The debate just ended and this appears almost instantly. If McCain is slow, the ad agency is fast.

Found by twelvetwo.

  1. mthrnite says:

    F’kin butchers. What a hack job. Jezus, I hate these attack ads. Anybody who actually watched the debate won’t be snowed by this crap. Makes McCain look desperate to put this crap out. How undignified. Guh!

  2. Tell us how you really feel. AND if Obama did a similar crap ad would you be SOOOO offended.

  3. Awake says:


    Why not show the complete reply by Obama about business taxes? (Paraphrased) “Yes they are high on paper, but after all the ways that business has to avoid paying takes, they are really very low.”

    Shameless. McBush 100%

  4. bobbo says:

    Thats how bad “partisan” politics is. Make fun of the opposition when they agree with yourself.

    How does this logic work outside of politics?

  5. #2 – John C Dvorak

    >>AND if Obama did a similar crap ad would you
    >>be SOOOO offended.

    F&ckin’ A right I would be.

    That would make me think that Obama was just as sleazy as McBush and his Madison Avenue sleazebag ad campaign. I’d be thinking about casting a write-in vote for Dennis Kucinich.

    Talk about distortion of the truth.

    I realize politicians are all supposed to be liars, but this ad brings a whole new meaning to the word “lie”.

  6. Max Bell says:

    “on paper”…

    310/228, yeah, McCain’s pretty desperate…

  7. mthrnite says:

    Yeah John, I’d be just as pissed, post one and I’ll rail on that too. I’m an old dude, not as old as you of course, but I’ve seen my share of these things from both sides, and they’re slimey, and leave me with a tarnished view of the candidate that “approves” of them. What makes me the maddest is that I’d just finished posting a moderately flattering review of the debates, describing both men as “honorable”. Guh! Ok, so maybe I’m just pissed at myself for being gullible.

  8. I went back and looked at the context in which these “Senator McCain is right” clips came from.

    Whoever made this video puts Nixon to shame. Talk about sleaze.

    And with McBush requesting requesting tens of millions of dollars in pork barrel projects for Arizona while railing against pork barrel projects? I guess he was standing behind the door when they handed out ethics and honesty.

    McBush has passed beyond irrelevance to being a clear and present danger to America.

  9. Manny Barilow says:

    As a guy who has been accused repeatedly of being a ‘cynic’ about politics, I have to say I’m enjoying this election. I mean, look at it…it’s now had a financial crisis dropped right in the middle. Whatever arises from that situation, it’s most interesting that we can watch how these candidates react to it. Beautiful.

    I’m looking forward to the vice presidential debates. Now these are two very smart people (how could they have gotten to where they are if they weren’t?) who have nonetheless both stuck their feet in their mouths repeatedly just like many of the rest of us do. Will they recover from it? Political ‘theater’ at its best.

    I imagine that there must be a sad nostalgia for the past in the politician’s world, say 100 yrs ago, when there wasn’t a hyper-media that megaphones every single word they say out for the entire world to hear. They’ll just have to get used to it.

  10. #9 – Manny

    >>how could they have gotten to where they
    >>are if they weren’t?

    Well, we all know how Sarah got there. And it sure wasn’t because she is “very smart”. I haven’t heard anyone accuse her of that yet.

  11. bsmall says:

    This ad seems to imply that Obama is not ready to lead because he agrees with John McCain.

  12. The only thing sadder than this ad is that it still works…

  13. BryanChaffin says:

    So what this ad implies is that the Republican and Democratic candidates must differ on all opinions. If they do share opinions of a topic, whoever says it first is more capable of leading? Please.

    I may not like the tactics being used in this election, but both men are very smart and are capable of leading our country. Just because one of them “agrees” with another on one, two, or 30 of the hundreds of topics that could come up does not mean one candidate is better than the other.

  14. Raster says:

    News flash:

    Obama uses a common figure of speech – oooh, ahhh!

    Can’t wait for the response – hope they get posted too.

    McCain tanked badly – the height of North vs South Koreans? wtf?

  15. LinusVP says:

    I also took note at how many times O said that Mac was right. Then he went on to describe a slight difference between him and Mac.

  16. #15 – Linus

    >>Then he went on to describe a slight
    >>difference between him and Mac.

    Or not-so-slight.

    When viewed in context, most of these clips came from a longer statement of the sort “‘John is right…’ the sun does rise in the east; however, blah blah..”.

    All we hear is “John is right”, leading to the unwarranted conlusions that Obi is saying he agrees with McBush.

    Typical right-wing sleazeball advertising tactics.

    As I say, if Obi released a chancre-dicked ad like this, I’d vote him off the ballot.


  17. Buzz says:

    Lesson of the day?:

    Do NOT be inclusive (meaning bipartisan, starting from a place of inclusion or agreement, or anything like it) when acknowledging you and your opponent’s parallel thinking or crossing points.

    If their temperament is anything like John McCain’s they will pull those instances out of context, string them together and use them to rape you in the ass.

    Remember always that if you give your opponent a millimeter, they will amplify it by a billion and laughingly call you a perfect storm of an asshole for having given in one iota. Keep in mind; this is not discussion, it is all-out nucular war: Cussion in the extreme.

    Unless, of course, you actually gave a shit about bringing viewpoints together through the sneaky, manipulative, dishonest tactic of egregiously pandering to the smarmy false premise of citing so-called “common ground.”

    Naa. That will never come to any good. Not with McBush.

    Kidding aside, honest to God, America. How could you ever even THINK of handing this country over to the punitive Republicans for four more years of this insanity?

    John McCain neeeeeeeds to win Vietnam in Iraq, has chosen the worst possible VP who is nearly as clueless as Miss Teen America (maps, remember?), and won’t even look AT his debate opponent—much less look him in the eye—when accusing him of this or that.

    McCain’s “tell:” Blinking rapidly while trying to think up bullshit you will accept.

  18. onomontapeia says:

    So this means you HAVE to disagree with everyone to be a leader even if it’s wrong? Idiots!

  19. Tecban says:

    #3, you’re right, the business tax quote was the most egregious example. How is cutting off a response mid-sentence any different from just quote-mining old speeches for “yes” and “no” answers to

    I’d say it was laughably bad if I didn’t know many Americans will be persuaded by it. There’s no room for nuanced answers or god forbid context in the sound-bite age.

    And John, if I saw a similar hatchet job by Obama, I’d say the same thing. If there’s an example of it out there, please point it out. I’ve voted Republican ticket in every election since the 80’s until this year, and was a big McCain supporter in 2000, but unfortunately he is only confirming my suspicions about the GOP which began in Bush’s second term.

  20. Lou Minatti says:

    “And John, if I saw a similar hatchet job by Obama, I’d say the same thing.”

    No you wouldn’t.

    Why don’t you contact your local elected officials and demand that they prosecute those who say bad things about Obama? That is what Team Obama is currently doing.

  21. STEVE says:


  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Lou the Mind Reader Minatti,

    “And John, if I saw a similar hatchet job by Obama, I’d say the same thing.”

    No you wouldn’t.

    How do you know? Oh, you don’t. You’re just spouting some wing nut diatribe because that is what wing nuts do.

    Your answer is on par for the attitude that has had more of your posts removed for violating the guidelines than everyone else combined over the past few months. Sheet, even Lyin’ Mike or Cow-Paddy haven’t been censured. What a work of art you turned out to be.

  23. #20 – Illuminati

    wtf are you talking about? Prosecute?

    Christ, it’s not even lunchtime, and already you’re hitting the vodka?

    McBush is a sleaze bag, that was a sleazy, dishonest ad, and if you have any evidence that suggests Obama would even THINK about stooping so low, pony it up.

    Otherwise, STFU.


  24. Greg Allen says:

    I thought it was classy that Obama acknowledged McCain when he made a good point and was generally respectful.


    What an ugly, petty man McCain has turned into.

  25. James Hill says:

    This is clearly a move the poke the left wing hacks around the Internet.


    Because while they (and their masters, the left wing press) are a small group, they’re loud. McCain’s campaign has been all about turning up their volume to turn middle of the road voters away from Obama.

    The going theory is a good portion (a third to a half) of blue collar democrats will not vote for Obama. The far-left will blame racism, when in reality it’s McCain’s tactic stoking the fire.

    It will be interesting to see if it works.

  26. James Hill says:

    Also, the angry liberals going on the Internet on Friday night to complain about fairness shows how pathetic they are.

    Get a life.

    (No need to reply to a statement of fact, kids. You’re already owned.)

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Irregardless of what we thing of McCain, take another look at his ad.

    Yes, it’s sleazy, yes it’s inaccurate, yes, it deceitful…

    Yes, it works.

    It’s a great ad. It’s simple, quick, gets to the point, and easy to remember.

    It also kills Obama.

    If Obama answers in kind, then Obama looses because he becomes a tit-for-tat sleazy politician.

    If Obama tries to answer truthfully, then his answer is too long winded and won’t get to the people he needs to talk to.

    If Obama doesn’t answer at all, then McCain’s smear sticks.

    Obama can’t win in this game.

  28. cg says:

    my,my how they cry when the tables are turned, you got your patoots burned and now you cry, cry

  29. The Warden says:

    I wish McCain had challenged Barack on what regulations were gutted by Bush that he thinks caused this meltdown? Also wish McCain had fingered Democrats in the mess.

    The best was when McCain compared Barack to Bush by both are stubborn and won’t change their views even the face of facts that prove them wrong. Did you see Obama’s reaction to that? It was classic!

  30. BigCarbonFoot says:

    28 posts an no one has blamed this on the evil genius Karl Rove yet? I’m so disappointed.


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