• Android phone news never-ending II.
  • Look for new term: “Radical Openess.”
  • New phone will unlock your car (and everyone elses?)
  • No indictment on the Sarah Palin hack.
  • Suns solar winds hit 50-year low.
  • SanDisk story about its new music distribution scheme keeps coming.
  • NBC will rig set-top box for GE TV. Hmm.
  • Microsoft has its own bus lines.
  • IBM on the no short list. What a crock.
  • Hubert Chang says he was a founder of Google.
  • Cloud computing term is going to be replaced, you watch, with “Smart Grid.”

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  1. I service Microsoft in Redmond and not only do they have their own buses, but also vans and cars to shuttle people all around the Sound. It’s a rather large fleet with on-call servicing. With all the expansion happening in Redmond and Bellevue, I am not surprised they are adding more.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    “Real Dan Lyon’s Blog”, had what I think is a provocative review of the Android phenomena. http://tinyurl.com/45ruw7

  3. Li says:

    Since this is killing something that never had a chance to live, isn’t this more of an abortion?

  4. Glenn E. says:

    If the sun’s solar winds are at a low, this could be great news for the Global Warming skeptics. As one theory is that the sun’s winds deflect cosmic rays (the winds AREN’T cosmic rays, John) coming from deep space. And these rays seed cloud formations in the sky. Which in turn block the sun’s heat and cools down the earth. So… less solar winds, more cosmic rays, more clouds, less heat, G.W. threat goes away, domestic coal use replaces foreign oil in power plants, electric car owners tell OPEC what to do with itself, Wallstreet crashes. Well you can’t have everything.

  5. QB says:

    Parking at campus is a pain – more buses, the better. There are over 40,000 people working for MS in the Puget Sound area – which is about 7 times bigger than Wasilla Alaska.

  6. brendal says:

    Even the androids are sick of Android.

  7. Tim says:

    I don’t understand the distrust in cloud computing. Our ERP system has a web interface, and the processors are in our offsite data center. THAT is NOT cloud computing, right? So if we outsource the hosting of the ERP servers and access via private circuits is that when Dvorak has distaste? What if we replace private connectivity with VPN over the Internet? Or is it when the dedicated server becomes multi-tenant? What is it Dvorak doesn’t like? thin clients, public network, shared servers or some magic combination?



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