Bernalillo County includes Albuquerque. It is the population center for the state. Ferdinand C de Baca is the Chairman of the County Republican Party.

Now that C de Baca talked to the BBC, damage control is the order of the day.

  1. moss says:

    It gets curiouser and curiouser when you Google around for more info about these creeps. Here’s a post, last year, from Mario Burgos, the best-known Republican blogger in NM. The real crap is just over halfway down the page.

    Turns out C de Baca was convicted for bid-rigging, fined and got a suspended sentence in CA.

    The chuckle is the dude he hired as executive director for county Republicans – posts photos at his personal website with his favorite porn stars!

    These are the hypocrites who blather about family values.

  2. god says:

    Tee hee. Battleground state, eh?

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Republican just tellin’ it like it is. “What? Did I say something stoopid again?”

  4. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Is it just mean, or does it look like most of the people in that video weight more than 250 pounds!

  5. JimD says:

    Obviously, C de Baca’s “Enemies List” – within his own Party !!!

  6. MikeN says:

    Michael Kinsley said that in politics a gaffe is when you tell the truth.

    During a Democratic debate, CNN had this exact same discussion started by the focus group, but they cut it short.

  7. god says:

    A contradiction to C de Baca’s “theory” was going on just about the time he was interviewed – up in Española.

    That northern NM town was very much a Hillary town in the primaries and on the streets. But, when Obama arrived, the town turned out a number equivalent to the whole population for his rally.

    About 4 times the number who turned out for Hillary.

  8. Matt Garrett says:

    As a Republican, I am aghast at the stupid, bigoted statements made by this maroon.

    He doesn’t represent Republican party Big Tent philosphy, nor Republican values pertaining to race.

    The NM GOP was right to fire him and fire him quickly. And make no mistake, that’s what happened if you pay attention to the later half of the video.

  9. god says:

    Actually, Matt – as of this morning, C de Baca has refused to resign. Though I don’t doubt it will happen.

  10. bobbo says:

    #8–Matt==that “big tent” is a hoot. Yes, the repugs welcome, need, pander for any vote they can get==but inclusive in the dolling out of their political philosophy? Not so much.

    The repugs central core is self reliance meaning the government is not responsible for how society works–its left to the unregulated market place. Sadly, unregulated market place ideology is only a small part in what is needed for a society to work===and that is why the USA is not working.

    Government is a real problem in our society, in its lack of appropriate regulation.

    Republicans hate America beyond how they can personally profit from it.

  11. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, that applies to the Democrats too. They pander for minority votes, then leave them out of the discussion.

  12. awollangk says:

    #10: It’s true that the Republicans’ base in conservative, christian, white America tends to be much less inclusive than the Democrats. It would be a mistake to take this as an institutional acceptance of bigotry.

    The core values that separate Republicanism from Democratism is that Republicans favor a small, loose central government and more authority in state government. I actually happen to agree with this. I think that government should be concentrated as near to the people being governed as possible.

    Unfortunately, the business world latched onto this and changed what was essentially a party advocating for state and local governments into a party just for reducing federal governments.

    Since business leaders tend to be conservative and so do the people who tend to favor state governments (ex: the Confederacy vs. the Union) the Republican party trends conservative as well.

    Another tendency is when a group starts trending in a certain direction socially that trend tends to gain momentum and be unlikely to reverse. This has led the Republicans to move past Conservative into Reactionary lately with this shift just accelerating as they try to “out Conservative” each other. Of course, in some places the same is happening on the liberal side. As a moderate, I am closer to the Democrats. As someone who places very high values on integrity, I find myself drawn much more to Obama than McCain since it has become increasingly clear which camp is campaigning with more integrity.

    (Yes, I have seen some things come out of the Obama campaign I haven’t been completely comfortable with, but the flat out lies coming out of the McCain camp have had me completely flabbergasted.)


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