Hi Barack! Guess who?

Lindsay Lohan admits Sam Ronson affair live on radio – mirror.co.uk — OK, while nobody who reads this blog gives a rats ass about this, it interesting to me since the highly controlled US Media is not jumping on “all things Lindsey.” Perhaps this is being controlled because of the fact that Lohan is a big Obama supporter and she’s been slamming Sarah Palin? I mean, there has to be some reason. Obama has been snubbing Lohan. His handlers obvious knew something was up with this woman.

Lindsay Lohan has finally publicly admitted she is having a lesbian affair with DJ Sam Ronson. The Mean Girls actress made the confession live on air during an interview with DJ Ted Stryker on his show Loveline.

When he asked whether the pair had been dating for a number of years or months, Lohan laughed and replied: “For a very long time.”

The couple have been constantly seen in public together but have never openly talked about the nature of their relationship.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    Oh man, I like her even more now.

  2. Lou says:

    I never could figure out what the big deal about her was anyway.
    She turns into a dyke, then hooks up with a chick who looks like a guy. WTF ?

  3. contempt says:

    In the immortal words of Jackie Gleason –
    “It happens every time one of those dancers start poon-tanging around with those show folk fags.”

  4. Springheel Jack says:

    I’d like to watch.

  5. KevinL says:

    Like all liberals, this carpet muncher will flip flop and THAT will be news worthy.

  6. J says:

    # 33 Thomas

    “I marvel at the amount of air brushing done to make her look passable. ”

    LOL That is true with many famous people. There are a few exceptions but many look like hell in real life.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Thomas,

    That was a $2 hooker the morning after. If you’re going to complain, blame the expensive $5 wine.

  8. Maria99 says:

    With all due offence all of you who are mking jokes about lesbians are pathetic losers.

    I’m not gay myself but I have always noticed how gay men are accepted like they are the norm but lesbians are ridiculed. By straight men for obvious reasons, by gay men because they think only they have the right to reject women and by straight women because they are plain stupid and would do anything to please men.

    Funny how no one is saying the same about this Clay Aiken chap.

    You’re all a bunch of clones. Jealous and bitter of other people. Just a bunch of plain ugly people hiding behind computer screens passing judgment.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #43 “Just a bunch of plain ugly people hiding behind computer screens passing judgment.”

    Hmm. You’re sitting behind a computer screen. You are passing judgment on people.

    You must be ugly.

  10. celeb?? says:

    Two ugly freckled freaks…Dina should be really proud of herself…I miss the old Lindsay the one from that movie “life-size”

  11. veto says:

    over in europe you could read “news” about this lovely couple several weeks ago, considering an adoption or artificial insemination possibly with donations of lohan-ex-boyfriends to bring some more joy into their “family-“life. maybe this wasn’t covered by US media, because they decided not to, like a month ago or even longer, back when they initially confirmed their relationship.

    ok, seriously who gives a flying **** about all the lohans of the world, but this actually brings the georgia-russia conflict to my mind, when i read on this blog how utterly amazed you were that european media (ye the britain’s dont count as europeans, since they try really hard not to be) presents a very different view on the topic.

    you know all about the blatanly single-bevelled US media. why not choose between all the internets to spice up the atrocity propaganda of your choice with some more impartial information. basically every “news”page of non-native-english-speaking european countries has the option to display the content in english.

    this of course does not make you reliable citizen for you current government.
    like people jeer over here, the less you know the more you will believe.

    ah dvorak in case you want to know why the mcpalin campaign screws around so much from a scrutinizing european, who keeps a close eye on the US, since he left the place in 2000, you are welcome to send me an email.


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