1. You says:

    And as for the uh, television’s so called “plan”…

  2. amodedoma says:

    Hey I got an idea, why don’t we try the old fashioned way. Figure out what went wrong and staighten it out. Taking the taxpayers money to fix this is a poor temporary solution and totally invalid if the situation that caused this is not avoided in the future.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    What really, really pisses me off is my three reps (two senators and one rep) have gone on the record and said over 90% of their constituents have said NO but they are still seriously considering passing this piece of BS.

    Someone in another thread mentioned something about torches and pitchforks. Where’s the meeting place?


  4. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – LibertyLover – VOTE THIRD PARTY!!!

    You really want four years of McBush?

  5. Awake says:

    (I can’t help but quote a snippet of DailyKos.com)

    Now McCain Is Phoning It In
    by BarbinMD
    Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 06:05:05 PM PDT

    More proof that John McCain’s oh-so-bold decision to “suspend” his campaign was a nothing but a cheap, political stunt:

    John McCain is staying in Washington this weekend to keep working on the bailout legislation. He will not be visiting Capital Hill, however, preferring to work out of his campaign office.

    “He can effectively do what he needs to do by phone,” said senior adviser Mark Salter.

    This must be driving McCain insane. His cheesy “stop the debates” ploy didn’t work and now he’s stuck in Washington until a deal is reached. And what was Obama doing?

    Today, as John McCain sat in his condominium in Arlington, Senator Obama spoke directly with more than 20,000 voters in North Carolina as well as Congressman Barney Frank, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Senator Harry Reid to discuss on-going negotiations.

  6. chris says:

    very good

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    Why do we find ourselves in this situation? Liberal Democrats. From 2004:


    Go ahead and delete it, McCullough. It’s what you like to do when evidence contrary to your views is posted.

  8. bobbo says:

    #7–lou==thanks. Every American should see that video. Kinda takes the air out of my sails with the following less interesting 5 minute read about the causation from a lack of financial model perspective:



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