Letterman keeps up McCain tirade – CNN.com — This should continue for a while and become a theme as I point out in this essay linked here.

David Letterman kept up his verbal assault on John McCain, commiserating with Paris Hilton and saying he felt like an “ugly date” because the GOP presidential candidate backed out of an appearance on the “Late Show.”

David Letterman described Paris Hilton as John McCain’s first choice for a running mate. David Letterman described Paris Hilton as John McCain’s first choice for a running mate.

The late-night CBS comedian was upset Wednesday when McCain canceled an appearance to deal with the economic crisis. After backing out of the Letterman show, McCain sat for an interview with Katie Couric, then didn’t leave New York until Thursday, further angering Letterman.

At first, Letterman said, he felt like a “patriot” to let McCain off.

“Now I’m feeling like an ugly date,” Letterman said. “I feel used. I feel cheap. I feel sullied.”

McCain spokeswoman Nicolle Wallace said the campaign “felt this wasn’t a night for comedy.”

“We deeply regret offending Mr. Letterman, but our candidate’s priority at this moment is to focus on this crisis,” Wallace said Thursday on NBC’s “Today.”

At least one of the bumblers, Nicolle Wallace, has emerged in all this. Saying that it wasn’t a night for comedy has nothing to do with the fact that McCain said he had to rush to Washington and instead went to Katie Couric’s show. This wasn’t dealing with the crises either. This situation is just getting worse. The only solution is for McCain to do an old-fashioned Bob Hope walk-on in the middle of a show in the next week. Letterman never liked those surprise guest bits, but it’s the only way to defuse this.

Link from Jason Baker.

  1. Raff says:

    David Letterman described Paris Hilton as John McCain’s first choice for a running mate. David Letterman described Paris Hilton as John McCain’s first choice for a running mate.

    I think I’m having deja vu.

  2. deowll says:

    All I can say is McCain or somebody on his staff dosen’t want him to be President because they are doing a lot more damage than Obama is.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Letterman shouldn’t be so miffed. He got a far better guest in Keith Olberman.

    These are the end days for McCain. His best option would be to dump Palin and anoint Lieberman, Romney, or Huckabee to the VP slot. Then his handlers should do a “Clockwork Orange” on him and teach him some economics, history, some more economics, and world affairs.

  4. McCullough says:

    “The only solution is for McCain to do an old-fashioned Bob Hope walk-on in the middle of a show in the next week. Letterman never liked those surprise guest bits, but it’s the only way to defuse this.”

    Even better would be for the above to happen, and Lettermen have security escort him off the stage.

  5. Justin says:

    Might it have occurred to you that a man incapable of running a presidential campaign may not be capable of overseeing a world superpower? Offend Letterman and you get “zinged” for a few nights on network TV. Offend the leaders of Russia or China and it could cost thousands or even millions of lives. Social grace and the ability to navigate conflicting interests should not be optional traits for our next president.

    Just a thought.

  6. brendal says:

    As a PR person, I get what’s going on here…he’s getting WAY more mileage out of “concern” for the economy by dissing him than by being on the show (Katie’s is a “news” genre interview that he was using to get his message out to the public on the economy in a “serious” manner)…

    Now, you may argue that this is the WRONG kind of publicity, but think about it. Letterman is going on and on about it and my bet is that – like the Oprah deal – he’ll come back on the show and they’ll “kiss and make up.” EVEN MORE coverage.

    I am sniffing a coordinated stunt here w/CBS…brilliant!

  7. James Hill says:

    Or, this just plays into McCain convincing Americans that the media is in the tank for the left.

    Considering that’s fact, it hasn’t been too hard to do so far.

  8. cfogg says:

    I’ve been a fan of David Letterman’s TV shows since 1984, but his recent tirades are an abuse of his position and suggest he thinks he wields power.

  9. echeola says:

    Stick a fork in McCain he’s done. Not just because of this either. His baffling actions of picking Sara Palin and “suspending his campaign” have shown us what type of leader he will be… erratic. Not the cool, calm, and steady leadership we require at this time.

    This guy is unelectable.

  10. Jim W. says:

    This will all blow over in a few weeks when McCain does a Top 10 List of excuses (and or apologies) for not being on the show.

  11. Improbus says:

    We still have over a month of this circus until the election. I will be so glad when its over.

  12. Montanaguy says:

    Haha. I haven’t watched Letterman for years. I hardly watch TV at all, for that matter. Who gives a shit about Letterman and what he thinks? I’m mostly laughing at all the liberals desperate to hang McCain for something. Hanging onto every little teeny-weeny bit of fluff they can get their little paws on, like this. Goons. TV entertainment shows are a better venue for Obama, since he has no actual credentials to run the country other than ‘winning’ an uncontested senate seat.

  13. pablo says:

    I think David Letterman described Paris Hilton as John McCain’s first choice for a running mate.

  14. Max Bell says:

    You guys really need to suspend the blog to fly out and save McCain’s campaign. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but at this stage?

    He might lose!

  15. grog says:

    # 7

    all i hear is “liberal media, waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

    dear john mccain: suck it up nancy boy, if you can’t take the heat then stay out the kitchen.

    besides, it was mccain himself who brought paris hilton into this mess in the first place by naming her in an attack ad against obama.

  16. JM says:

    I said “This is not a good night for truth, Dave.”

    What part of that didn’t you understalpidake?

  17. #10 — You may have hit it right on the head. That could happen.

  18. MikeN says:

    >“I feel used. I feel cheap. I feel sullied.”

    Saying this while the guest was Paris Hilton.

  19. bobbo says:

    Well after the apologies and the false makeup we should all keep it mind that Letterman’s umbrage is well earned and reasonable.

    Do we want a president who has learned to lie casually when the truth would have been just fine?

    Why do all politicians lie to us all the time? Because we let them. This issue “in fact” is far more important than a TV show.

    Its in the small details that character is revealed. Our politicians have too little of it.

  20. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Top 10 reasons MCain couldn’t make the David Letterman show:

    10. Pudding day at the old-folks home.

    9. Couldn’t decide which car to take.

    8. On his way to the show he remembered he left the iron on but forgot which house.

    7. Thought Dave was a Gook but later realized it was just a POW flashback.

    6. He realized at the last moment he made a date with both Katie and Dave for the same night.

    5. Actually went to see Dave’s mom. He new where Dave would be.

    4. Just practicing lying skills for the presidency.

    3. Katie’s prettier.

    2. Doesn’t like all that rock music Paul makes.

    1. Got stuck standing in line at the bank.

  21. Brendal for president says:

    Liberal lynch mob has so little to work with. McCain just keeps plugging along, acting like a leader should act. There are so many people out there, that see him as a man who will lead this country well. He prioritized the discussion of a pending financial collapse over an item of much lesser importance. He should come out smelling like a another historic leader in the Rose Garden. Bush Bashers, please come back in 40 years when you realize you were pretty stupid back then.

  22. dvargas2000 says:

    WAHHH, WAHHH… I can see by the comments the Republicans are all about complaining about leftist media…. Uh, could it also be he’s nowhere qualified to be President? A man who abandoned his fellow MIA/POW soldiers in Vietnam because it didn’t gel with his political plans? Think about it…..

  23. bobbo says:

    #21–ML==well done. You should email to Letterman just for kicks.

    #22–Brendal==you say: “There are so many people out there, that see him as a man who will lead this country well.” /// Yes, lead it just as well as Bush you are saying. Whats all this current fuss about then?

  24. Buzz says:

    Future Stories:

    Red Handed.
    The truth behind dissing the Letterman.
    Who knew that video in one studio is available in another?
    McCain has senior moment. “I couldn’t think of an appropriate straight talk explanation.”

    Palin Retires from Campaign.
    Injures tongue trying to say “Ahmadinejad.”
    Family matters become more pressing.
    Leiberman raises hand, is pelted with elephant scat.

    McCain Suspends Campaign for Nap.

    McCain Falls and Can’t Get Up.

    McCain Answers Fashion Underwear Preference Question.
    Says candidate, “Depends.”

    McCain Suspends Campaign to Look for Lost Clapper.

    McCain Launches New Ad Celebrating More Past Shortcomings.
    Says candidate, “Sure, I ran out on my old lady. Who doesn’t? What part of fighter jock don’t you understand?”
    Says candidate, “My Annapolis rank of 894 of 899 means I have righter stuff than the guy at 900.”
    Says candidate, “Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.”
    Says candidate, “Math? Who needs it? This is about The Stupid Economy.”
    Says candidate, “Loyalty to Navy in football games outweighs flying sober.”
    Says candidate, “Even though I was ranked as a barely acceptable pilot, the thrill of high speed, low level flight outweighs the need for power lines to stay put.”
    Says candidate, “My daddy’s being an Admiral earned me more medals (28) for 20 combat hours than anybody else in the fleet, and I’m proud of him.”
    Says candidate, “Don’t believe anything Glenn tells you.”
    Says candidate, “There would have always been a place in my heart for Sarah.”

  25. grog says:


    hold the phone, there sparky.

    republican lust for deregulation of an industry known for cutting corners at every corner and inflating assets’ value to the peril of the entire system is why we’re in this mess in the first place.

    sorry, but we democrats have to clean up your mess now. check back in 20 years when you figure out that the free-hand of the market needs to be held somewhat in check unless you prefer total anarchy.

    also quit with the “liberal lynch mob” crap. man up and deal with criticism like a big boy.

  26. dvargas2000 says:

    Luv #22’s comments… Uh, I don’t think anyone’s going to be proud of Bush in 40 years. Yeah, he’s got us in a quagmire in Iraq… the economy is collapsing.. he’s isolated America from the rest of the world.. he can’t get support for his wars, and comes up with the new phrase “Coalition” to display the illusion of a global initiative, even though hardly any other countries lined up. Hmmm, let me guess, the rest of the world has a “leftist” bias…. LOL…. History will remember him not as the commander-in-chief, but the idiot-in-chief… No man has done more to bring down America than this former coke fiend…..

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #24 Bobbo – Thanks for the idea. I just sent it to him.

    #22 Brenda Lee – You will be known from hence forth as “The Koolaide Kid”

  28. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Letterman should run for office as a Democrat – he has the proper overinflated sense of self-importance.

  29. JimD says:

    I think McCain will have to “Go down on one knee” to patch things up with Letterman after the Debate !!!


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