MediaCurves.Com – A Service of HCD Research Inc. — An interesting site with a self-selecting research base that could be way off, but there are trends. The main one, to me, is that the Democrats are more in lock-step than the Republicans so with just an even split of the undecided and independents they should win this election easily. Let’s see how they blow it. (Or not blow it.) Unless the Republicans pull out that non-existent but rumored video of Michelle Obama calling out whitey while sister-necking and wagging her finger, I don’t see any rabbits in the hat. The current Republican strategies have shown no creativity. Overconfidence could be a factor for the Dems.

This study gave participants the opportunity to use their cell phones or the web as response tools to provide their opinions on which candidate was winning the debate regarding key issues facing the country. The results were gathered simultaneously through text messaging and a web tool and displayed live on Over 1200 respondents participated in this study.

  1. DEMOCRAT says:



  2. qsabe says:

    The democrats had the white house and both houses of congress wired, then shit for brains Dean let the TV talking heads pick his candidates for him.

    McCain will win, die, then the idiot with the biggest tits will run the country.

  3. James Hill says:

    Agreed 100% – The question now is if the liberals can own up to it despite their fears of losing.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #32 “then the idiot with the biggest tits will run the country.”

    Sorry, Bill Clinton isn’t eligible to be Pres again. LOL

  5. Joe says:

    #28, maybe you’re right. It never stopped McCain from getting elected here, but it never got played in the media either. Watch in a few weeks when the OBama camp leaks it, and then watch all the independent votes go Dem. It’s one thing to be pro-life, but if you’re attacking clinics, then you’ve got problems.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    “Umm, no. Bush’s ratings 4 1/2 years ago were much higher than now.”

    The funny thing is, three days after he won the ballot his approval rating fell by five points. I mean, who wins a reelection with a steadily losing approval rate?


    “Sorry, Bill Clinton isn’t eligible to be Pres again. LOL”

    I’d rather have a president that likes to spray fat chicks with semen and then keep the economy growing than an idiot who likes to read the Bible every morning and then screws up the economy big time.

  7. the answer says:

    because we live in a state of mind that what we think is the truth without fact checking. How many blogs do you read and believe blindly? Sh!t people still think wikipedia is a good source of information. Try quoting anything from there and watch yourself get corrected time and time again. I digress, people believe what they want to believe. If you’re a McShitface supporter, of course you will think he won the debates. You want your trophy even for losing. And if your the judge course your bias.


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