Angry pig holds woman hostage – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) — Apparently this woman has never heard of the concept called “bacon.”

A pig has turned on a woman who tried to look after it, effectively holding her hostage on a property in northern New South Wales. Sixty-three-year-old Caroline Hayes says she has been unable to leave her Uki house to use the farm’s outdoor toilet at times because the white pig is aggressive towards her.

Ms Hayes says the animal came from a home two kilometres away, but its owners could not handle it and let it loose in the rainforest. She says she and her neighbours began feeding the pig, who they named ‘Bruce’, after it first showed up at their homes 10 days ago.

“When I found it, it had 15 ticks in its eyes which I actually took out,” she said.

“One of its eyes it couldn’t see out of, so I put cream in it and I fixed its back up, but apparently it’s actually claimed my land and claimed my place.”

Found by Mike Aikins.

  1. neil says:

    I thought this was another story about Sarah Palin.

  2. Springheel Jack says:

    I thought it was a story aboiut Nancy Pelosi. That photo looks just like her.

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    One shot – ham, pork and bacon.

  4. James Hill says:

    #1, #2 – This story does have more content than the angry left posts around here.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    #4 Are you grasping for straws? This story reminds me of the current orgy of theft in the US economy.

  6. Dave W says:

    It’s Australia, after all. Nearly as bad as Florida or Texas for weirdos.

    Personally, I hope the pig wins. :).

  7. James Hill says:

    #5 – Hardly. It’s easy to ‘make hay’ out of the political threads here.

  8. Named says:


    Oh, right, like there’s a magical animal that gives all those delicious products in one…

  9. Brendal says:

    Have you been to Australia? It’s hard to tell pigs and natives apart…

  10. chuck says:

    Ok, I know it’s been commented on, but as soon as I saw the RSS headline, I assumed it was a Sarah Palin story.

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 name-o – HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!

  12. Cap'nKangaro says:

    This post has no political angle, but a mean pig is a MEAN pig. If you shot him and missed a vital organ, all you’ve done is piss him off. And if the pig is allowed to go feral, he gets meaner still.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    Doesn’t the woman have a garden hose? Most animals are terrified of a simple stream of high pressure water.

  14. chrisindarwin says:

    @ # 6 Dave W.
    Ok fair enough but that’s Uki it’s near Nimbin(look it up), anywhere else it would be seen as a luck and be in the freezer in 10 minutes flat (boom “n” chop) and come back out at Christmas time (summer) dressed like Santa (red hat and sunnies) and eaten appropriately.
    We aren’t weird just different.

    all the best but I have to go back to eating the wombat I hit on the way home from work last night



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