PETER HITCHENS: How China has created a new slave empire in Africa | Mail Online — A few years back when I was lectured by some German investors about the Chinese intentions in Africa I have harped on the negative aspects of the topic and always feel vindicated (but not happy) as the situation deteriorates while few notice. This article needs to be read and even passed around.

Now the leader of the Patriotic Front, with a respectable chance of winning a presidential election set for the end of October, Sata says: ‘The Chinese are not here as investors, they are here as invaders.

‘They bring Chinese to come and push wheelbarrows, they bring Chinese bricklayers, they bring Chinese carpenters, Chinese plumbers. We have plenty of those in Zambia.’

This is true. In Lusaka and in the Copper Belt, poor and lowly Chinese workers, in broad-brimmed straw hats from another era, are a common sight at mines and on building sites, as are better-dressed Chinese supervisors and technicians.

There are Chinese restaurants and Chinese clinics and Chinese housing compounds – and a growing number of Chinese flags flapping over factories and smelters.

‘We don’t need to import labourers from China,’ Sata says. ‘We need to import people with skills we don’t have in Zambia. The Chinese are not going to train our people in how to push wheelbarrows.’

  1. joe says:

    come on, who didn’t see this happening. I for one say let the Chinese rule over these people, let Putin and the Russians rule over Venezuela. These regions/countries all hate the U.S. and believe the Chinese and Russians will give them a square deal. Sure, they’ll get the square deal with a smile and a handshake, only the other hand has a sickle ready to act.

  2. soundwash says:

    sounds like someone did not read the fine print
    on that Chinese “win-win – oil for infrastructure – no strings attached” slogan they’ve been spreading around in search of resources..


  3. god says:

    I’m sorry. I thought I was entering the 21st Century not 1952. Populism and racism, the “Yellow Peril” are all still alive and well.

    Though I have to wonder how many of those who are professionally fearful of China have ripped all the Chinese tech from their homes, cars and computers?

  4. #3

    You obviously believe the Chinese operate businesses out of compassion for their partners.

    Get a clue, they poisoned their own babies to increase profits. I don’t have children, but I know parents, and those people would become murderous if some company did that to their child. Obviously the Chinese do not fear the maternal/paternal instinct.

    It is been said in the business press for the last 10-15 years that the Chinese Way is to shake your hand just before they renegotiate you into a weaker position.

    I see no reason why we (the USA population) won’t be put into the same position those Africans, in the photo, are in. Slaves to our Chinese Financial Masters.

    The only difference is that we have nuclear weapons. But eventually (100 years) every country will have nuclear weapons.

  5. god says:

    Dufus #4 – I’ve done business with the Japanese, the Chinese on Taiwan and the Chinese on the Mainland since the 1970’s. I’ve heard the same whine for decades.

    Holy War prattle, holier-than-thou catechism from the country that wrote the book on Imperialism [the Brits since you obviously haven’t read any history] – now quoted in the country that took over that mantle in the 1940’s – is world-class country-club hypocrisy.

    From the Daily Mail to Ron Paul, et al, self-delusion wrapped in racism doesn’t smell any sweeter.

    Yeah, business is tough. Check out life around American and British drilling rigs in Africa for the last half-century, then, tell me what standards we’ve set.

    I know you wouldn’t consider asking some poor bugger in Basra. I wouldn’t want to distract anyone here from God’s Mission in the Middle East.

  6. bobbo says:

    If the Chinese are bringing in their own labor force, I don’t see how you get to a “Slave Empire.”

    I do see raping the resources and not living up to their contracts. Whats the matter, thats not sexy enough?

  7. I’ve been to Japan and Europe and the Middle East, and have seen how some members of these cultures think the USA is to be enslaved by our superiors (them). This is a basic human instinct, more strongly expressed in some individuals than others.

    You obviously harbor the same view, that the US should be enslaved, or you would not have attacked us in #3. I cast your aspersions right back at you, as you are obviously trying to mask your contempt for us by claiming we are more than just suspicious of the Chinese, but outright racists.

    You have been called out for what you are.

  8. zorkor says:

    I think China is much better than America when it comes to Africa. USA really ruined it when they sent forces in Somalia and their constant meddling in Africa is not winning any US friends.
    Africa seems obsessed with Chinese as the Chinese don’t go with war drums, they go to build factories, create jobs and give opportunities to the poor unlike USA which is always like a plague whenever it sets its foot on any country.

    The same goes for Latin America, they love the Russians too much cuz USA has given them nothing with military coups, political assassinations and political meddling.

    the US should better watch its back…

  9. I want to come back to “god” on one more point.

    To use a metaphor: Any man that treats his family poorly is not likely to be a good guest in your house.

    My Grandfather was in China during WWII (with the US Navy, he was an MD), has had great fondness for the people and a well-developed appreciation for the culture. That has somewhat worn off on all of us in the family. I had great interest in China until Tienanmen Square, and saw it for what it is. Our closest event (recently) was Kent State, but the outcomes were very different.

    I am not saying America is better, just that China should be seen through a critical eye.

    End of Story.

  10. bobbo says:

    “Any man that treats his family poorly is not likely to be a good guest in your house.” /// Surely that depends on what you and he wants?

    Its been said that Countries don’t have friends, they have interests. How a guest in your house metaphor does anything except foul the waters of clear thinking is beyond me.

  11. Jopa says:

    How the hell did this post turn into US bashing?!

    First of all, if the story is true then shame on China.
    Second, the chinese should fix it. I am not saying that they should pay Zambians a 100$ a day, but 10$ sounds a whole lot better – at least for starters.
    And last but not least – if the africans will continue to let anyone treat them like that then nothing will ever change.

    They should politely explain to the chinese government that there are basic laws and that they should care about the employees. I am not saying that this will transform the continent in a day, but it will at least make the living easier. Then, step by step improve the other issues until they get a more or less good result.

  12. GF says:

    Poor Africa. They had the first great empire and now it has come to this. It’s like watching a where are they now episode of Gary Coleman on TV. Oh well. Sh!t Happens.

  13. LinusVP says:

    What a great article. This should be front page news.

  14. Sea Lawyer says:

    This kinda reminds me of when I was in Djibouti several years ago. We basically sat around for months waiting for buildings to be renovated before we could move in. All of that would have taken half the time if we had just brought in Americans to do the work, but it was policy that locals would be contracted to do the work.

  15. Improbus says:

    Africa is a shit hole and it looks like it always will be. On the bright side we get to watch “natural” selection at work on vast scales there.

  16. brendal says:

    China – the new Europe!

    “To constrain the brute force of the people, the European governments deem it necessary to keep them down by hard labor, poverty and ignorance, and to take from them, as from bees, so much of their earnings, as that unremitting labor shall be necessary to obtain a sufficient surplus to sustain a scanty and miserable life.”

    – Thomas Jefferson

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    Better start teaching your kids how to speak Mandarin.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – Bring on New War! – I’ve been to Japan and Europe and the Middle East, and have seen how some members of these cultures think the USA is to be enslaved by our superiors (them).

    LMAO – Bullshit at its best.

    #9 – Bring on New War! – My Grandfather was in China during WWII (with the US Navy, he was an MD)

    Which unit was he with? Where in China? Why? And what time?

    I had great interest in China until Tienanmen Square, and saw it for what it is.

    So, the cultural revolution and Lao Gai was okay, but cracking down on the students wasn’t? What kind of asshole are you?


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