Who is making leadership decisions inside the Republican Party?

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #29 – RSweeney – One that denies civil leadership to be believers because you are afraid of them.

    The last 7 1/2 years with Bush has been just wonderful.

  2. dcphill says:

    I guess we can just marginalize this and go on with our lives. There is not much else we can do but ignore it. Leave the rest for the ignoramouses.

  3. troublemaker says:

    Some complete and utter moron said:

    You post this and say that Republicans and people of faith are nutjobs,

    That’s because every idiot that believes in religion is completely and utterly insane. Period, end of statement.

  4. jccalhoun says:

    I find it really sad that this kind of activity in churches is seen as ok by so many people but what Jeremiah Wright said was scandalous…

  5. Nimby says:

    # 21 Awake said, “…they are afraid that she will get overexcited and start speaking in tongues.”

    That would certainly help in meetings with foreign leaders. Can she also hear in ears?

  6. deowll says:

    The true believer is immune to the power of Satan unless they are led astray/ fallen from the path of rightousness.

    Poison on the other hand is still a problem along with all the other nasty tricks humans pull.

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    “That’s because every idiot that believes in religion is completely and utterly insane. Period, end of statement.”

    Then I challenge Eideard to attack Islam as much as he attacks Christians.

    What’s that? He won’t? Why not?

    I know why. Eideard, along with the rest of the left, likes easy targets that won’t fight back. What a brave man Eideard is.

    Go ahead, Eideard. Prove me wrong.

  8. John Paradox says:

    # 25 bobbo said,
    I’ve been off reading about bigotry. It derives from the word bigot:

    WAIT a second, I already did this on a BBS long before the Intertoobs….
    really, there were Right Wingers and Left Wingers who were calling each other ‘bigots’, so I posted the definition.
    The Left Wingers shut up.
    The Right Wingers attacked me.
    I saved their posts and did one big rant to show how they were behaving, since the definition was to “all”, not to any of them.
    That’s also how I created the ‘Rules of NeoConservative Correctness’ on dittobusters.com

    [take a drink]
    [take a drink]



  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Jag,

    Have you applied for the role in Dumb and Dumbererer? I mean… you’re a talent.

    Too funny.

    #33, Trouble,

    That’s because every idiot that believes in religion is completely and utterly insane. Period, end of statement.

    Very true. You might add “A little wacko too”.


    I find it really sad that this kind of activity in churches is seen as ok by so many people but what Jeremiah Wright said was scandalous…

    Very good and accurate point. Somehow the right wing nuts won’t understand that they are right off base.

    #37, Lou,

    Then I challenge Eideard to attack Islam as much as he attacks Christians.

    When Islam accounts for as many wackos in our society as do the Christians than I will agree with your point. This is still a Christian rooted society.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Does Sarah know that witchcraft isn’t real?

  11. QB says:

    #37 Lou

    Judeo-Christian-Islamic wackos are all the same. The majority are peaceful good people, but the problem is that the nutty professor minority has been growing steadily for the last 30 years.

    “Sarah Palin turned me into a newt!”

  12. DaBroad says:

    #29: Your orthodoxy. One that denies civil leadership to be believers because you are afraid of them. Sarah Palin makes no such demands on you. Her religion makes no such demands, as Jesus said, he stands at the door, it is you who chooses to open it or not.

    If, in order to follow the demands of her god and her religion, she needs to “step on the necks” of it’s enemies (yes, her preacher has said that), and destroying “witchcraft” is a part of following that religion, as a pagan I feel I MUST be worried about her being so close to the presidency. If it was a Muslim candidate who’s radical Taliban spritual advisor proclaimed that Christianity is the work of the devil and must be destroyed, do you think that Christians would be silently accepting of that? That they would think it was no big deal? Didn’t think so.

  13. Maelaius says:

    I would just like to say that Sarah Palin did something smart here. She knew that she would be pissing off Wiccans across the country, so she protected herself from us.

  14. Maelaius says:

    Also, Rick, witchcraft is indeed real. We just don’t go about hexing people and causing havoc in their lives for our own amusement.


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