PETA Urges Ben & Jerrys To Use Human Milk – News Story – WPTZ Plattsburgh — Incredible.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerrys Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cows milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.

“PETAs request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cows milk in the food he serves,” the statement says.

PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows

Found by Colin Campbell.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    I’ve an idea. Let’s stop using beef for hamburgers and switch to human meat. We can invite all of the PETA membership to take part!

  2. bobbo says:

    I agree. Label it and put it up for sale. Require mothers on welfare to contribute according to their cup size as an offset to their benefits. Let the market control.

    I can’t even get unpasteurized cows milk around here, or goats milk either.

    Damn share that more/all variety is not made available.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    Hey Paddy-O,

    I wonder if PETA members taste like chicken, boneless, no spineless chicken…

    bobbo, have you tried healthfood stores?

  4. geofgibson says:

    Soylent Green is people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I might be willing to help with the acquisition of this new food source…

  6. Calin says:

    I wonder if PETA members taste like chicken

    Babies taste of chicken! Cannibals say that human flesh tastes of chicken, so babies must taste of chicken. And chicken tastes of humans.

    Good, I’m glad you’re coming with me on that.

  7. bobbo says:

    #3–Bigboy==thanks. I could’ve had a V-8. Funny, a few years ago I looked into making my own cheese as a hobby. Simple soft cheeses sound pretty easy to make, but a quick check with the cheapest milk available (homo cows) showed I could not beat the price of bulk cheese and that did not even include the learning curve, labor, energy costs, so I gave up and blamed the unavailability of other milks.

    My bad.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    First we invite the PETA membership to help “inaugurate” a new cattle free, protein rich, environmentally friendly food plant.

    When they arrive, surprise!

  9. /t. says:

    A blond heard that milk baths would make her beautiful. She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk. When the milkman read the note, he thought there must be a mistake and she’d probably meant 2.5 gallons. So he knocked on her door to clarify the point.

    The blond came to the door and the milkman said, “I found your note asking me to leave 25 gallons of milk. Did you mean 2.5 gallons?” The blond said, “I want 25 gallons. I’m going to fill my bathtub up with
    milk and take a milk bath so I can look young and beautiful again.” The milkman asked, “Do you want it pasteurized?” The blond said, “No, just up to my tits. I can splash it on my face”.

  10. _colin says:

    Thank you for the credit on finding the article.

  11. Steve Jibs says:

    Hmm, I always assumed human milk would taste like shit, seeing all the shit we eat.

  12. mainfr4me says:

    Watch the Penn and Teller episode on PETA – great stuff.

  13. devilboy says:

    WTF is wrong with human milk? We all (well, most of us) consume it as children!

    I always thought PETA stood for People Eating Tasty Animals…

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Steve…make it a point sometime in your life to spend a night with a lactating woman.

  15. Ron Larson says:

    PETA, MADD, Amnesty Intl.,
    So many organizations that started off well enough and then got taken over by their own loony extremists, just like the Republican Party.

  16. Cast says:

    Wait.. I can see it now… underground human milking. New mothers being kidnapped and forced to be milked in sweetshop like environment….

    They can all thank PETA!!

  17. Let’s not promote PETA too much. They put the majority of animals in their care to death.

  18. Balbas says:

    PETA = People for the inanE Treatment of Animals

  19. Guyver says:

    Makes sense. PETA is already whining that cattle are contributing too much to global warming so they want people to eat less beef. I say when hell freezes over.

  20. chuck says:

    If PETA supporter Pamela Anderson is willing to hook herself up to the milking machine, then why not?

  21. Widgethead says:

    #9 I read your comment while drinking milk (cows) and it passed miraculously through my nose.

  22. bobbo says:

    Almost related: pictures of breast feeding moms can get you arrested: ((yes, if mom is a minor))

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #19 chuckles – Maybe not. Isn’t hepatitis C transmittable through mother’s milk?

  24. pokemon1571 says:

    Peta should get the Darwin award.

    I mean come on, you’ll rather have human babies starving than baby cows.

  25. James Hill says:

    #4 – If B&J put that up as a new flavor, people would buy it.

  26. BigBoyBC says:

    What would Ben&Jerry’s call it?

    Tangy Tatas?
    Choochie & Cream?

  27. Angel H. Wong says:

    Peta is the perfect place for middle-aged urban women so fugly not even Beer will help them take away their virginity.

    That’s why they use Pam Anderson as a curtain.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Yeah, I can just picture us setting up milking clinics in the states, for women to make a couple dollars. That whole human hair for wigs thing never caught on is America. Why do they thing this would? And if blood can transmit HIV, could breast milk? Seems there’s more problems caused by this, that it would solve. Why not start missing in some Soy Milk? And offer 100% Soy Milk ice cream? The dairy industry is so phobic of its competition, that it would sooner except breast milk, than give Soy any of its market share.

  29. RSweeney says:

    I thank God I live in a country with so few real problems that idiots like PETA have to invent them.

    There are places in the world where parents routinely bury their dead children, where the poor don’t have color TV, where food is not a question of what but of if. And no PETA chapters either.

  30. usagi says:

    I prefer my milk from the tap.


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