.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    Oh shit…


  6. SN says:

    The sad part, the truly sad part, is that he’s still ten times the dancer I am.

  7. lividd says:


  8. JCDean says:

    At least he looks like he is having fun. Is that a Best Buy?

  9. Jenny C. Riley says:

    He looks like he’s having a real good time!

  10. Mondain says:

    Napoleon Dynamite’s father has been found!

  11. pfkad says:

    The secret to dancing is to not give a rat’s ass what you look like doing it. As silly as this guy looks, when he goes out I’ll bet he gets laid way more often than the guy sitting at a table swilling beer and making fun of him.

  12. Pisces says:

    (no comment)

  13. punterjoe says:

    Ms Benes… your dancing partner has arrived…
    Are we certain this is not a seizure or some other cry for help?
    Someday medical science will find a cure… until that day – some folks should stick to spoken word CDs.

  14. Special Ed says:


  15. eyeofthetiger says:

    #7 Appears to be the consumer electronics of a Walmart.

    His shirt looks like it is D.A.R.E. “Keep kids off drugs.”

  16. JM says:

    I thought he was pretty good. And I approved this message.

  17. Digby says:

    He looks as good as anybody else I have seen dancing. So is the racism just endless in America?

  18. dm says:

    Here’s another funny video of a white guy dancing:

  19. Peter_m says:

    What is the name of the song playing? Pretty cool isn’t it?

  20. Peter_m says:

    Never mind, Song’s called “Going to a Go Go” by Smokey Robinson.

    Still, he dances better then I do. Most importantly, he’s having fun and getting exercise as a bonus.

    Life is short guys!

  21. Awake says:

    My wife is a classically trained professional ballerina (now retired)… she thinks the guy is ‘adorable’… basically just because he IS dancing and having fun to the music.
    She would also like to see the people that are so judgmental of him, when they are at a party… probably just standing around, swishing expensive wine, not being able to move one foot when they play some fun music.

  22. bobbo says:

    Can’t we stop all this hatred towards white guys? You cannot dance without rhythm. We all have our own innate rhythm coded in our individual DNA. Your rhythm may not include repetitive movements coincident with the beat of the song playing—its called counterpoint.

    I recall part of the famous quote for how to be happy: “Dance like no one is looking.”

  23. Zappa says:

    the guy looks like that guy from weekend at bernies movie

  24. jpfitz says:

    Hey he’s having fun and that’s all that counts.
    And Dvorak I bet u can’t have that much fun without a few glasses of wine.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #22 “Can’t we stop all this hatred towards white guys? You cannot dance without rhythm.”

    It’s not hatred, just fact. White people have been civilized longer. We are far removed, time wise, from being part of primitive tribal life dancing around the fire and shrinking heads.

  26. hhopper says:

    Hey, the guy wasn’t dancing. Someone put a sandspur in his jock strap.

    …and Donald O’Conner was pretty damn cool.

  27. tbaley says:

    Let me see if I have this right: (1) he’s having fun, (2) he doesn’t care what you think, (3) he moves better than you or me, (4) he’s not hurting you. C’mon, you old curmudgeon!

  28. brendal says:

    Speaking of which…that leaves me wondering…wouldn’t I love to see the security video of me jumping that underground turnstile in Bilbao?? 😉

  29. bobo says:

    Why all the hate Mr. Dvoark?

  30. satman says:

    The oldest email in my inbox says it all:

    Sing like nobody’s listening,
    Live like it’s Heaven on Earth,
    Work like you don’t need money,
    Love like you’ve never been hurt,
    And dance like no one’s watching.


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