Warning: audio is NSFW!

I couldn’t resist making this.

  1. rectagon says:

    Um. Daft.
    I’d vote for Obama if I lived in the States… but this kind of video is just silly. Try it with Chubby Checker music instead… nevermind, still won’t work.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    Um, okay. So I guess you just learned how to use Final Cut Pro?

  3. nilum87 says:

    What exactly was the point of this?

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Nice shot of a pregnant, pre-Trig Bristol Palin. Have the results of that DNA test come back yet???? I still want to know who Trig’s mother is.

    And the t-shirt pic of Palin showing her in her “I may be broke, but I’m not flat busted” logo’d t-shirt was nice. Too bad you couldn’t find one of her competing in the Wasilla Oktoberfest Wet T-Shirt Competition. THAT would have been some quality videography!!

  5. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Like it! 😀

  6. Bob64 says:

    Meh…..Epic fail…

  7. I’m sure that something got lost in the translation with this video.

    Maybe the packets containing the video’s point got lost? Try reposting.

  8. contempt says:

    Helserman = “I couldn’t resist making this”

    You should have! You have my sympathy – it must be difficult going though life with an empty brain.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:


    This just shows, once again, that “art” is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t care for Palin. Yet, even to me this was obviously a smear. The soundtrack was even worse. Granted, some people will enjoy this and rave about it. Just don’t count me in that group.

  10. steve canuck says:

    OK, you don’t like women in politics. We see that. What else you got?

  11. Pixbird says:

    Worst episode ever!

  12. Angus says:

    Yeah, let’s needlessly focus on the 17 year old unwed pregnant daughter just a little bit more. You’ve haven’t made her life a TOTAL living hell yet…

  13. moss says:

    Well done – and delightful.

    You can especially tell by the self-pitying tone of the whines.

  14. Dallas says:

    Didn’t see the video, don’t want to. I’m just happy to see the Palin bubble starting to burst.

    Palin is a GOP pick with no substance and all for show. They are now keeping her off the camera. Last night was the first clear example.

  15. god says:

    The funniest of the rightwing wankers, this morning, is #10. Obviously, hasn’t figured out how to click on the masthead link.

  16. onomontapeia says:

    Next time try using music with the video. you also forgot to add pictures of white militia and the KKK. Don’t you know anything about White America? Dope!

  17. #12 – Angus

    >>Yeah, let’s needlessly focus on the 17 year
    >>old unwed pregnant daughter just a little bit

    Confession is good for the soul.

    And if there’s nothing to confess, let’s see the results of the DNA test.

    If we can’t trust Palin to tell the truth about who her own children are, should we trust her to answer those 3am phone calls with her finger on the Red Button???

  18. james says:

    This is stupid and unfair and pointless. It doesn’t lend credibility to any site that hosts it.

  19. cg says:

    we’ll give you the dna as soon as we get osappo’s dna for his children WTF

  20. Lou Minatti says:

    What a brave man you are, Helzerman. As I point out, the Dems are the party of hate. Thanks for providing further confirmation.

    So Dems attack children, women, Christians… funny how my challenge to the leftist bloggers here like Uncle Dave is never met: I challenge you to post a hit piece on Islam. What’s that? You won’t? Why not? Is it because you are afraid?

    [Helzerman is not a man. – ed.]

  21. billabong says:

    One of the best things about living in Wis.is that you only hear rap if you want to.

  22. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve never bought into the hype surrounding Palin, but the more people unfairly attack her, the more pissed I become.

    Have we degenerated in to a bunch of childish trolls, taking pleasure in trashing people and their families, just because we don’t agree with them politically.

    Trashing others is like spitting into a mirror, it only reflects poorly upon us…

  23. STEVE says:




  24. Paddy-O says:

    I didn’t get it. Maybe I should learn to speak crim ghetto?

  25. Greg Allen says:

    I don’t get it. Republicans are nearly all white. Is that it?

  26. James Hill says:

    Like I proved last week: Liberals fail at humor.

  27. #19 – cg

    >>we’ll give you the dna as soon as we get
    >>osappo’s dna for his children WTF

    wtf is right. Nobody’s ever accused Michelle Obama with lying about her children.

    The gauntlet has been thrown down at Bimbette Palin’s feet.

    She can run and try to hide.

    Or she can set everything straight with a simple cheek swab.

    The fact that she chooses to run and hide speaks volumes.

  28. #27 – Jimmie Colina

    >>Like I proved last week: Liberals fail at

    I think if there’s one thing that the entirety of dvorak dot org slash blog can agree on, it’s that you’ve never proven anything.

    You’ve never even made a point.

    Of course, you do post pretty good for a bot.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #28 “wtf is right. Nobody’s ever accused Michelle Obama with lying about her children.”

    Okay, I hereby formerly accuse Mrs. Obama of the same thing.

    Please, start calling for her to do a DNA test.


  30. #30 – Cow Paddy

    That’s just stupid. I hereby accuse you of having sex with other cows in your paddock. Please provide proof to the contrary. And I accuse your mother of having sex with a Brahma bull, resulting in you as offspring. That’s about on par with your silly comment.

    Now. Back to reality.

    There has been a firestorm of worldwide controversy over whether or not Bristol Palin is actually the mother of Trig (with photo evidence suggesting that she is). And that Palin is lying about it, in some misguided attempt to deny (although it’s not feasible with the second Bristol child) the obvious and placate her far-rightwing kook supporter base.

    And she’s running for VP.

    Easy enough myth to debunk, if in fact it is a myth.

    I don’t think America needs a “sexy librarian” version of Dick Cheney (with only the dishonesty part, not the brains).

    So easy to debunk, so hard to run away from.


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