1. Higghawker says:

    She is Palin’s double!

  2. I predict that soon there will be a voluntary moratorium on Sarah Palin jokes, like the late night talk show hosts called on Britney Spears. Lampooning her is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    OK, she’s wet behind the ears, she has about as much foreign policy experience as a pet hampster, her “executive” experience is limited to being mayor of Podunk and a short time at the helm of a state with half as many residents as the Hartford CT metropolitan area, she’s a right wingnut who thinks God sent us to Iraq, who uses dirty political tricks against her ex-brother-in-law, who wants creationism taught in schools, etc., etc., etc., etc.

    She cuts a sympathetic figure though (“Katie Couric is right; the more she’s cornered, the more adorable she becomes), and soon it’s going to be seen as mean-spirited.

    If she blunders during the debates, that’s another kettle of fish.

    Personally, I bet she goes the way of Harriet Meiers. Resigns for being unqualified.

  3. ZenDoc says:

    Tina Fey does a masterful job as Sarah Palin. She is so funny. Of course Governor Palin is so easy to satirize due to her real lack of political knowledge, but still, how could anyone be more spot on than Tina Fey? It’s weird that John McCain criticized Barack Obama for his lack of experience, then picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate – a person who can’t even come close to Barrack Obama’s education, experience, and understanding of World politics and place her one heartbeat away from the Presidency. She would top George W. Bush as the most incompetent President ever. The GOP realizes their mistake in endorsing her and there is rumbling about strongly encouraging her to step down, but it will probably wait until after the VP debate Thursday to see if she can recover some credibility against Joe Biden or if she continues to be an embarrassment to the GOP and cause further lagging behind. The only semi-valid reason that John McCain had for naming Sarah Palin to be his running mate was to close the gap by picking up Hillary Clinton supporters and other women voters. I personally think that Barack made a mistake by not naming Hillary Clinton as his Veep. That combo would have been unbeatable and McCain wouldn’t have risked causing himself this much embarassment by naming someone as inexperienced and uneducated as Governor Palin to be his running mate. However, it has created a field day (or several of them) for SNL.

  4. bobbo says:

    Whats interesting about Palin is she demonstrates the political animal not quite ready for prime time==the bits and pieces of a politician, but not the whole package and she makes us see the parts.

    We should all watch and learn from Palin because she is nothing but what all the other politicians are except they have more experience and polish======but they all too think they are qualified because they can see Russia from their front porch. They just don’t use that exact formulation.

    Is McCain qualified to be president because he was shot down in Hanoi?

    Is OBama qualified because he gave a speech?

    They all lie, its just easier to see in Palin. Learn.

  5. ZenDoc says:

    (Check the updates here, esp. towards the end). Tina Fey does a masterful job as Sarah Palin. She is so darn funny. Of course Governor Palin is very easy to satirize due to her real lack of political knowledge, but still, how could anyone be more spot on than Tina Fey?

    It’s a little weird that John McCain criticized Barack Obama for his lack of experience, then picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate – a person who can’t even come close to Barack Obama’s education, experience, and understanding of World politics – and placed her one heartbeat away from the Presidency. She would top George W. Bush as the most incompetent President ever.

    Many GOP standardbearers realize their mistake in endorsing her and there is rumbling about strongly encouraging her to step down, but it will probably wait until after the VP debate Thursday to see if she can recover some credibility against Joe Biden or if she continues to be an embarrassment to the GOP and cause further lagging behind in the polls. Thursday’s debate will be critical in determining whether or not she remains in the race.

    The only semi-valid reason that John McCain had for naming Sarah Palin to be his running mate was to close the gap by picking up Hillary Clinton supporters and other women voters. I personally think that Barack made a mistake by not naming Hillary Clinton as his Veep. That combo would have been unbeatable and McCain wouldn’t have risked causing himself this much embarrassment by naming someone as inexperienced and uneducated as Governor Palin to be his running mate. However, it has created a field day (or several of them) for SNL.

    If McCain really wants to shake things up and throw the election up in the air, he should dump Gov. Palin and reach across the aisle and name Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Why not? He almost named a Democrat as his Veep earlier to show his bipartisanship and sicerity about uniting the whole country. He would stand a very good chance of beating Obama with Senator Clinton on the ticket with him. They’d have a few things to work through, but it sure would be exciting and far from business as usual. Any thoughts besides that I’m crazy?

  6. Springheel Jack says:

    I remember when SNL was funny. Jimmy Carter was president.

  7. LinusVP says:

    Right on Bobbo. You guys can all argue…right wing nut, left wing extremist etc. The fact is, they’re pretty much all the same.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #6 Jack…Bozo was funny then, too.

    Unfortunately, Fey cannot be funnier than the real thing, which because it’s a presidential race is not funny at all, it’s dangerous.

  9. pepetideo says:

    zendoc … you are right … you are crazy if you think Hilary would even remotely consider being McCain’s running mate… That would never happen

    And besides that point… The GOP did not even accept the possibility of Lieberman that is just a republican in a democrat suit what do you think they would do in a McCain-Hilary ticket???!!!

    They would all stay home and not vote or vote for Barr instead!

  10. Proud Alien says:

    Politicians, they are all the same, but personally, I prefer morally flawed Clinton to intellectually challenged Bush. As they same, crap is the same, but the results are different.

  11. Flip Wilson says:

    Palin = Idiot
    McCain = Jackass who named an idiot as running-mate.

    Don’t reward stupidity.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yup. She should “voluntarily” resign and allow McCain to pick someone else. Someone who knows a little more than how to get your former brother-in-law fired or how to claim your grand kid as your own.

    McCain can’t win with her, but might win without her.

  13. stopher2475 says:

    Barring some personal tradjedy, there is no way she can drop out of the race. It would be an admission of a misstep and they can’t allow that at this point. I thought it was funny how on the bailout answer, Fey starts out word for word with Palin’s actual statement. It’s like the stuff just writes itself.

  14. stopher2475 says:

    AndI never learned to spell. =( =P

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    She shouldn’t bow out until she does an appearance on SNL as Tina Fey. Maybe do the Weekend Update segment with Amy then have Tina be a guest commentator as Palin where she announces her dropping out. That is, Tina Dropping out of the SNL line-up. Citing that it was an ill-conceived notion that she could come back as accepted member of the cast after such a long and successful separation etc…

  16. James Hill says:

    Look at how the angry liberals can’t just sit back and laugh.

    Not like they haven’t been laughed at their whole lives…

  17. Greg Allen says:

    It was brilliant how they wove actual PALIN QUOTES into the PARODY lines.

    It really illustrates how goof Palin has been in these carefully, softball interviews.

    What? Has she had like three interviews since her appointment — all of the easy? And she still blew them?

  18. Joe says:

    >It was brilliant how they wove actual PALIN QUOTES into the PARODY lines.

    They’ve been doing that for years. It’s why even their political stuff isn’t funny anymore. After one of the Bush Kerry debates, they just had imitators up to say the same things. I own a timber company?

  19. brendal says:

    BTW, Fey NAILS her accent because she herself is from Chicago (Midwest “dontcha-know” thing)…that’s a HUGE part of it!

  20. #19 – Brenda Lee

    Actually, Tina Fey was born and raised in Eastern PA.

    And I never heard anybody talking like that in Chicago when I lived there. Her (Palin’s) accent is more Minnesoda/ Dakota.

  21. DocColorado says:

    I thought #2 was describing, barack hussein obama for a second there !!


    Just say NOBAMA, it doesn’t hurt, LOL

  22. #21 – Mr. Colorado

    >>I thought #2 was describing, barack hussein
    >>obama for a second there !!

    Why on earth would you think that? Not only are Barack Hussein Obama’s numbers rising in the polls (and they’re sure to skyrocket after McBush is fingered as a bungling imbecile in this $700 billion abortion today), but he is going to WIN. The GOP is sure to get a jolly good rogering on November 4th.

    Besides, Barack Hussein Obama is not a laughingstock. Palin is a laughingstock. She was good fun for about 15 minutes, with the jokes about lipstick on pit bulls and mooseburgers.

    Now she’s just a punch line.

  23. Smartalix says:


    I could deal with your idiocy if you were at least a little bit funny and interesting.

  24. doccolorado says:

    Here is an interesting quote from one of your ‘Heroes”, back in 2003.

    “Even after regulators in 2003 uncovered a scheme by Fannie and Freddie executives to overstate earnings by $10.6 billion to boost bonuses, Democrats killed reform.
    “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Rep. Frank, then-ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee.”

    That was printed today in a major, national, business paper, I doubt the republicans will be blamed this time.

    Bill Clinton is even recorded, (see youtube), saying he couldn’t stop the democrats from creating “Affordable Loans” for “Affordable Housing” and saw that this was crashing down when he was in office.

    Palin can’t be worse than Flinstone Barney Frank, and his pal Chris Dodd.

    HOW CAN THESE DEMOCRATS head up the Banking Committes in Congress and then “Blame the Republicans”, I am laughing, and laughing,

    ( I did short the DOW & S&P over 30 days ago), wow, is my 401k up or what !!


  25. Angel H. Wong says:


    “I remember when SNL was funny. Jimmy Carter was president.”

    Actually, it means that you’re too old to understand the jokes. Plus, those jokes were too innocent for my tastes.

  26. pfkad says:

    #20,Mustard: You’re right. To me she sounds just like the Francis McDormand character from the movie “Fargo”.


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