I wonder if he had to go through a security checkpoint.

  1. Wally the Engineer says:

    It’s just amazing that he did it. Hopefully, the technology he’s working on now, will eventually turn into the “flying cars” that were promised in the year 2000 by my 1973 World Book Encyclopedia!

  2. Petrov says:

    Unfortunately, lawyers won’t let this fly. Lawsuits will keep this mode of transport from ever being allowed. Just like flying cars…

    It is way cool tho!

  3. green says:

    He was launched from an airplane? Lame.

  4. B. Dog says:

    It looks like we’re still on track towards the nightmare vision of flying monkeys from The Wizard of OZ.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Cool invention, but only for the very rich.

    I recall seeing the price for one of these jetpacks and thinking “Jetpack, or small house, which is cheaper?”

    It’s not going to revolutionize personal transport with only 6 minutes of fuel and having to be launched from a plane.

    I still want one, though!

  6. jerry says:


  7. mthrnite says:

    I wonder if this cat jumped off his roof in a towel-cape when he was a kid. SUU-perMAAAAN! *crash*

  8. soundwash says:

    very cool. i saw this guy and a similar wing a ways back… i found the ultra small size of the jet engines very slick..

    cant wait for the flood of DU Darwin Award vids
    if this ever sees production..:P

    -though it would be a great way to cut down on the amount of morons propagating on the planet..

    #3 the amount of extra fuel, not to mention attitude controls needed for (essentially VTOL) take off from the ground would make the weight/size of the unit “unfeasable”, imo..

    ofc, i bet there has been area51 tech around for years that allows for a “practical” wing..

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The Guy Who Flew The Channel With A Jet
    >>Wing On His Back

    He “flew” it? Past tense? I must have missed that part of the video. In fact, the YouTube caption says “Swiss `Jetman’ to fly solo across English Channel”.

    Could someone please post the time point in the video where anyone claims he actually DID it?

    Or is this another case of RTFA, and nobody bothered to do that?

  10. chris says:

    Reminds me of the French guy that walked between the World Trade Center towers on a tightrope.

    It’s good to see oddball Frenchmen. England has more than it’s share of weirdos, and pound for pound Finland might be in the lead.

    Also reminds me of the guys with webbed jumpsuits that skim mountains, I think it was posted on this site a few months back.

    How would you decide to do this for the first time? More balls than brains, but balls nonetheless!

  11. amodedoma says:

    #9 MM – He did it all right check it out ->


    He’s been workin at this for years – culmination of a dream, you know the plot…

  12. amodedoma says:

    I bet special forces are interested in these, specially navy seals, those guys are nuts enough to think something like this is fun. You know just the right probability of dying a horrible death ;-).

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #11 – Amo

    So he did. You’re right. There’s nothing in the video to suggest that, though.

  14. edwinrogers says:

    Technically, he “fell” across the English Channel.

  15. Lou says:

    Why ?

  16. tdkyo says:

    Imagine the military application to this.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    This guy must have grown up watching “KING OF THE ROCKET MEN”


    (A good watch)


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