From the Taser Inc’s Volunteer Warnings, Risks, Liability Release and Covenant Not to Sue form:

I agree to be exposed to the electrical discharge of the TASER device under the following conditions:

In consideration of receiving a TASER Exposure, I acknowledge and agree as follows:

1) I understand that a TASER Exposure results in strong muscle contractions, physical exertion, and stress and involves the risk of physical injury. I acknowledge that I have read the above Warnings and Risks and with full knowledge of such risks, I voluntary agree to experience a TASER Exposure and I assume all risks, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, inherent in the TASER Exposure.
2) Intending that this Form be legally binding upon me, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, I hereby waive, release, and forever discharge the instructor, TASER International, Inc. and all of its agents, directors and employees of and from any and all claims, demands, rights and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature, arising from, and by reason of any and all known and unknown physical and mental injuries and consequences thereof, whether foreseen or unforeseen, suffered by me from any and all activities related to the TASER Exposure. I specifically waive any statutory rights I may have regarding the release of known or unknown claims.
3) I further agree that neither I nor my heirs, estate, personal representative, nor any other person or entity will ever institute any action, litigation or suit at law or in equity against the instructor, TASER International, Inc. and all of its agents, directors and employees for any damages, costs, loss or injury arising out of any and all activities related to the TASER Exposure.

So, bro, in exchange for willingly having someone Tase your fat ass, you won’t sue if it fries said same ass. Or heart or brains. Now if only we can get cops around the country to have Tasees sign before being zapped, a whole lot of lawsuits from taser deaths can be averted. Come on people, gotta think ahead!

And, for when you’ve got a perp who needs a good Tasing, they now sell a HD-grade camera and mic device to create those ever popular YouTube vids of all the twitchy, squirmy fun.

Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:


  2. jbenson2 says:

    This is more of an indictment of the greedy and unethical trial lawyers than of the company.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, benson,

    You are such a tool !!! This comes from the company out to protect themselves. They claim that their Tazers do not cause any long term harm yet insist that anyone voluntarily being electrocuted must sign a waiver. Lawyers only follow their employers demands.

  4. Brendal says:

    I interviewed with them to handle all of their PR…they wanted me to take a personality test. No, thank you.

  5. Balbas says:

    Interesting article here:

    Let’s see … allowing yourself to be stunned could result in injury, yet the company files lawsuits against those who believe the weapons cause injury — or am I mistaken about that?


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