Republican John McCain announced today that he will attend tonight’s presidential debate with Democratic rival Barack Obama in Oxford, Miss., ending two days of uncertainty over whether the GOP nominee would show up.
McCain had said Wednesday that he was suspending his campaign and heading for Washington to help with a proposed $700-billion bailout of the troubled financial industry. Negotiations to resolve the bailout bill continued today.
John McCain will attend presidential debate – Los Angeles Times — SO now what will all the conspiracy nuts say? This will set the tone for the rest of the campaign. A must see!
Well now.
That only leaves Obama as the one candidate who refused and didn’t show up for debates.
I do think Obama will show up for this one, after refusing to show up for 10 previous debates.
He may be dumb enough to make mistakes like his so-called “suspsension” (he of no tech saavy forgets people can monitor your TV show live), but he isn’t stupid enough to miss this debate now that he has been shown up.
Is Obama bringing his Greek columns with him? How about the Quran? There’s some ‘bring down the house’ stuff in there.
Only suckers ever believed McCain wouldn’t show. Why should he start telling the truth, now?
He should send Palin instead.
Obama was right all along
McCain comes slinking back with head down.
Obama, you know….uh…will…uh…have to really do a great job tonight…uh, because you know….people want to see him…uh…really show how presidential he is and what a great command of the issues he has.
Uh, as well…Obama, you know, has great experience bringing people…uh…together and getting things done, you know.
The real reason McCain tricked Obama into going to DC was to keep him from practicing for a debate where Obama is at a disadvantage.
I’m surprised no one here has figured that out.
Or he could just send Bill Clinton as his stand-in…he’s been giving both McCain and Palin props of late…cre-azy!!
mmm…Starbucks Coffee…
Obama doesn’t need to practice. As long as there is a teleprompter or an ear piece where David Axelrod can tell him what to say, he’ll be fine!
Remember, Obama is a learner not an original thinker or a leader.
#11 “Obama doesn’t need to practice. As long as there is a teleprompter or an ear piece where David Axelrod can tell him what to say, he’ll be fine!”
True! LOL
John McCain flip flops again!!
#13 “John McCain flip flops again!!”
And suckered an inexperienced, gullible, Obama as planned. LOL
This guy knows how to grandstand.
What will he do if one of his great grand kids get the flu? Pretend to suspend presidential activities for the day?
We’re still not going to hear anything substantive from either one of them. At the very least it will be entertaining.
There was no way that they wouldn’t debate tonight… they were just stirring the pot of suspense over the past few days.
I need a big honkin’ victory. Something so big it will make all those years in Hanoi worth it.
#15 said, “What will he do if one of his great grand kids get the flu? ”
Hmmm, national financial meltdown = one person with flu…
Don’t take take drugs and blog at the same time.
Go John !!
Obama got drawn to Washington where he demonstrated what a hack he is in the cabinet room. The Dems are scared now.
Why do people say Obama is at a disadvantage? McCain’s big talking point is that he was a POW. How often will we be reminded by McCain that he was a Naval pilot in tonight’s debate? 10, 20 times? Why doesn’t that turn anyone off on him? It doesn’t improve his qualifications to be president.
I think McCain will have to “Go down on one knee” to patch things up with Letterman after the Debate !!!
The debate really won’t tell us anything about the candidates. Maybe a gaff or senior moment will upset the choreography, but thats doubtful.
Congressional records except for long general trends, ie specific votes or statements on the floor, are too mixed a bag. No, we have to look at what they have actually done.
Over time, Obama has shown me he is steady at the wheel. Slow and reticent to sling mud. Picked a capable VP. McCain has shown me he blows off in variable directions reversing himself shortly later winding up with a final position of total ambiguity. Eager to throw mud and then blame Obama for it for not having town hall debates (a good idea by the way). He picks Palin.
We’ll never know which of the two would have made the better president, but on the actual record of performance for the past 18 months, you have to be in favor of Obama, or you hate America.
#24 “A challenge is not a scheduled debate.”
Excuse me. Omama chickened out and hid in the closet all 10 times he was asked to debate McCain.
Obama-McCain Presidential Debate Drinking Game (from The Seminal):
Every time John McCain mentions his POW experience, praise his courage and drink a kamikaze. This one is only for the heavy drinkers.
Every time Obama says change everyone has to switch seats and drink the other person’s drink of choice.
Every time John McCain tries to associate Barack Obama with an unsavory character, take a sip of your dirty martini.
Every time someone says bailout you have to finish your drink and pour another.
Every time John McCain says “my friends“, spit out your drink and shout “I am not your friend” at the television.
Every time “evil”, “evil doers”, or anything with evil is mentioned, drink a sip of French red wine.
Every time John McCain threatens Iran, drink a savage car bomb or cherry bomb.
Every time Barack Obama ties John McCain to George W. Bush, drink a sloe gin fizz and wish for better days.
Every time John McCain displays how hopelessly out of touch he is, drink an old bastard.
Every time John McCain refers to the USSR or any other non-existent formerly communist country, get ready to ride the red tide.
When Georgia is mentioned, drink a fuzzy navel.
Every time John McCain mentions Sarah Palin, drink a white russian. After all, if Sarah Palin is around there must be a Russian nearby somewhere.
Every time John McCain smiles creepily, drink a roofie-colada.
If anyone mentions a golden parachute, pound some goldschlager.
Every time John McCain makes an appeal to states rights, lean back and take a sip of that sweet southern comfort.
When NATO membership is mentioned, clink glasses with everyone around you and attack anyone who refuses to clink.
If John McCain doesn’t show up, lock yourself inside and sip Jack Daniels all night. It is going to be a long six weeks.
Every time John McCain says anything, take a drink from the oldest, crappiest bottle you have—that skunked beer in the back of the fridge, the two-dollar wine someone gave you for your birthday five years ago, the dregs from that bottle of Popov vodka left over from a party you had in February—because you’ve heard it all before, and you didn’t much like it the first time.
Regardless of what either candidate says, at the end of the debate, drink something that must be lit on fire first, then hit yourself in the face with a shovel.
Who cares about the jello? I just hope they both end up naked.
#23 “Over time, Obama has shown me he is steady at the wheel.”
Over how much time? He has almost no recorded history of any significance. He hasn’t held any exec positions of consequence and almost no time in the Senate.
He is a well spoken, clean slate that the Dems put forward because their past candidates had too much bad baggage to run for Pres.
Boy is Paddy trolling today!
McCain probably did Couric in order to clean up after Palin’s horrendous interview with her.
Besides, why would Letterman have any negative influence on McCain’s campaign. Bush gets reamed incessantly by everyone and still took the office in 2004. I don’t see Letterman having any influence here. The majority of people who plan to vote for McCain, or are undecided, likely don’t even watch Letterman.
#29 “Boy is Paddy trolling today!”
Naw, just calling BS as it’s posted.