Better luck next week John.
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I spent the week down in the US. Well, Seattle, but close enough. Republicans I know down there were cringing this week while McCain screwed up his responses to the financial sector mess.
Oh well, Canadian politicians weren’t doing much better…
McCain’s best before date has passed.
McBush is sliding from irrelevance to *nothing*. The only reason anyone pays attention to him any more is because of the monkey business his MILF running mate is up to.
A doddering dummy who can’t tell the difference between the FCC and the SEC for president???
Christ, we’d be better off with a third term of the real dummy.
I would say Obama’s had the worse week since other members of his party in Congress are saying they will pass a ban on oil drilling next year. The good news is they will let it expire for now.
This meltdown is the totally predictable outcome of GOP deregulation.
#5 you might want to look into this a little Clinton gem The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.
#7. Your right, It was a good week for John MCain.
>> MikeN said,
>> I would say Obama’s had the worse week since other members of his party in Congress are saying they will pass a ban on oil drilling next year.
A total ban on drilling? You can’t be serious. You heard that on Fox, maybe?
Regardless, you’re living in some sort of parallel reality if you think Obama had a worse week than McCain.
#9 GregAllen.
Lyin’ Mike doesn’t live in a parallel reality. He just lies about the one we’re all in.
And RBG, I’m not sure what point your links make. That McCain was on the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, yet he knows nothing about commerce, science, or transportation?
Doesn’t bode well for the learning curve, does it?
So are there any bets on when Obama will throw Hair Plug under the bus? Hillary’s waiting.
It was a bad week for McCain and it shows since Obama is pulling ahead in the polls big time. When it’s all said and done, Obama will have a 20 point lead and take every state except Alaska. Obama will then cure every ailment that afflicts us Americans whether it be financial, political, or medical.
The second coming of Jesus is here…and his name is Barack Obama.
Btw, it’s patriotic to pay more taxes.
#12 – Warden
>>Btw, it’s patriotic to pay more taxes.
I guess 97% of the people in the United States are going to be de facto traitors then. Most people will be paying much less in taxes under Obama.
Of course, if you’re in the top 3%, McBush is yer guy!
#11 – Illuminati
>>So are there any bets on when Obama will
>>throw Hair Plug under the bus?
No, but I’d be willing to put some money down on when McBush throws Sarracuda under the bus.
Look to October 2nd. The Sarracuda is about to become the prey, rather than the predator. She’s rapidly becoming an albatross around McBush’s neck, better to grille and eat as roadkill than to cart around as a “running mate”.
10 MM. Far be it for me to ever offer anything other than helpful criticism, Mr. M, but to be even more correct, may I suggest that you should be asking “that McCain was the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, yet he knows nothing about commerce, science, or transportation?”
#15 – Red Blue Green
>>“that McCain was the Chairman of the
>>Committee on Commerce, Science, and
>>Transportation, yet he knows nothing about
>>commerce, science, or transportation?”
You’re right, sir. That’s what I should be asking.
Think you’ve got an answer? Has McBush done anything in the last decade to suggest that he knows anything about commerce, science, or transportation?
#4 – do you get dizzy from spinning so fast? McSame lives up to his name yet again (he’s clearly as retarded as Dumbya), yet you’re are comparing his individual stupidity to the vagaries of an entire political party?!?
Ya know, the way Sarah Palin hauls little Trig around across her chest. Has me wondering if she thinks he makes good body armor? Is she thinking, “Nobody would dare to take me out with this little one in the way.” I don’t remember seeing too many moms carrying infants this way. Most would invest in a carrier. But I guess that would inconvenience to her dress style. So is she really a devoted mother?
She’s really milking the whole Mommy VP thing, with this this act. Like nobody else can hold Trig, climbing off a plane, than her. And he has to be hauled around to every function. Isn’t this child exploitation? Are we going to have to put up with four years of a VP with a infant draped over her at 3:00am, in the White house? Pul-lease!
Are we going to have to put up with four years of a VP with a infant draped over her at 3:00am, in the White house? Pul-lease!
You saying the ‘3AM call’ may be for a diaper?
#18. Yeah, but the last time the media took issue with that, they got in trouble for saying the Clintons whored Chelsea out. Oh wait, that was Chelsea’s choice. I’m sure Trig volunteered for this.
Bubb (#6),
Correct that President Clinton signed it, bad on him. But who wrote the bill and was sponsor? None other than McCain’s leading economic advisor Phil Gramm. It was the Gramm-Leach (R-IA)- Bliley Act which repealed it.
So are you claiming the Republicans have no responsibility here? It wasn’t a Republican congress led by none other than Sen. Trent Lott and Rep. Newt Gingrich that ran the houses of Congress? Does your partisan head ever come out of the sand?
Hey! Let’s post MSNBC copy on the internet in the vain hope that someone will watch the most biased network in history, since their ratings suck = people don’t buy these rants.
#23–Monte==hahahaha. Yes, Bias. Those filled with bias see it across the divide most clearly.
Please list anything that you think is incorrect/unfair in the clip. ((I’ll note that if McCain can’t send email because of his POW experience that should be a pass. –heh!))
#24 B==B=O=B==B==O
Do you remember, a short while ago, the dems complaining that the right-wing was endlessly running soundbites ‘out of context’ (Rev. Wright, etc.)?
The Fiorina sound bite is a lying distortion by MSNBC which solidly shows their contempt for the truth.
The full context is this:
“Do you think she has the experience to run a major company like Hewlett Packard?” the host asked Fiorina.
“No, I don’t,” she replied. “But that’s not what she’s running for. Running a corporation is a different set of things.”
“I would just remind you that it is Barack Obama who is running for president. John McCain who is running for president,” she said. “Sarah Palin has more experience than Barack Obama has.”
“I find it quite stunning, actually, that the Barack Obama campaign is questioning Sarah Palin’s experience,” she said.
She then goes on to lay naked Obama’s total lack of executive experience. Thus the deceitful, biased nature of MSNBC is exposed, by their carefully editing of her statement. Stalinism, anyone?
The notion that McCain, or anyone in his campaign, is suggesting that McCain ‘invented the blackberry’ is utter nonsense. Get real
The notion that McCain is somehow hamstrung by his self-admitted non-fluency with computers / e-mail is a huge ho-hum straw-dog for liberals who can find no real problems with McCain. Do you think any powerful person in business spends his day e-mailing and using a computer? They have ‘people’ who do all of that; CEOs and executives spend their day face-to-face or in conference with people who have the information they need.
Fourth: Regarding the economy, the dems desperately need to make McCain look the fool on this comment, but the reality is that he’s right, the U.S. economy grew 3.3% in the second quarter and someone needs to remind us all that we’re not in the middle of a depression. That’s what leaders do – they negate the nervous nellies who preach gloom and doom to the people. Obama needs gloom and doom to sell his neophyte candidacy.
Fifth: Regarding SIPC vs SPIC. Wow! News flash: Public people make gaffes with irrelevant misnamings.
Want to see a good one, showing Obama’s inability to differentiate between a breathalyzer and an inhaler?
(The Great Orator lost without a teleprompter)
There you have it, MSNBC is corrupt and biased. Thus, as I noted, their lousy ratings. The regular people don’t buy this trash.
Bobbo: Shhhhhhhh…..
For anyone else tiring of MSNBC, there actually is editorial commentary out there in the world that reflects reality and doesn’t rely on out-of-context soundbites:
#25 – HannahMontana
First: Fiorina’s point (which she furiously tried to backpedal on) was that McCain does not have the executive experience to run a corporation, much less the largest “corporation” in the world. You know, the same point the Repubs continually try to make about Obama? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Obama’s OWN PEOPLE don’t make the point for them. HAW!
Second: The notion that Al Gore, or anyone in his campaign, ever suggested that he “invented the internet” was utter nonsense. You STILL hear it, though, from the right wing. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Third: The issue is not whether McCain will spend his days deleting spam from his e-mail, catalog shopping online, etc. It’s that he is so far removed from any of today’s technology that he is not in a position to make informed judgements on our technological infrastructure.
Fourth: I’m not sure which of McCain’s statements about the economy you’re referring to. He flip-flops so fast it’s hard to keep up. He has flip-flopped from “we’re doing great, the future is bright” to “we’re going to hell in a handbasket and we need massive bailouts (of the rich and their corporations) to save the economy.
Fifth: Sure, everybody makes gaffes. But “spic”??? Haw! What next, trying to say he likes “ginger” with his sushi, and mis-speaks it as “nigger”? HAW!!!
As to Obama’s breathalyzer/ inhaler gaffe, he recognized what he had said in about 250 milliseconds, and corrected himself. I’d hardly say that’s being “lost without a teleprompter”. McCain never figured out his “spic” muff-up until somebody told him. Just another example of the corrupt and biased nature of the right wing.
Angry liberals continue to fail at making meaningful political threads.
I think it’s time I’m compensated for making these threads interesting. You know how to contact me.
#26 – Montanaguy
>>there actually is editorial commentary out
>>there in the world that reflects reality and
>>doesn’t rely on out-of-context soundbites:
Tee hee hee! The Manchester Union Leader! William Loeb’s baby, the John Birch Society of newspapers. HARDY HAR HAR!!
That’s kinda like a leftie citing as a “fair and balanced” presentation of news and opinion.
“William Loeb purchased the newspaper and moved it further to the right. He often placed editorials on the front page and supported highly conservative candidates for public office.“.
“The Manchester Union Leader, practitioner of a style of knife-and-kill journalism that went out of fashion half a century ago in the rest of the country, is the primary daily paper of 40 percent of New Hampshire’s population.”
-Theodore Harold White, “The Making of the President”
HAW! Fair and Balanced!!!
McCain has had enough gaffes and flip-flops to call into question his sanity. It is a good thing he has smart people working behind him. Which brings to light that if McCain becomes president, it will not be McCain running the country but the staff working behind him. What do we know about McCain’s staff? Plus, if something were to happen to McCain, say heart failure, Palin will automatically become president. Can Palin run a country?
I am not too thrilled about Obama either but the republican ticket is on very shaky ground.
#25–motanna==my response will be brief as the video is no longer posted, so I’m going on general principles and memory.
Regarding Fiorina–I thought that was about what an idiot she was and had little to do with McCain other than his lieutenants not serving him well. But, if your Republican talking point of the moment is that Palin has more experience than McCain, I’ll give that to you.
2. Secondly:
The notion that McCain, or anyone in his campaign, is suggesting that McCain ‘invented the blackberry’ is utter nonsense. Get real /// Get real indeed. I think his lieutenant said “McCain is responsible for” rather than invented. Is that how you slime?
Third–see Mustard. The issue is McCains ability to lead in the future when he’s not even attached to the present.
The Economy. So all those with concerns are just nervous nellies huh? What a dope. Keep you head up Grahams ass. Good champions of dereglation. Reality can’t trump your idealogy as long as you get short term returns. Your “philosophy” which is just a thin veneer over pure greed and hubris has worn so thin, even most of your fellow running dogs are calling for re-regulation of the markets. This really means re-impose the regulations you dumb bastards removed over the past 10-15 years.
Spic vs Sipc==I agree. I don’t care about slips of the tongue. Too bad he can’t see as far as a teleprompter to get a little help.
Overall–you are confused. Doing stories ABOUT corruption does not make one corrupt. Its called “reporting the news.”
Did anyone see George Will on ABC’s This Week? He beat up on McCain more than anyone I’ve seen this week.