I’m stunned! I assumed that when Diebold changed the name of its voting machine division to “Premier Election Solutions”, that was the end of it. The new name signaled they had cleaned up their act and it was no longer possible to rig their machines. I may have been a tad hasty.

Who needs dirty tricks and kicking people off voting rolls who lost their homes when simply not providing enough ballots will keep Dems from voting! Sweet!

Voting problems in several swing states

A new Government Accountability Office report on voting system testing finds that the Election Assistance Commission has not notified election officials across the country about electronic voting machine failures.

And a new study by Common Cause and the Century Foundation finds that 10 very vital swing states have significant voting problems that have not been addressed since the last election.
“You know, Colorado is two years behind many states in implementing a statewide voter database. … This is a new system, and there’s just a lot of unknowns as to whether or not voters will be successful,” said Jenny Flanagan of Common Cause.

The problems listed in the report range from not enough voting machines to glitches with electronic registration poll books. Read the report.
“And yet I see nothing, except in one of the 10 states, that the states are doing to ensure that there will be enough provisional ballots on hand so that they don’t run out of them. Ideally, provisional ballots should be on hand for 10 percent of the voting population,” she added.

  1. JimD says:

    Joe Stalin said, and Bush/Cheney and the Repukes concur, that “It doesn’t matter how the people vote, it only matters WHO COUNTS THE VOTES!!!”

  2. Ron Larson says:

    This weekend my mom told me that some states are “cleaning” their voter registration records by removing anyone who’s name and address are not EXACTLY written the same on their driver’s license. So if you didn’t use your middle name, or used an initial, or a short (Bob, Tony, etc), then you are removed.

    And… they are doing this now and not notifying the voter that they have been purged. So when they show up to vote, guess what? Not eligible, and too late to re-register.

    Gee… let me predict. They are going to make sure that people who register Democrat are going to be done first.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Premier Elections Solutions can’t even hold a candle to the scurrilous voter registration activities done by ACORN and their community organizers.

  4. tin foil hat maker says:

    Gee… let me predict. Democrats will still be screaming conspiracy because they aren’t as able to stuff the ballot boxes in their favor with the votes of convicts, illegals and dead people as they once were.

  5. Improbus says:

    If voting actually changed anything it would be illegal.

  6. Li says:

    No, I suspect that the will be screaming because actual, real, live people can’t vote, much as thousands of registered voters were turned away back in 2006 over technicalities in my fair city.

  7. MikeN says:

    IF you need provisional ballots for 10% of your voters, you need to do fix your system.

  8. Dave W says:

    Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals–O Lucky Man

    Hows about the time some people I know were watching the numbers come in, on election night, at the Registrar’s office, and at one point, the non Democrat, non Republican totals actually began to go down instead of up for a few seconds!

    While I’m not ready to give up voting, I have a deep seated feeling that it is:

    1. An act of violence.
    2. Wracked with fraud.
    3. A huge money maker for the “right” people.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    Uncle Dave said, “… when simply not providing enough ballots will keep Dems from voting! Sweet!”

    From the article: “You know, Colorado is two years behind many states in implementing a statewide voter database.”

    Umm, Dave, did you know that Colorado is dem controlled in the leg & Executive?

    I guess the dems don’t want dems to vote!

    That’s stupid…

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    #10: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you weren’t going to read the whole article and discover that it was talking about more than just Colorado. Apparently you need a lot of hand holding when it comes to reading. I’ll try to be more condescending toward you in the future.

  11. Guyver says:

    10, LOL. I don’t think he’ll respond to that.

    Either way, I still get a chuckle over how liberals get bent out of shape over Florida in 2000. If Gore had won Arkansas or Tennessee then Florida would have been a non-issue. But no, the liberals keep whining over WHO COUNTS THE VOTES. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Gore’s lawyers tried to disqualify absentee votes in Florida. Go figure. Liberals just need to learn to suck it up.

  12. bobbo says:

    #11–UD==I don’t see how you could over condescend when dealing with an overt partisan of either stripe. “Nailing jello to the wall” may be more descriptive of the actual challenge.

  13. bobbo says:

    #12–guyver==THATS your “analysis?” If something else had happened then what did happen would have been different? HAW! What a dope.

  14. James Hill says:

    Look at all the angry liberals making excuses for losing the election they’re supposed to win. Losing faith in the Great Black Hope, are we?

  15. Guyver says:

    14, Analysis? LOL. No, it’s a matter of fact that had Gore won his own home state or Clinton’s for that matter that he would have won the 2000 election no matter which way Florida voted.

    But no, the liberal-biased news seems so overly fixated on Florida that the obvious eluded the liberals because they would rather argue the election was stolen from them. If the liberals should be mad about anything it should be why Tennessee or Arkansas didn’t vote for the “home” team. LOL.

  16. bobbo says:

    #17–guyver==hmm, repeating your argument really does explain it. “The Point” may be that the vote in Tennessee and Arkansas was accurate whereas the vote in Florida was not. So, your recommendation that liberals (any reason you did not say democrats?) should be mad over something that is appropriate and not mad over something that is not appropriate is another FUD recommendation from the Cheney Playbook.

    It is hard to tell, but it does appear the Dems could well spend some money in making sure that all the votes get counted.

  17. Brendal says:

    HAH! You silly Americans thinking that you actually “vote” for a prez and that the prez actually has any power. We all know Rupert, Warren and co. are running the joint…

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #17 I could be wrong but I don’t know of any President who didn’t carry his home state in an election.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    Send the damn Diebold machines back and demand a refund — they didn’t deliver.

    Here’s the solution:
    1) paper ballots
    2) hand counted

    If you demand a voting machine — then an open source touchscreen computer that prints a paper ballot.

  20. becagle says:

    I have never felt that the florida election was stolen, but actually given away by the voters aided by the media. First you have the media reporting and re-reporting the projected winner before all the polls were closed in florida.

    As for the hanging chads, over votes and under votes, etc. That falls on the backs of the voters themselves. I’ve voted using punch cards almost all my voteing life, the instructions talk specifically about verifying your ballot.

    If I don’t bother to check my ballot, and there is a problem, throw it out, don’t guess what I meant to do.

  21. Guyver says:

    18, Let me embellish for you. Tennessee and/or Arkansas SHOULD have went to Gore. They did not. Florida not having its act together by the end of the night wouldn’t have mattered if Gore could have carried his own state.

    But sure if you want to obsess over Florida because they were slow to get their vote count out then knock yourself out. Whatever floats your boat. I just love how the Liberals screamed about making every vote count but then Gore’s lawyers were trying to find a way to disqualify absentee votes in Florida. Hypocritical?

    20, My point exactly.

  22. bobbo says:

    #22–becagle==I agee. And I think its worth a repeat here. All the repuglican bluster about how they won the election and the dems are irrelevant.

    Everyone agrees that without Nader in the picture, Gore would have won.

    Everyone agrees that the 80,000 votes in Miami for Pat Buchannan were due to confusion and that also gave the election to Bush.

    Like the chads, should the votes of people too stupid to correctly vote be seen as a good or bad thing?

    Once again, I’d say the Dem party could spend some money on training their sheep on how to vote in their various locations. Sad such a basic skill needs to be taught to a “voter” but thems the breaks.

  23. Guyver says:

    24, The same could be said about Ross Perot not being in the picture would have allowed Bush Sr. to get re-elected. Oh well.

  24. Guyver says:

    24, Yeah and if Perot wasn’t in the picture, Clinton wouldn’t have gotten elected. Tough break for Bush Sr, eh?

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #24 “Sad such a basic skill needs to be taught to a “voter” but thems the breaks.”

    Do you remember that after the election, ballots were made for grade schoolers that duplicated the “confusing” ones from FL? I think 1st graders. Anyway, the kids had no trouble voting with them.

    If you are too stupid to figure out how to punch a ballot, maybe you shouldn’t be voting…

  26. Uncle Dave says:

    #15: prove they’re not.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #28 Uncle Dave said, “prove they’re not.”

    Ahh, the retort of someone caught lying.

  28. J says:

    # 29 Paddy-O

    You didn’t seem very interested in proof the other day in regards to David Kernell.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #30 “You didn’t seem very interested in proof the other day in regards to David Kernell.”

    Sure. I read all of it.

  30. J says:

    # 31 Paddy-O

    “Sure. I read all of it.”

    Really what proof was that? The grand jury convened today and did not pass down an indictment. You know what that means don’t you. That means a jury didn’t seem to think the prosecutor had enough evidence to go to trial. So any evidence you seem to think you know is nothing more than rumor. Maybe they will try again tomorrow

    As to the facts of the case….. There are none available as of yet other than there is an investigation and his apartment is part of it.

    You are a hate filled person with an agenda and you don’t care about justice or the law. All you care about is what you think is right and whatever gets you your way even if it violates everything it means to be American. Unfortunately, for you we live in a country that doesn’t allow asshats to have their 14th century thought process to control they way we conduct our society.


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