John McCain will attend presidential debate – Los Angeles Times — SO now what will all the conspiracy nuts say? This will set the tone for the rest of the campaign. A must see!

Republican John McCain announced today that he will attend tonight’s presidential debate with Democratic rival Barack Obama in Oxford, Miss., ending two days of uncertainty over whether the GOP nominee would show up.

McCain had said Wednesday that he was suspending his campaign and heading for Washington to help with a proposed $700-billion bailout of the troubled financial industry. Negotiations to resolve the bailout bill continued today.

  1. Malcolm says:

    McCain should be arrested for indecent exposure since Obama beat the pants off of him in the debate tonight!

  2. JM says:

    I got through it in one piece. For a guy my age, that’s a win/win.

  3. brendal says:

    #54 – it was #52, not #53…when you can reference numbers, we’ll talk…until then, go back to school.

  4. #65 – Brenda Lee

    We’re still waiting. And it looks like McBush failed to ACCOMPLISH his MISSION. He may not have fallen on his face, but he sure didn’t “outwit a kid from South Chicago”.

    Can’t wait to see how Barbie fares on Thursday. This is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel, unless the only questions are “should we second guess Israel?” and “What country can you see from your house?”.

    If I were a Republican, I’d be sure to rent a bunch of movies that night, so as not to be tempted to turn on the debates.

  5. brendal says:

    You’ll wait forever…I don’t talk to, let alone debate, people who can’t reference numbers correctly. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel…you’re both too easy.

  6. #67 – Brenda Lee

    >>You’ll wait forever…

    Well, I’m already waiting forever to see you post anything intelligent. So I guess we can all serve our sentences concurrently.

    And you’re bitching about people making a typo in a message number?



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