Simple and to the point. You saw it. What did you think?

  1. MikeN says:

    Obama put up four conditions for a bailout in the debate. 2 days ago, he put up 5 conditions.
    The one he dropped:

    Fifth we need to have a clean bill.

    SO what extras does he want to add to the bailout?

  2. chris says:

    Obama: Tactics and Strategy. Misused. McCain called him on it. He continued to misuse it. He made a point of using the word strategy after that. He was also smirked and fidgeted a lot while McCain was talking. Stuff like this is on tape. Gore’s sighs became a problem when talking heads kept bringing it up, I doubt most people caught it during the initial viewing. Obama was also cold, wagged his finger a lot, and was generally pedantic. He is pretty poor once you take his teleprompter away.

    McCain: Talks like a normal guy, a normal old guy. He did look tired and stumbled over his words at several points. He has grit and he stayed on the attack, but about 2/3 of the way through he looked a mite wobbly. Still better to hit than get hit. The big story here were his pre-debate maneuvers. I’m not sure how these will play. He was likely trying to get Obama off of his game, I think it worked but the media might skewer him for it. If McCain can rattle Obama by insulting his pride in future debates McCain might have a breakout moment.

    Verdict: Obama is the king of the Glittering Generality and McCain kept him away from this overwhelming strength. They were both petty and backward looking. McCain is tougher and more, um, historic so it helped him. Narrow edge McCain. Widen that a bit because Obama is perceived to be much more intelligent and he didn’t blow it wide open.

  3. #62 – Chris

    >>Narrow edge McCain.

    Counterpoint: Narrow edge Obama. He IS much more intelligent, his flip-flop score is lower, he’s not a Dumbya clone (and he didn’t come across looking like one last night, unlike McBush).

    And there’s just something about McBush’s personality that grates on most people’s nerves. Maybe not that Deliverance threesome in the video posted here, but most people.

    He’s like Bush, but without the dopey good ol’ boy aw shucks mask that Bush wears.

  4. bobbo says:

    #60–Mike==I haven’t posted to this thread==but since you called me out, I do disagree. Saddleback was not in any sense a debate==it was a congenial discussion with a preacher with no interaction between the candidates.

    This debate was far better and a fair person would have to conclude that McCain won on Foreign Affairs on style but not on substance whereas Obama won all issues on substance and won on the economy on style as well. That said, neither candidate made an error (maybe someone about Kissinger), both scored very near the other, and this debate format showed itself to be pretty much worthless.

    No, whats needed is a panel of experts to have 5-6 followup questions with Daily Show video tape to really put these candidates on the spot. Like question time at the House of Commons. It will never happen.

    We so need a parliamentary system. Bush would have been removed 3 years ago.

  5. dm says:

    Looks like McCain made more “errors” than Obama.

  6. hhopper says:

    Anyone notice that McCain failed to make eye contact with Obama?

  7. MikeN says:

    Yea this debate was worthless. I thought saddleback produce more of interest.

  8. Rick Cain says:

    McCain should have stayed home as planned.

  9. Montanaguy says:

    I was struck by the fact that when Lehrer asked Obama what he planned to cut in his budget to pay for the bailout (“financial rescue plan”), Obama simply began to speak about all of the new spending programs he wants, energy, education, health care – not really answering the question directly at all. I was amazed that McCain didn’t jump all over this as another example of a liberal looking at the U.S. treasury as being infinite and every government program getting a green light.

  10. #69 – Hannah

    >>I was amazed that McCain didn’t jump
    >>all over this

    Why would he? His “plan” is the same, only more so. And he’s not going to bother spending money on useless shit like energy, education, health care. You know, stuff that benefits those pesky average Americans.

    As to “liberals” “looking at the U.S. treasury as being infinite”, HAW. After the past 8 years, either you’re jerking our chains, or you’re dumber than Dumbya.

  11. Montanaguy says:

    MooseTurd, do your parents know that you’re still up?

  12. #71 – Hannah

    Not much of a comeback, Montana.

    On the other hand, what could you say? I nailed your geriatric wannabe POTUS dead to rights.

    “Bailouts for Billionaires”. That’s his campaign slogan. He thinks just because he traded in his crippled wife for one who has more money than God, the rest of America shares his priorities. And he calls Obama elitist? Tee hee hee!!

  13. bobbo says:

    #69–Montanna==that was spinning by Obama. McCain did only slighter better with an equal lack of candor.

    Yep, raising taxes or cutting programs will get your opposition elected. Americans don’t want the truth. Had McNeil been more forceful/derisive in demanding an answer, then there could have been some meat on this vegetarian special.

    No hard choices. Just sugar coated lies and evasions. A Pox on both of them.==Except I still “hope” Obama would do the right thing and lie to us about it as a politician will do, while McCain would fiddle/fart around, lie to himself and then us, and make everything even worse than Bush has. But thats too optimistic.

    I really do respect the Congressional Pubs putting it to Bush. About time they found their philosophical conservative roots. What drugs puts you to sleep for 8 years and still lets you walk and talk?


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