On June 21, TSA’s primary operational hub was re-named the Freedom Center, symbolizing the agency’s commitment to protecting the nation’s transportation systems against terrorist threats. The name was proposed by Todd Fox, security manager at Philadelphia International Airport, through an agency-wide contest asking TSA employees to submit names.
“The building houses a number of organizations whose main objective is to preserve the freedom of the American public. What better name would remind all of those who work in that building, and in the field, of that objective on a continuing basis.”
The Freedom Center houses many elements of the TSA, including the Federal Air Marshal Service/Office of Law Enforcement as well as other federal agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense. Located in Herndon, Va., it links all modes of transportation and coordinates with all homeland security agencies.
Signs of TSA’s origins on 9/11, including a girder from the World Trade Center, part of an airplane wing from the Shanksville, Pa., crash site of Flight 93 and pieces of the Pentagon walls, are displayed inside the Freedom Center.
TSA Administrator Kip Hawley said the Freedom Center is the heart of what TSA does and “is not a place to sit and watch.”
Next look for Freedom Tasers, or Freedom Detention Camps, and don’t forget about Operation Iraqi Freedom…wait, I think that’s been used. The point is, stick Freedom on the label and the dumbed down public will wet themselves to get on board.
Funny, you guys post stories like this and then minutes later contribute to stirring up the idiotic paranoia by posting Islamophobic stories.
You guys are complete and utter morons. Make your minds up already. What fucking side of the fence are you on anyway?
[I have yet to post an Islamaphobic story – maybe you are talking about someone else – ed.]
TSA Taser = “Freedom Fries.”
Oh this is double plus good.
Right next to the Ministry of Truth and across the street from the Ministry of Love.
“Suicide is the ultimate freedom!”
What a surprising choice of names. Bet nobody saw it coming.
“Welcome to the country of freedom, please put your hands on the wall and spread your legs”
George Orwell calls this “newspeak”.
Welcome to the world of 1984. Big Brother has finally emerged.
These security “freedoms” and the like are made up by people who were bullied when they were kids. Man, they are as dumb as a bag of bricks.
Freedom used to be synonymous with the US but anyone in the world will tell you that’s history now. The Romans had 500 years of growth, 500 years of stability and 500 years of decline. The US, comparatively, is at the end of the last 10 years of the Roman 500 year decline. Bye, bye.
Just a common gimmick or should I dare, lipstick applied to an agency that is on par with a local department of motor vehicles.
Other gimmick renaming…
Was: “Kill the Faggots Foundation”
To: “Family Research Council”
Was: “Government of My God Mission”
To: “For the Children and Goodness Team”
#3 “Right next to the Ministry of Truth and across the street from the Ministry of Love.”
down the road from the Ministry of Silly Walks…
This ranks at the same ridiculous level as having McCain-Palin call their campaign a campaign for “Change”.
Hey, if we can call the wholesale tearing apart of the US Constitution the “Patriot Act”, why can’t we call an agency that is based on Gestapo tactics the “Freedom Center”?
One thing you can be sure of… if the POW (Puppet of Dubya) wins this election, we will just continue to see more of this meaningless nonsense as the country continues to deteriorate into a sad memory of it’s greatness and meaning to the world.
# 1 troublemaker
It seems the answer to your most eloquent question; “What fucking side of the fence are you on anyway?”, is … freedom.
I can see how this could be very confusing to a fine mind like yours.
My name is George W. Bush, born 6 July 1946. I have three things to tell you: Allah is great.All infidels will die.Have a good day.The war is over.
#1. troublemaker…
Ah the first one actually wet himself.
McCullough, where did you get this pic of the old lady being molested by the TSA agent?
#17. Easy, I think I googled “TSA abuse”.
Everybody do the wave…
When are we getting our Freedom Gas Showers and the Mass Freedom Graves?
If you REALLY want freedom, don’t wear any underwear.
Can i ask for an address, of this location??
I have a maxim I live by when I job hunt. Don’t trust an employer who doesn’t trust their employees. Unfortunately, you have to work with some for awhile before you learn how much they distrust. The reason they do, is because they think everyone is just as dishonest as they are.
When it comes to these air travel inspections, I have to wonder if my maxim doesn’t apply again? Especially when they’re searching little old ladies and toddlers. What are the odds of them being terrorists, really?! Distrusting all passengers, to ensure the safety of all, doesn’t strike me as good public relations. What they’re really protecting is their capital investment (the plane) and the airline’s bottom line. Herding the passengers thru check points like cattle, reflects more of how they see them as live cargo, with few rights or expectations of service.
I for one hope this will boost the use of rail travel. So maybe the passenger lines will start getting the same level of subsidies as the airlines have. And more than one high speed train will be built.
One requirement to land this specialized TSA job, which allows the legal groping of any passenger that has paid for the service is to complete a course from the Ted Kennedy school of voyeurism – a subsidiary of Grab-That-Booty U.
1984, We are behind schedule.
IF…. I was gay.
I would want that job.
So, they are preserving our freedoms by taking away all of our freedoms!
Ah, ok, now I get it.
U.S. Freedom is what Bush & NeoCons say it is. Any dissent or questions, well then your not a good Bush American. Any questions?
This has been said many times before. I can’t take credit for it, but here goes…
The terrorists hate us for our freedom, right? So if they take away all our freedom, the terrorists won’t hate us anymore and we’ll be safe!
I’ve always wondered what would happen if you went through one of those body scanners that made you naked digitally……but sporting an erection. Technically you aren’t naked, but you are givin’ the TSA a treat.