President George W. Bush leaves the podium after his final address to the U.N..

Someone must have Photoshopped in the shadow.

  1. Seth says:

    He’s thinking “Hey, who’s that black fella who keeps following me?”.

  2. Springheel Jack says:

    Maybe the United Nations will solve our financial crisis. After all, they were so successful in East Timor, Srebrenica, Congo, Bosnia…

    Anyway, is Bush the stupidest president in history or what? He must have cow shit for brains. Of course, Texas is one of the dumbest states in the union, too, so it’s not surpriseing.

    Gee, Gore and Kerry must be quite embarassed that neither of them could beat him. Gore, who invented the Internet and Kerry who sailed up a Cambodian river to single-handedly defeat Colonel Kurtz and Dennis Hopper, yet neither had the intestinal fortitude to take out Dubya. Sad.

  3. contempt says:

    Walking away from that corrupt den of thieves a better representation would be to have the shadow of Bush giving UN members the bird.

  4. Confused says:

    ?? I don’t get it.

  5. Frightened says:

    And don’t forget … He also kept us safe from terrorists!

    Wait a minute, I forgot about September 11.

  6. moss says:

    I think the nutballs who whimper about their Fearless Leader being slandered have just proven once again – winning elections doesn’t mean you’re not a Loser.

  7. Flip Wilson says:

    He can cast a shadow? Wow, he’s qualified to be President. Does Palin cast a shadow too?

  8. Springheel Jack says:

    I don’t think Nobama is going to lose. McSame’s campaign seems to be imploding with more energy than a blue giant star undergoing full core collapse.

  9. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #6 – 9/11 was mostly Clinton’s fault. Another soft leftie who wanted to treat terrorists as simple criminals. Because of all the grand juries to protect their “rights” the various agencies could not share info. The clues to the upcoming 9/11 were there but no one was allowed to put them together.

    Voting for Obama because you don’t like McCain I can understand. Voting for Obama because you think he would be a good POTUS is absolutely beyond my comprehension.

  10. ubiquitous talking head says:

    absolutely beyond my comprehension

    We know.

    Try getting your “news” from sources other than Rush and Fox and maybe you will see some improvement.

  11. jerry says:

    As Eleanor Clift said, just shut up and get out.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve never been a fan of President Bush, but my late Stepfather, a retired Army officer, when asked how he could serve under a President he didn’t like, told me:

    “It doesn’t matter if you respect the man or if the man respects you. You always give him the respect his position deserves…”

    For good or for bad, he is our President, we should respect the position, even if we don’t respect the man.

    It would be easy to blame all the bad in the world, that has happened in the last 8-years, to GWB and his cronies. But I don’t think that would be fair or accurate. We can point the finger of blame at a whole lot of people, in both parties, and maybe to some extent ourselves.

    I, like many, don’t like the choice of candidates we have to select from to be our next President. But, I for one, regardless of who it is, will give them the respect their position deserve, even if they don’t give me the same respect back.

    I hope that all of you might consider doing the same thing or at least give it a try.

  13. tratfor says:

    Why are they giving George W, Bush such a hard time ?
    Can you imagine if Al Gore had been made president ?
    It was such a close race – hanging shards and all

  14. amodedoma says:

    JEEEZUSSS! I just saw the ‘approve my plan or you’ll all be screwed speech’! Up til now this was all very entertaining but this clown is starting to scare me. If the prez. goes on TV and comes out saying shit like that, trying to scare the people into saving his friends. I mean use your memory – did his famous economic stimulus package do anything positive for the nation?, apart from substancially increase the debt with China? He’s setting the scene, and it’s grim indeed, talking about lots of banks closing and foreclosures and fire and brimstone and appocalypse. That means regardless of his plan it’s gonna happen anyways.

    Dear god, please save the Americans from their president…..

  15. JimD says:

    Yeah, I can’t wait till Dumbya is “Leaving on a Jet Plane” – NEVER TO RETURN !!! ***WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA*** !!! Dumbya’s “Legacy” is one of DEATH, DESTRUCTION, AND FINACIAL CHAOS !!!

  16. RTaylor says:

    If the shadow was photoshopped, it should have been a profile of Elmer Fudd.

  17. JimD says:

    #15, BigBoyBC – Bush might have EARNED RESPECT if he had used the Office of the President in a RESPECTFUL MANNER, BUT THAT WAS ***NOT THE CASE*** !!! He and Cheney and the other NEO-CON NUTJOBS AND WHACKOS DID THEIR DANMDEST TO ***DESTROY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES*** !!! You know, the one all of those REPUKE PRICKS ***SWORE TO UPHOLD*** !!! But seeing that Bush and his CRONIES think that the Constitution is “Just a God-damned piece of paper”, it is no wonder that they WENT ON A RAMPAGE OF ***ILLEGAL WAR***, GENOCIDE, AND TRIED TO ***STEAL THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES TREASURY*** !!! We can RESPECT THE OFFICE, BUT THE OFFICE HOLDER HAS TO ***EARN OUR RESPECT*** !!!

  18. cgp4dvorak says:

    Shees, don’t none of you get it. Its A E. N Another mad man.

  19. green says:

    That’s the shadow of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.


  20. Uncle Dave says:

    #15: As I have said before, I have great respect for the office of President, not for the current inhabitant who has heaped disgrace on it and on this country. And, it appears, this is the road McCain has decided he wants to follow.

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    #16: If only…
    Al Gore wouldn’t have gotten us into a pointless war in Iraq for starters.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, iHotAir,

    …is absolutely beyond my comprehension.

    Easily understood. It takes a certain degree, although not too much, for people to begin to comprehend anything. Which, by the way, quite plainly explains your lack of comprehension on most things including the correct way to hold the toothpaste tube when squeezing.

  23. Matt Garrett says:

    I long for the days when politics wasn’t a never ending exercise in personal attacks and destruction. We’ve learned nothing since the days of Jefferson and Adams other than how petty people can be.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, JimD,

    OK, slow down, take a deep breath. Please, stop capitalizing and using garbage grammar. It makes your posts difficult to read and I am not paid, nor am I in the mood, to sift through them looking for something relevant.

    Many times in the past you have shown us you can be quite intelligent and relevant. Please Jim, don’t hide your points under your emotion.

  25. Lassi says:

    “when they are going to open curtains”

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #37 Mr. Fission – Here! Here!
    Clean it up Jimmie Dee!

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Now where did that door go?”

  28. Alex Wollangk says:

    I’m looking forward to the next president as well, but we need to be careful. We do a dis-service to history if we ignore the positive things that have happened during the Bush administration.

    I am actually fairly concerned about this because I honestly can’t think of any. The man has been in office for nearly eight years and this entire time someone mentioned something I thought was a good thing he did once and I can’t even remember what it was…

    I know that the main problem I’m having with this is that the positive things are buried under piles and piles of things that have hurt me to the core.

    I spent three years in the Navy and took it VERY seriously when I pledged to defend the constitution. When I hear an undercurrent suggesting that if you disagree with the President you’re un-patriotic or un-American it hurts. When I hear the justification for warrant-less wiretapping that if the person being bugged isn’t guilty they have nothing to worry about it actually makes me want to cry. When I heard that this current bail-out scheme one section is entirely composed of language saying there will be no oversight I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time. When I hear about torture being authorized to be used in the “war on terror” I want to scream. (And don’t try to play the rationalization game where you try to re-define the word “torture.” I’m not buying. The things they were and, most likely, still are doing are violations of the Geneva Convention and are not only immoral but proven HIGHLY ineffective.)

    On the other side, I do get frustrated with people on the right who call the WAR illegal. It was duly authorized by Congress and so the WAR is not illegal even if the way they wage it is. I’m even fairly convinced that even though it is currently un-popular that it wasn’t entirely unjustified. It may not have been justified for the reasons they gave, but the more I know about what was going on at the time the more I learn that I really don’t know, but there are hints of things that my hunch suggests actually justify the invasion. I’m not particularly happy about how the UN was handled, but that’s something else entirely.

  29. /t. says:

    @ #31 Alex

    “I spent three years in the Navy and took it VERY seriously when I pledged to defend the constitution.”

    My Dad was in the Canadian Air Force, my Grandfather fought at Vimy Ridge so, while I’m not a American, your commitment to your country is honorable and I thank you for that.

    “When I hear an undercurrent suggesting that if you disagree with the President you’re un-patriotic or un-American it hurts.”

    Right on !!

    Thanks again,


  30. Winston says:

    Economic Meltdown – the final layer of turd icing on the George Bush sh*t cake.


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