The family of a man who was critically injured when he was hit by a Nevada police squad car said video of the incident shows the man did not threaten police prior to being hit by the car.

In a statement released Sunday night, Eric Peterson’s family said Peterson remains in critical condition at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. The statement said the family viewed a police videotape of the incident and that “Eric did not attack either officer.” Officers said they responded to a report of a man with a knife near 13th Street and M Avenue in Nevada Friday evening. The friend who was with my husband said, ‘He’s got a knife! He’s got a knife!’ By then, the guy started running down the street and that’s when we heard the sirens and the police coming,” said witness Teresa Phillips. Officers said when they got there, the man started running toward their squad cars.

“Ultimately, the suspect was hit by one of the police vehicles as the suspect was running towards the officers with the knife,” said Nevada Police Chief Mike Tupper. “The cop floored it into the parking lot and hit him,” Phillips said. Peterson was flown by air ambulance to Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, where he remains in critical condition.

What do you make of this? Is the cop a potential murder suspect?

  1. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Pwnage! Cop Car > nutter knife. I think I’ve done this a couple of times playing GTA. Just push reset, he’ll be fine…..Hee hee.

    (p.s. he’s lucky it wasn’t the real Nevada [L.V. Metro] police, he’d be dead for sure.)

  2. Jim in Seattle says:


  3. jporter182 says:

    #9 Geo

    You could punch the glass then start stabbing. Ever think of that? Also, how is that not brandishing a knife? Running at someone with a knife in hand? What would you think the guy’s intent was? Why don’t you take a knife, hold it the same way he was and start running at people and jumping on their cars. Let me know how that goes for you.

  4. Freyar says:

    #30: At no time before the car hit did I see a officer outside his car.

    That’s because the tape was cut for the news service. We don’t have the full video.

  5. noname says:

    # 33 jporter182

    “You could punch the glass then start stabbing. Ever think of that?”

    Your so right police should just coward in their plush air conditioned cars.

    For all the Stalinist Bolshevik in the above posting, obviously cop safety demands, DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA mount helmet guided Gatling guns all cop cars so they don’t have to unbuckle their safety belt.

    A Sane person would call the fire department have them easily and safely fire hosed him down. But, that’s too sane a response, trying non-lethal approaches first; then, if someones life is endangered then deadly force as last resort.

    Was pepper spray tried, no.
    Was taser tried, no.
    Was a baton used, no.

    Can someone educate me on the non-lethal approaches the Cops tried???

    No where in the video is someones life in immediate danger.

    The Cops/Cowards stay snug in their air conditioned cars, always just one push of the accelerator from safety.

    For all you Ruski Bolshevik Stalinist wannabe, way didn’t the cop accelerate when the guy was on the car????????????

  6. Rick Cain says:

    You can’t even walk around with a knife anymore. I once saw on “cops” and police officer whack a guy repeatedly with his asp. The guy’s crime? He was holding a brick and walking away from the cop. He didn’t even know the cop was there, and wasn’t even brandishing it, he was holding it.

  7. Geoffrey says:

    The man’s first and last mistake was to bring a knife to a car fight.

    More seriously, that’s no way to execute people. Juries have that decision, not police.

    You can’t be judge, jury and executioner and still be called an American policeman.

  8. Lou says:

    Someone should run the cop over.
    Good thing he never farted on the cop.

  9. Nitroneo says:

    If this tard wasn’t doing something wrong to start with he would not be in the hospital right now.

    There is no proof that the officers even had a taser. Also take into account that sometimes tasers fail.

    FBI has documented proof that a knife wielding suspect any closer than 30 feet away will stand a better chance of winning a fight against anybody with a side arm. Especially significant when taken consideration that most police officers are only “required” to draw their weapons once or twice a year to “Qualify.” They are not exactly highly trained on combat usage of sidearms.

    And lastly, watch the video again. It appears from the suspect’s shadow that as he hops on top of the police cruiser, he jumps off to the drivers side. Taking this into account most police cruisers are not built with shatter proof glass, so any suspect can bust a side car window and stab or slash the officer. Car windows are not exactly hard to break.

  10. rahlquist says:


    Except shooting a mental patient from a sniper position would hardly be sporting. Cops are only to shoot to defend themselves, they are to warn the suspect if possible, how do you warn someone so deranged that he attacks a car?

    Had the cop exited his car the perp would have been assaulting him with a deadly weapon, which a cop is allowed to used deadly force to stop. If he had waited the perp may have killed an innocent passer by. I say the cop did the right thing.

  11. Nitroneo says:


    Additionally, we should not judge until we are actually in this situation ourselves, or know all the evidence. If we or a member of our family, were one of these police officers, would we feel a threat on our/their lives?

    You know the answer is yes, don’t deny it.

  12. Nitroneo says:


    Additionally, we should not judge until we are actually in this situation ourselves, or know all the evidence. If we or a member of our family, were one of these police officers, would we feel a threat on our/their lives?

    You know the answer is yes, don’t deny yourself from admitting to what you know is right.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #30 “At no time before the car hit did I see a officer outside his car. So, how is a knife welding mentally off-kilter person endangering the officers snug in their moving cars?”

    Hey genius, the cops are supposed to protect innocent children. Anyone other than the cops walking in that neighborhood was at risk.

    Did you leave your brain in a jar while you posted this?

  14. Personality says:

    Well, when faced with a guy who is NOT afraid of being shot or killed and will do ANYTHING to hurt you, I guess I would run his ass over too. Or, I suppose I could tase him.

  15. Wretched Gnu says:

    This is just a weak cop, clearly. He’s unable to lawfully restrain the guy, so he takes the coward’s way out.

    When the cops get *really* fat and weak, they’ll just send a missile into whatever neighborhood a suspect is in — just like the US military does in Iraq.

  16. Sir Doucheington III says:

    OH won’t someone think of the children!!!

    I don’t see any kids, or people walking around. It looks to be a vacant parking lot. So cut the crap about how he HAD to ram the tard in order to save the children. As if he’s some damned hero who saved a bus load of children from this guy.

    While we can debate how the guy COULD have broken the window, how it would have ended up going here anyway, blah blah blah. The cops carry guns for a reason.

    They are SUPPOSED to tell the guy to get on the ground and AT LEAST try to subdue the tard in question, knife or not. So he makes a move with his knife they get to shoot him. Plus he had backup. This guy is a chickensh*t.

    Instead he decided to ram the guy instead of doing his job. Yes it’s a dangerous job, if he can’t do it, then perhaps he should transfer to the parks department and ram skaters with his electric kart.

  17. Cochese says:

    It was intentional, and rightfully so. The police got called there to take care of the man with the knife. Mentally ill or not, he can still hurt people. What should they have done? Stopped the car, got out and got stabbed trying to TASE him? Righteous use of deadly force. Those who disagree obviously don’t have the experience to understand.

  18. Steve Bass says:

    Lethal force is justified when dealing with an armed psychopath. Doesn’t matter how that lethal force is applied.

    I say good hit.


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