Who cares if they hate us? (Scripting News) — I would normally post a comment on a blog other than my own but in this instance the readers of this weird essay were told to blog it since comments were turned off. Ok, whatever. I found this to be an interesting essay because it exposed more than a few bigoted attitudes about Palin, the Southern States, the “fly-overs” and probably a few other groups. It was out-and-out contempt for any American who was not over-educated and well-traveled. I was embarrassed to read it. But the real kicker is within this excerpt.

But I’ve decided I don’t care if they [Americans in the red states] hate me or not. After all, they say that we as Americans shouldn’t care whether people outside the United States hate us. So why should I care if they hate me?

Another reason they [Americans in the red states] probably hate me, though few have the guts to say it openly, is that I’m Jewish. Many of them don’t like immigrants. I was born in the US, but my parents weren’t. I’m as much an American as any of them are, but I’ll never agree with their paranoia about immigration.

They act as if they’re [Americans in the red states] the only ones who die in our wars or pay taxes or do hard or meaningful work. They feel pretty sorry for themselves. They didn’t care a bit for NY until it provided them with an excuse to hate other people. Shit, you would think they would applaud the act of terrorism that destroyed the twin towers and all those New Yorkers! I’ve never figured that one out. I thought they hated liberals who live in NY?

Let me get this straight, Dave. You have not figured out why some bloke in Kansas wasn’t applauding — APPLAUDING? — when NYC was attacked on 9-11? I cannot believe you have apparently zero connection with the public-at-large, red state or blue to even suggest this befuddlement. Seriously, you should be ashamed of yourself for this. Ashamed.

And this bigoted rant ended up on Huffington? Unbelievable.

  1. jccalhoun says:

    Yes he means liberal and conservative. That map isn’t the best representation of what he means. Basically he means the West and East coast and cities vs. the middle of the country and rural areas.

    It amazes me how uniformly positive the comments at Huffinton Post are. It does make me laugh when they accuse the flyover states of being provincial. Pot calling the kettle black…

  2. gmknobl says:

    First, there is prejudice – active prejudice that is out there and running things in a lot of places, but not just the red states. Really anywhere where neocon reactionaries or, more truly, non-thinkers (and by this I mean people who don’t analyze a situation but let someone tell them what to believe MOST of the time) are in positions of authority. Even Ayn Rand ranted against these people, and I’m no fan of hers. I see it here where someone won’t be hired, not because of their capabilities but because a rumor that was heard.

    It’s sad to see that a constant state of ignorance and prejudice directed at those who do think produces an arrogant outburst. It’s not so much that it reveals an arrogance that was already there, the constant prejudiced yells by the neocon side actually encourages the reverse prejudice by fanning unreasoning anger. People, we are searching for reasons why so many are angry at them for something they didn’t do. I’m angry, but I know what Bush has done, and Reagan, and Bush and Nixon and yes, even Clinton, but moreover the congressmen and lobbyists that pushed them into making what even some of these presidents acknowledge are bad mistakes. Oops, I should also include Carter.

    So, when someone tries to educated them as to why certain decisions are bad – such as privatizing social security or deregulation of investment banks and regular banks so they can combine – and are met with rants against “liberal” or being “educated” (Sarah Palin) or the color of their skin (they are the kin of Caan, you know), it’s no wonder that eventually they give up and go off on a prejudice rant of their own.

    This should no be excused – he should be educated as to why this is wrong. But it is a normal human reaction to the prejudice he’s tired of receiving for a VERY long time.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    The funniest part is his name, Dave Whiner.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Whiner makes a very valid, well written opinion piece. What he wrote doesn’t need to be true, only his view needs to be accurate. That is why it is an OPINION and not factual.

    I moved here 10 years ago. Yes, this little corner of Indiana is very provincial. Those claiming Whiner is provincial don’t have a clue what the term means. This county has more churches than it does stores, theaters, and schools combined. The number one reason around here to vote McCain is he opposes abortion. The number two reason is Obama is a Muslim. No other reason required. If Obama was anti-abortion he would win hands down.

    Yes, those in Kansas do hate New York City. And Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Boston, and where ever else. Yes, they do hate Jews, blacks, and immigrants. Yes you do need to be white, a solid church attendee, and married with children to be accepted for office. Multi generations in the community helps.

    The saddest part of his rant is it is falling on deaf ears. So who cares if they hate us? Guess why 9/11 happened and maybe you’ll understand his point. A couple of days after 9/11 I remember saying close to what Whiner said. I was politely told to shut the eff up. The truth only clouded the issue. It is so much easier to hate when you don’t have to think about it.

    So instead of criticizing Whiner, why not critique his comments. Post WHAT and WHY he is wrong.

  5. Brian says:

    My guess is he is judging the “flyover states” by the people he met working in diners, hotels and gas stations. I am sure he didn’t meet many educated people like he hangs with in NY. That would be like me judging New York by the cab drivers and street vendors.

    There is plenty of ignorance out there, on the coasts and in between.

    He is the elitist that we all hear about.

  6. Thinker says:

    Quite! This guy *is* the elitist we all hear about. An elitist liberal through and though. I thought his line about being considered conservative came off like saying, “But hey, some of my best friends are gay”
    Who considers this guy conservative?? A rabid communist?? Cynthia McKinney??

    He is an elitest coward who doesn’t want to hear anything people have to say. He’s too full of himself to take it in. Instead he wants all of us to ‘talk amongst ourselves’ and become enlightened. What a narrow minded, high handed, pompous wastetrel.

    My $.02, he thinks he’s the solution, while not thinking about the problem.

  7. Helzerman says:

    I can’t handle Scripting News. For one thing, there is that annoying Ode To Dave’s Greatness Quote Wall flanking the right margin, and, if that is not enough, just when you’re getting into reading his posts he will trip you up by doing something nasty like posting a picture of a fat, naked person.

    Dave is prejudiced against small town people, whom he thinks are prejudiced against him. Well…. they must be prejudiced if they don’t like him. After all, have you not read the Ode To Dave’s Greatness Quote Wall?

  8. Joe says:

    Of course he would think Americans would applaud the 9/11 attacks on liberal NYC. That’s how lefties think. They would cheer if the attacks had been in Texas. Michael Moore after 9/11 on his website, what are you guys doing? NYC, LA, Boston, DC, Pennsylvania, these are the places that voted against Bush!

  9. brendal says:

    Conservatives have long supported Israel…how is that hating Jews? I’d like to see him try to answer that one.

  10. DDub says:

    Winer just needs to take a road trip. Go to Indianapolis. Go to Atlanta. Go to Birmingham. Go to Des Moines. Go to Sioux Falls. Go to Kansas City. Go to Billings.

    He needs to talk to people. They might even be interested in what he does for a living. He might become interested in them. Wow, I bet some of them even went to college! Some might even have advanced degrees! They might even believe in (gasp!) evolution!

    There are Jews in the Midwest too, I’ve met them!

    Seriously, Winer sounds like an Urban John Rocker in his post.

  11. Smartalix says:

    The sad part is the parts that are true and should be enlightening are lost in the spew of the diatribe.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


  13. This is awesome:


    Wait…I wrote that, I don’t think I can legally say it’s awesome.

    I couldn’t resist…


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