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Religion. We should see more of this.
Front (L-R): Bill Gates, Tina Fey, Richard Lewis.
I couldn’t understand what he was saying… Can someone summarize?
Fuck her up in the name of jeebus?
That voice sounds dubbed and you can even tell the spot where it switches.
I don’t think that is the real audio.
Although, it is kind of funny.
At least it has some entertainment value. It is doubtful that if McCain/Palin somehow got into office that they would force this version of Christianity on the country. We do have the separation of church and state. Just like we have checks and balances between the states and the federal government and the three branches of government to reduce hegemony… oh, wait… I forget… never mind.
God saves us from religion, amen.
“Ta–Ta–Taliban… Can you say Ta–Taliban…”
Humm it to your personal favourite tune, and X change Taliban with Palinban.
That’s the country you’ll be in in 3 to 4 years…
I think someone took audio from some crazy preacher and dubbed it over this. His body language for the most part doesn’t reflect the tone of what he is saying. Funny though.
Dat gur mus be practissin rich craff!
No, that’s real. That’s Rev. Muthee from Kenya, who practices something called “spiritual warfare”, and who visited the Wasilla AOG for several days. Sarah Palin has spoken about him, and how he predicted her run for governor. I was wondering when this video was going to show up.
He is part of a movement called the Third Wave of the Holy Spirit, which believes that there are pagan spirits still haunting whole regions. He claims to have exorcised a witch from a town in Kenya who was causing traffic accidents at a nearby intersection.
A group of these people climbed up Mt. Everest a few years ago to pray away the goddess Diana, and claim to be responsible for the deaths of Lady Diana and Mother Theresa.
I believe this is Thomas Muthee praying over Mrs. Palin. He says he drove a witch out of a village in Kenya. Google his name for some interesting info.
I can summarize. In your bigotry, you criticize what you do not understand. You post this and say that Republicans and people of faith are nutjobs, but have you bothered to ASK ANYONE what’s going on there to try and understand? No. Because Dvorak.org/blog feeds on religious BIGOTRY!
Prove me wrong and ask questions …
#13–Matt==do you know where we can get some more of this bigotry stuff?
wow, Is that Bill Gates standing to the left ??
#13 – I’ll put it in context.
It’s from the Assembly of God church. They’re extreme Pentecostal. What you hear him doing is called “talking in tongues” It’s one of the oddest and most ‘extreme’ forms of Christianity. Think Amish, Mormon, etc. The vast majority of Christians don’t ‘handle snakes’ or talk in ‘tongues’ It’s a way to claim you’re hearing or being inspired by God (Holy Spirit) without having to say anything specific or intelligible.
I think all religions are childish supernatural nonsense (since EVERY single religion’s god/goddess/demi-gods/demons) have ALL magically vanished or are now “invisible” now that we invented video cameras. But before video cameras, EVERY religions deities roamed around and did great miracles. Thor spent time battling on Earth. Zeus was down here all the time impregnating women, spawning Heracles who went around performing supernatural tasks). Seas parted for Moses and crushed entire armies. A magical flood covered the Earth for 40 days, with only one boat holding Earths animal kingdom (a couple thousand species of land animals). But since we invented the video camera and CNN? Nothing. Not one. Not one god, demi-god or magical being from ANY of the worlds religions has made a reappearance. When CNN gets an interview with Isis, or covers the capture of a leprechaun call me…until then…knock it off and grow up.
I can just imagine the reaction from the media if Sarah Palin had said Pres FDR went on TV in 1929.
Why do they hate her so?
I guess they caught young Sarah sneaking into the back window after her vacation at Hogwarts….
Here’s the story from the guy who took the video:
I don’t know about religious bigotry, but I’m reeeal skeptical of someone who claims to have chasen a witch out of town.
# 11 nathaniel
I am no fan of Sarah Palin. I actully think she is a right wing nut case but that audio just doesn’t sound right.
Now we know why she isn’t giving press conferences… they are afraid that she will get overexcited and start speaking in tongues.
More angry liberals posting threads that keep the attention on her and not on Obama.
You do know you’re doing the GOP’s work for them, right?
#16 – “But since we invented the video camera and CNN? Nothing. Not one. Not one god, demi-god or magical being from ANY of the worlds religions has made a reappearance. When CNN gets an interview with Isis, or covers the capture of a leprechaun call me…until then…knock it off and grow up.”
Ya, we don’t see any of the aliens who are abducting rednecks and sticking things up their butts either. But, for some reason, people who mock religion will be perfectly willing to believe the gub’ment is covering up alien contact and hiding space ships in Area 51.
People will believe anything and nothing when it suits their prejudice.
“people who mock religion will be perfectly willing to believe the gub’ment is covering up alien contact and hiding space ships in Area 51.”
Do you have any evidence to support this?
You don’t of course, because it is not true, but even if it was, so what? The fact that someone who critiques one stupid belief happens to hold a different stupid belief has nothing to do with whether a belief is stupid.
I’ve been off reading about bigotry. It derives from the word bigot:
French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
I’m an atheist and make constant fun of religious types. Does that make me a bigot? I can read the definition to achieve that result or not. Seems to me it requires more negative feelings than I have. Other definitions include the concept that the bigotry must be unreasonable or unthinking which mine is not.
I think this one is much better.
#6 – Jeff – We do have the separation of church and state.
Yeah, right…
#13 – Matt Garrett – Because Dvorak.org/blog feeds on religious BIGOTRY!
Nope. Dvorak.org spreads enlightenment. A true oasis in this world of religious fanatics.
#16 – What is this about – It’s from the Assembly of God church. They’re extreme Pentecostal.
#19 – badtimes – I’m reeeal skeptical of someone who claims to have chasen a witch out of town.
My neighbor is fundamentalist Pentecostal. One time he told me that he had been to the train station and demons flew around a guy. The most recent story was about demons circling a witch at a supermarket. I believe they get this fucked up by living in a relatively closed social circle.
#23 – geofgibson – we don’t see any of the aliens who are abducting rednecks and sticking things up their butts either. But, for some reason, people who mock religion will be perfectly willing to believe the gub’ment is covering up alien contact and hiding space ships in Area 51.
Have you applied for the role in Dumb and Dumbererer? I mean… you’re a talent.
I’m sure the only reason she against witchcraft is that they don’t have a strong lobbyist to fend for them. Meanwhile there are some other wacko job cults, she hasn’t breathed a word about. Like Tom Cruise’s so-called “religion”, that some other nations’ governments recognize as dangerous, and have outlawed it. So Palin must be supportive of something outlawed in Germany, because she sure is avoiding taking any stand against it. That’s because there’s big money involved. And maybe even some votes at stake. I guess witches don’t vote, or make millions of dollars. So she’s safe opposing them.
I guess that you arrogant, self-righteous, anti-religious bigots can’t see that it is YOU who are insisting on an orthodoxy in politics.
Your orthodoxy. One that denies civil leadership to be believers because you are afraid of them.
Sarah Palin makes no such demands on you.
Her religion makes no such demands, as Jesus said, he stands at the door, it is you who chooses to open it or not.
Angel, you horny bastard!