Warning: audio is NSFW!

I couldn’t resist making this.

  1. cg says:

    Mustard you dolt, we all know osappa is queer where do his kids come from

  2. bobbo says:

    I’ve listened to the audio twice and can’t tell what “equations” they are making. The video maker has given her intention in a blog post at the Flicker Link. While nice and correct, it doesn’t match the video.

    I didn’t register so I could comment, but I’d like to hear the rest of the rap. Sounds good, but like most music, doesn’t mean a thing.

    After “White America” what is communicated? Not what the video author says, and nothing that I could determine.

    Nice video, devoid of meaning.

  3. #33 – Bobster

    >>I’d like to hear the rest of the rap.

    You’ll have to download it from iTunes, but here are the lyrics:


    America, hahaha, we love you, how many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful
    Country of ours, the stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect,
    The women and men who have broke their neck’s for the freedom of speech the United States
    Government has sworn to uphold, or

    (Yo’, I want everybody to listen to the words of this song) so we’re told…

    I never would’ve dreamed in a million years I’d see,
    So many motherfuckin’ people who feel like me, who share the same views
    And the same exact beliefs, it’s like a fuckin’ army marchin’ in back of me, so many lives I
    Touch, so much anger aimed, in no particular direction, just sprays and sprays, and straight
    Through your radio waves it plays and plays, ’till it stays stuck in your head for days and
    Days, who would of thought, standing in this mirror bleachin’ my hair, with some peroxide,
    Reaching for a t-shirt to wear, that I would catapult to the forefront of rap like this, how
    Could I predict my words would have an impact like this, I must’ve struck a chord, with somebody
    Up in the office, cause congress keeps telling me I ain’t causin’ nuthin’ but problems, and now
    They’re sayin’ I’m in trouble with the government, I’m lovin’ it, I shoveled shit all my life,
    And now I’m dumping it on…

    White America, I could be one of your kids, white America, little Eric looks just like this,
    White America, Erica loves my shit, I go to TRL, look how many hugs I get, white America, I
    Could be one of your kids, white America, little Eric looks just like this, white America, Erica
    Loves my shit, I go to TRL, look how many hugs I get…

    Look at these eyes, baby blue, baby just like yourself, if they were brown, Shady lose, Shady
    Sits on the shelf, but Shady’s cute, Shady knew, Shady’s dimple’s would help, make ladies swoon
    Baby, {ooh baby}, look at my sales, let’s do the math, if I was black, I would’ve sold half, I
    Ain’t have to graduate from Lincoln high school to know that, but I could rap, so fuck school,
    I’m too cool to go back, gimme the mic, show me where the fuckin’ studio’s at, when I was
    Underground, no one gave a fuck I was white, no labels wanted to sign me, almost gave up, I was
    Like, fuck it, until I met Dre, the only one to look past, gave me a chance, and I lit a fire up
    Under his ass, helped him get back to the top, every fan black that I got, was probably his in
    Exchange for every white fan that he’s got, like damn, we just swapped, sittin’ back lookin’ at
    Shit, wow, I’m like my skin is it starting to work to my benefit now, it’s…


    See the problem is, I speak to suburban kids, who otherwise would of never knew these words
    Exist, whose mom’s probably would of never gave two squirts of piss, ’till I created so much
    Motherfuckin’ turbulence, straight out the tube, right into your living room I came, and kids
    Flipped when they knew I was produced by Dre, that’s all it took, and they were instantly hooked
    Right in, and they connected with me too because I looked like them, that’s why they put my
    Lyrics up under this microscope, searchin’ with a fine tooth comb, its like this rope, waitin’
    To choke, tightening around my throat, watching me while I write this, like I don’t like this,
    Nope, all I hear is, lyrics, lyrics, constant controversy, sponsors working ’round the clock, to
    Try to stop my concerts early, surely hip-hop was never a problem in Harlem, only in Boston,
    After it bothered the fathers of daughters starting to blossom, so now I’m catchin’ the flack
    From these activists when they raggin’, actin’ like I’m the first rapper to smack a bitch, or
    Say faggot, shit, just look at me like I’m your closest pal, the posterchild, the motherfuckin’
    Spokesman now for…


    So to the parents of America, I am the derringer aimed at little Erica, to attack her
    Character, the ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns, sent to lead the march right up to
    The steps of congress, and piss on the lawns of the White House, to burn the casket and replace
    It with a parental advisory sticker, to spit liquor in the faces of in this democracy of
    Hypocrisy, fuck you Ms. Cheney, fuck you Tipper Gore, fuck you with the freest of speech this
    Divided states of embarrassment will allow me to have, fuck you, [vocal melody],
    He, hahaha, I’m just playin’ America, you know I love you…

  4. contempt says:

    #34 Mister Mustard

    Thanks for posting that bit of enlightenment. We may now conclude that black people have the most racist culture on the planet. Thanks for clearing that up.

    This is good news for white liberals because now you are no longer required to feel guilty. Free at last, free at last…

    Glad that’s over.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #35 “We may now conclude that black people have the most racist culture on the planet. ”

    I don’t know about that. The most self destructive, sure. Racist? More like tribalism.
    If you aren’t part of the same tribe you kill each other.

    That’s why sub Saharan Africa is a mess. Take stone age tribes and add tech & weapons above a spear and you get mass genocide.

  6. #35 – Numbnuts

    >>We may now conclude that black people have the
    >>most racist culture on the planet. Thanks for
    >>clearing that up.

    Uhhhhh….Eminem is white, genius.

    I guess from your and CowPaddy O’Furniture’s comments, we may assume that you are both KKK Grand Wizards. Right?

    >>Free at last, free at last…

    I don’t think you’ve ever felt any guilt over your racism and idiocy. You’ve been free all along.

  7. contempt says:

    #36 Patty-O

    Self destructive tribalism does seem to be a more accurate term. Now a days the word racist is only good for shaking down corporations and increasing white unemployment.

    #37 Mister Mustard

    Wow! You are promoting me to KKK Grand Wizard. Does this require attending a special school? I prefer the one you attended so I can grow up an be just like you.

  8. bobbo says:

    #34–Mustard==thanks. I was getting all ready to congratulate some out of the ghetto “N’s” for some good work.

    But its Eminem! And yes, many that know music say he is genius.

    Well==from the words, this song really isn’t about America. Its another rap song glorifying the rap artist. Rather typical. Good beat though.

    I think a song has to say more than “F— America” to be a critical analysis of American social attitudes.

    Normally, it takes more than two words to approach a relevant idea. Thats what is wrong with most music and even poetry. An abstract reference/allusion to is not a coherent argument.

    But I see the attraction. Are there any good black rappers?

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #38 “Self destructive tribalism does seem to be a more accurate term.”

    According to the anthropologists we are migrated from Africa. The natives in Africa represent the oldest, and most backward civilizations on the planet. They never advanced beyond the stone age.

    The only thing that makes sense is that outward migrations were prompted by something that attracted the most inteligent at the time. It was a case of “brain drain” on a continental scale.

    So, it is that or, mankind didn’t originate in Africa. Take your pick.

  10. #40 – O’Furniture

    >>According to the anthropologists we are
    >>migrated from Africa.

    So, you’re saying you’ve got one in the woodpile?

    Yikes! That’s not going to go over very well with the guys in your Klavern, I’ll bet.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #41 “That’s not going to go over very well with the guys in your Klavern, I’ll bet.”

    Naw, there’s two bruthas in ours. No problem.

  12. contempt says:

    #40 Paddy-O

    I have no doubt that Africa will always remain mostly a poor tribal civilization.

    One major problem hard to overcome is that they possess an abundance of corrupt dictators bent on making sure the status quo remains the same no matter how much aid the outside world coughs up.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #42 contemp

    I agree. I think the reason it is a major problem is that your typical native can’t envision a group as large as a country. Tribalism keeps them at each others throats withing the “country”. The dictators play one tribe against the other and the people can never unite to throw the bums out.

    At this point the only thing to do is stip the continent of all tech above the stone age and seal off the place from the outside world.

    Let them evolve naturally without outside interference. Eventually (thousands of years) they will be ready to join advanced civilization.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, Bobbo,

    But its Eminem! And yes, many that know music say he is genius.

    I couldn’t give one toilet bowl’s worth to find out which idiots think any rap is music. It isn’t! Geeze, it doesn’t even qualify as bad poetry.

    Suggesting rap is music or Eminem is a genius is on par with expecting Cow-Paddy or Lyin’ Mike to come with an intelligent thought. It just ain’t going to happen.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #45 “I couldn’t give one toilet bowl’s worth to find out which idiots think any rap is music. It isn’t! Geeze, it doesn’t even qualify as bad poetry.”

    Well, we agree on something.

  16. Mr Confusion appears to think everyone should think like him. As if his life is the life everyone leads.

    Pride that dines on vanity, sups on contempt. ~Benjamin Franklin

    Sounds as Mr Franklin knows Mr Confusion all too well.

  17. madtruckman says:

    ya know, im all for freedom of speech, expression, etc. but this kind of stuff need not be posted by MODERATORS of this board. and where is J.C. dvorak in all this? this is his blog, his name, his image, but i dont think his ideas? i can understand putting up news videos and such, but a created video that does not seem to express the views of john c. isnt very funny. and frankly, should get helzerman banned for good. there are other people out there that can moderate and express johns views without doing crap like this….

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #48, mad,

    ya know, im all for freedom of speech, expression, etc. but this kind of stuff need not be posted by MODERATORS of this board.

    That is pure hypocrisy. Freedom of speech not allows Dvorak to have this blog, but also allows him the option of allowing his editors to post whatever topics they chose. Freedom of speech also allows you to NOT be forced to listen / read the post itself or any of the comments.

    Helzerman posted something people thought enough of to generate at least 48 comments. Although most of these comments are negative, they are also relevant and fully deserving. And some people did enjoy this post.

    Remember, freedom of speech doesn’t only apply to what we want to hear / read. It applies especially to that which we disagree with.

  19. Helzerman says:

    #48 Mad -this blog isn’t here to “express John’s views.” It if were, he would be the only one writing it. That’s also why we all post under our own names so you can see who is posting what. Now you know not to like my stuff, but you can still like Dvorak’s. Simple. 🙂

    On to other points…

    A. I’m not a man. This is me: http://tinyurl.com/3rjgsc

    B. I’m not a Democrat,

    C. But I am voting for Obama (if for no other reason, I don’t want Palin to get her hands on the nuclear codes and attack Putin since she can “see Russia from her house”)

    D. I (of course) do not object to women in office.

    E. The video is about American Idol style politics and how easily voters are swayed by looks and spin. In case you have not been watching the news lately, the block of voters McCain won over initially with the introduction of Palin, were white women -thus my sarcastic video. It was not racist any more than the media pointing out the demographic was. My video was just more sarcastic.

    F. Was my video tasteless/rude/good/bad/funny? Matter of opinion. I’m not a comedian, so the merit of the video is fairly up for debate, but

    G. I’m not racist, sexist, male, or a democrat (not that being a democrat or male would be as bad at the first two items on the list lol).

    Thanks for getting all riled up, though. The comments were fun to read.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #50 “B. I’m not a Democrat,”

    Did someone on this thread accuse you of that?

  21. Helzerman says:

    #51 – hmmm… I could have sworn there was a Dem comment up toward the top. Could be it was in another post or I’m loosing my mind (either is plausible), but I don’t see it there now. :-/

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #52 “Could be it was in another post or I’m loosing my mind (either is plausible),”

    Sometimes when a Dem realize what kind of party they belong to they go into denial and start seeing things that aren’t there.

    Hmmm… 😉

  23. bobbo says:

    #50–helzerman==you say: “G. I’m not racist, sexist, male, or a democrat (not that being a democrat or male would be as bad at the first two items on the list lol).”

    Even if what you say is absolutely the truth, you would be better served to act as if you possibly might be a little bit of each of those things.

    Its how to best guard against them.

  24. Helzerman says:

    #54 Alright bobbo, you got me. I’m a little bit male (but don’t tell anyone).


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