The sad part is, her vote will cancel out YOUR vote! LOL!

  1. wumpus says:

    Holy Fart Buckets!
    Where did they find my family? I haven’t seen my mom and pop, and uncle Cleetus since last X-mas.
    Darn it all, they still make me proud to be a soldier fighting for “my” country.

  2. Wow! Among the three of them, I’ll bet they must have almost a dozen IQ points. And about the same number of teeth.

    And wtf are they riding? A llama with a pear-tree partridge strapped to the side?

    At least the toothless tool in front has a nice big nose. That must help with the cocaine thing.

  3. eaze says:

    Good old Americans, think that its wrong for Middle Easteners to marry distant cousins while drunkenly penetrating their own sisters and mothers. Good stuff.

  4. Pete says:

    the scary thing is they reproduce..

  5. F. Gump says:

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Deliverance, anyone?

  7. What the? says:

    Maybe forced contraception is the answer to the dumbing of America.

  8. ScottLive5 says:

    …as if they’re registered to vote

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve heard very educated people sound just as stupid in their political beliefs. You can find McCain haters that are just as ignorant about the truth. Some even blog on this site.

  10. bobbo says:

    hahahahahah Even she knows that Spain is our ally. I really wanted to post “typical red state voter” but I think I heard she was a Hilary supporter. Can’t bear to watch the video again to confirm.

  11. fulanoche says:


    retroactive abortion–yes

  12. Stars & Bars says:

    This poor woman has been watching 60 minutes.

  13. #12 – Jägermeister

    Gee. James Hill is quite talented. Why do you suppose he posts on here disguised as a drooling nimwit? Or do his skills only go as far as the banjo?

  14. rabsten says:

    C’mon people! Sing it with me!

    Almost Heaven,
    West Virginia…

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – Mister Mustard – Why do you suppose he posts on here disguised as a drooling nimwit?

    He’s screaming for attention.

  16. Calin says:

    I love the fact that she keeps repeating that she had voted for Hillary Clinton for President.

  17. #16 – Calin

    She probably meant she voted for BILL Clinton, but doesn’t have enough brain cells left to remember something that happened 12 years ago.

    I’d be surprised if she even remembers why she strapped that pear-tree partridge to the side of her llama.

  18. magnumpc says:

    Well, now we know who McCain’s constituents are.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Jag,

    One of the best movies ever made. I’ve always loved that piece. Especially Paddy-O’s dancing.

  20. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Deliverance – The Next Generation

  21. hhopper says:

    I wish the cameraman had zoomed out so we could see WTF the three of them were riding.

  22. #22 – hhopper

    I maintain that it was a llama.

    Serves as both a means of transportation and a sex toy for the three of them.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #10 “but I think I heard she was a Hilary supporter.”

    Yep, she is. Typical lib voter!

  24. #24 – O’Furniture

    >>Yep, she is. Typical lib voter!

    I thought “typical lib voters” were overeducated east coast elitists. Now you’re saying that an inbred hillbilly woman riding a llama slash sex-toy with her two lover/ brother sidekicks is a “typical lib voter”?

    Face it, O’Furniture. You’re just bitter, dejected, and despondent because Dumbya’s eight-year reign of terror is over, and we’re going to start getting country back on track in 114 short days.

    And you realize that “libs” are your betters.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #25 “I thought “typical lib voters” were overeducated east coast elitists. Now you’re saying”

    Since I never said that; your sentence, “Now you’re saying …” makes no sense.

    Rephrase and I’ll try and respond.

  26. QB says:

    We all know that 50% of the population is below average. But then there is the tail of the distribution to think about…

  27. #26 – O’Furniture

    Give it up, son. Your kind went out of style around the time Dumbya dragged us into his Trophy War Without End.

    The neocon nut-jobs have had their opportunity to do something, and they’ve failed.

    Now it’s time for some REAL leaders to take over, and put this whole ugly mess behind us.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #28 “Now it’s time for some REAL leaders to take over,”

    When you see one let me know. Been waiting 2 years since the last time I voted for real leaders. They still haven’t done any leading…

  29. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – Stars & Bars – This poor woman has been watching 60 minutes.

    WOW. That video truly changed my opinion about Mike Wallace. What a piece of shit he is.

    #20 – Mr. Fusion – Especially Paddy-O’s dancing.


    #25 – Mister Mustard – I thought “typical lib voters” were overeducated east coast elitists. Now you’re saying that an inbred hillbilly woman riding a llama slash sex-toy with her two lover/ brother sidekicks is a “typical lib voter”?

    LOL … Cut him some slack… it’s a tough choice…

  30. #29 – O’Furniture

    >>When you see one let me know.

    I’ve seen one. And his middle name is HUSSEIN. You know, like his uncle Saddam? The guy with the WMDs who was responsible for 9/11?


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