Better luck next week John.
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#32–QB==yes, also saw Hagle do the same earlier in the week. When the party faithful begin to say what it is plain to all, what becomes of party politics?
I’ll bet Hannity will never cave in, and can only hope it will be a real test of Montannaguy’s resolve. Can he be true to his party, no matter how crazy and inept it gets, or not?
#32 – QB
Yes, I saw it, and I was shocked. When conservative stalwarts like George Will start dissing McBush, you KNOW he’s in trouble.
Of course, we knew that already. See the polls.
#9, let’s run through what is happening. There is currently a ban on drilling. It’s not everything, but it is significant. This ban gets renewed every year, only this year it likes like they will let it expire. The Democrats had a bill to renew the ban with some changes, but instead they said they will not try to pass anything, and the leaders said they will renew the ban next year.
Hope that makes things a little clearer.
I think it is a bad week for Obama to have the leaders of his party saying they are going to reduce the amount of potential oil driling, thus raising prices.
#31, #27
Mister and Mister BobTard:
Apparently you didn’t listen to the part where Fiorina spent a good part of the interview tearing Obama to pieces. Her target was not McCain or Palin, as MSNBC blatantly tried to misrepresent her with a small sound-bite. They lied and both of you are too dishonest to admit it.
I didn’t “slime” the blackberry interview. The reporter for MSNBC said, “John McCain invented the Blackberry?” She purposely reframed the issue for propaganda purposes and you two are too dishonest to admit it.
The e-mail/computer issue. You’re both defending a strawman. Let’s hope the liberals keep pounding away on irrelevant issues like this, which make them look silly. Whether or not a preidential candidate prefers e-mail or can pound out a hundred lines of code in assembly language or has taken apart a wristwatch before has no bearing on their ability to understand the impact of technology on society. None whatsoever. You’re both too dishonest to admit the mistake of clinging to trivialities.
The economy. This is where Bobbo’s post makes me wonder if he’s had a rabies vaccine. You didn’t counter my actual points at all. The economy is growing and we’re not in a depression. And you’re too dishonest to admit it.
SPIC vs SIPC. This is where Mustard, with his “nigger” analogy, goes over the cliff and dies before he can even get his rabies shot. r.i.p.
Nothing in this MSNBC spot was sincere or truthful or undistorted. For you to call it “news” qualifies you both for immediate disinheritance from the society of rational, honest people.
Bye, bye….and …Shhhhhhhh………
#36 – Hannah
>>Apparently you didn’t listen to the part
>>where Fiorina spent a good part of the
>>interview tearing Obama to pieces.
Sure I did. That’s what she’s paid to do. What she’s NOT paid to do is let the truth out about how unprepared McBush is to lead a large organization.
And for that she was muzzled, and taken off the campaign trail until she can be rehabilitated.
>>Whether or not a preidential candidate
>>prefers e-mail or can pound out a hundred
>>lines of code in assembly language or has
>>taken apart a wristwatch before has no
>>bearing on their ability to understand the
>>impact of technology on society.
We’re not talking about pounding out assembly language code or taking apart wristwatches.
We’re talking about someone with such a basic lack of technological knowledge that he didn’t know about “The Google” and doesn’t know how to use email. Christ Almighty. My 90-year-old mother knows about “The Google”, and knows how to send and receive email.
>>This is where Mustard, with his “nigger”
>>analogy, goes over the cliff and dies
Oh, come on, Hannah. “spic”?? Haw HAW HAW!! And then you snapped back with the video of Obama being “lost without his teleprompter”??? The guy made a slip of the tongue (perhaps Freudian, perhaps he was thinking about Palin’s husband’s experience with the breathalyzer?), and corrected himself IMMEDIATELY. McCain is lost without the teleprompter. Obama can ad-lib, because he knows wtf he’s talking about.
>>She purposely reframed the issue for
>>propaganda purposes
{snicker}. Like the right wing-nuts didn’t do that with Al Gore’s “I invented the internet” doctored-up “quote”? At least the McCain camp said what they say it said. Unlike “I invented the internet”, which was a totally made-up piece of bullshit. Maybe since we don’t all have the Cliff Notes version of the McCain talking points, we didn’t know exactly what he meant. However, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. What goes around comes around. Let’s hope the “John McCain invented the Blackberry” dogs him for the next 10 years (should he last that long).
>>The economy is growing and we’re not in a
I guess that’s why he’s pimping all these bailout plans, huh? And if you really believe that the economy is growing and we’re not in a recession, I guess you must have all your nickles and dimes in a big bag under your bed, hm?
37 MM. So all your talking points should also be dismissed as similarly fabricated “goose-gander” rhetoric.
Well after a days rest, the clip ran for me. Viewing it as objectively as I can, seems like fair comment to me.
Could any of you dolts name a very specific issue in the clip that is inaccurate?
(Montanna–the clip audio reveals Douglas Hope Eakin the chief economic advisor for McCain saying he helped create the blackberry. No smear at all there.)
Op Cite
Post back after your brain transplant.