Ryan wanted to order new Comcast service but balked at their request for a Social Security number. When he asked why they needed it, the Comcast chat rep said “The Patriot Act” required it. That doesn’t sound right to us, or to Ryan. His story and full screenshot of the chat, inside…

Ryan states:

“After completing the order procedure on their website I was directed to a live chat window. After waiting about twenty minuets a Analyst joined the chat. She immediately requested I provide my Social security number in order to open a new account. I refused to provide my SSN and asked for details as to why it was required. Her answer is that the Patriot Act requires them to get my Social Security number.

As you can see in the transcript I attached, she referred me to their legal department. I actually asked for the phone number five to ten seconds before she closed the chat. But when I viewed the chat transcript it says the chat was closed before I asked. That is a neat trick.

Can what she told me actually be true? …I don’t believe [the Patriot Act] requires me to provide my SSN just to get Internet service.”

This is ridiculous. if I am purchasing a telecom service, I shouldn’t be required to do anything except provide billing information and pay my bill on time. These operations usually bill a month upfront so I don’t see a credit check being an issue. What could they possibly need your Social Security number for? The order taker is probably from India or Pakistan anyway, with identity theft being at epidemic numbers, why should I give any private information to these bozo’s? Right, maybe I should just trust them….

  1. OvenMaster says:

    #8: Your employer also can demand your SSN after you’re hired to verify immigration and citizenship status, and for tax and payroll purposes. It’s when you’re [i]applying[/i] for a job that you’re not obliged to give your SSN.

  2. Springheel Jack says:

    @ Paddy-O & devilboy,

    Thanks for the info.

  3. ECA says:

    iF YOU DONT KNOW THE ssn..
    Its interesting..
    It tells WHAT state you were born,
    WHERE you were born,
    ANd DATE
    as well as how many were BORN in that year, till you were.

    Iv seen the book, its interesting how its figured.
    But its also ALOT of knowledge, that the CC/BANKS/Insurance and other companies HAVE.


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