Gee, we’re all surprised, aren’t we?

  1. mthrnite says:

    I was actually wondering about that. No biggie, we can all live together, baby!

  2. bobbo says:

    So what?

    Does it matter that “the best car in the world” is delivered to the dealership by boat, train, and truck?

    Each thing according to its purpose.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    “Microsoft was not only using Macs but also Adobe’s software in place of its own Expressions Studio”

    MS does its own ad work in house? Weird.

  4. QB says:

    I agree with Eideard. This falls into the category of “This is news?”.

  5. ikelleigh says:

    This is not news… MS has no control over what software their ad agencies use. And this is meta-data from a JPG by the way.

  6. Bob says:

    “Each thing according to its purpose.”

    This only means that the ad company chose the best tools to do the work…

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, this is just too good!

    Great job on advertising the MAC!

  8. john says:

    So Apple Insider makes a big deal that MS’s ad campaign was made on a Mac.

    So what does it mean that Apple Insider is hosted on Linux?

  9. dugger says:

    I like the strategy of the “I’m a PC” finally compared to the Bill and Jerry ads.

    The Apple ads ridicule and stereotype the PC user. Microsoft humanizes the PC user. They celebrate the diversity of their user base and the goals of their work.

    I feel this is an effective counter that was long overdue.

  10. Todd Peterson says:

    If even Microsoft wants to use it’s own crappy software, why should we?

    This is another big blow to the dying dinosaur.

    R.I.P. Microsoft.

  11. Springheel Jack says:

    #8 “So what does it mean that Apple Insider is hosted on Linux?”

    No, it’s probably hosted on FreeBSD.

  12. gquaglia says:

    As predicted, the new M$ are boring and predictable. Nothing was memorable and more importantly, nothing to keep me from fast forwarding through it, something I didn’t do with the Gates/Seinfeld ads. Great job M$! You now have an ad that is about as exciting as a laxative commercial.

  13. Newman says:

    I liked the second Seinfeld commercial and I was looking forward to more.

  14. geofgibson says:

    Not only is this not news, it’s probably not accurate. Almost all ad work is done by outside agencies, many of which contract out to professional firms for video production. Odds are almost all these guys are either using Final Cut Pro, Shake, After Effects, or Flame. If the meta data indicates an Adobe product, chances are they have After Effects too.

    These people need to go back to Journalism 101, as in verify what you publish. But why would anyone want to do that?

  15. Paul says:

    I love hearing the MS Kool Aid drinkers defend the giant.

  16. Jason says:

    #10 LOL I love the hyperbole. “The dying dinosaur”? I am a huge fan of my Mac but it’s simply delusional to suggest that Microsoft is in any sort of imminent threat. They had record profits last quarter and still outsell Apple 30 to 1. So your comment simply reveals your bias rather than any factual evidence of a company in its death throes.

    It’s sometimes embarrassing to admit I use a Mac because the fanboys are such irrational, insecure blowhards.

  17. Thinker says:

    #2, #14 Bobbo got it right.

    Non-Sequitor, you’re tilting at windmills Eideard.

  18. joaoPT says:

    Gee! You mean that all the mp3 and the aac in iTunes are made with Macs? And Intel produces those Core chips that power Macs on Apple machines? And Foxconn (where all the iPhones and iPods are built) do the accounting with Macs? And akamai (that serves the quicktime film previews) uses Mac servers? And the “I’m a Mac I’m a PC” ads are really edited with Macs? For sure? Most Hi-end video editors work on PC except Final-Cut, and Final cut is not predominant.
    Geez! This is so ridiculous.

  19. J says:

    Here is a clue for those of you who are not in the advertising industry.

    Most if not all post facilities use both Mac and PC. So do most advertizing agencies. I have been in countless meeting where there was a mixture of Apple, Dell, Boxx, HP, etc etc.

    So, this is no big thing.

    Oh and yes we use Linux & Irix too. Whatever tool happens to be available that can get the job done. A JPG? Like a Windows box couldn’t make one? I don’t care what fucking machine it is on. It looks the same as long as you have color calibrated monitors for the environment they are in.

  20. clancys_daddy says:

    Reality check if $teve Jobs and apple had 90+ percent of the market. The virus makers and haters would be all over apple. Its easy to slam the big guy and praise the “underdog.” Use what you like and ignore the rest. I use all three. The difference in day to day use is really rather slight. If you watch what you do and display some common sense both work equally well. If you give an idiot a hammer they break either one.

  21. Jeff says:

    Irix? Really? I haven’t seen that since the late 90s. Come to think of it, I might have been in junior high the last time I used an Irix workstation.

    I agree with the rest of your post… I really think the key needs to be the applications and not the operating system (for consumers). Whatever your preference and whatever gets the job done.

  22. moss says:

    Tsk, tsk. No one seems to have the market cornered on fanboyz, anymore.

  23. LinusVP says:

    Surprise surprise. BEt there are some red faces at Microsoft!

  24. zorkor says:

    Who cares? As long as microsoft get his message thru, they will use any means possible. If Mac is good for advertising so be it says Microsoft.

  25. Alex Wollangk says:

    #16: I was about to say the same thing! Yeah, Vista certainly didn’t help Microsoft nearly as much as they had hoped, but they’re still selling OSes with a near-monopoly on the desktop. There isn’t a good or bad advertising campaign in the world that will change that significantly in the short term. I’m occasionally either amused or annoyed by the “I’m a Mac… I’m a PC…” ads, but I recommend hardware based on where the software you most want to use runs best. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.

  26. J says:

    # 21 Jeff

    “Irix? Really?”

    Yeah. We have a Inferno system that is still on Irix. It is only a couple of years old. It won’t be in use much longer because Discrete/Autodesk has phased them over to Linux. They are pretty pricey so it isn’t like a PC or Mac. You keep using it until it doesn’t work anymore is is so obsolete it is worthless. OR you sell it.

  27. tomdennis says:

    If I remember correctly Microsoft created MSDOS for the Mac and as well for IBM computers. They also created software for both when software was shown in a windows environment.

  28. JoaoPT says:

    M$ created BASIC for the Apple II. That I know of the early Mac OS was devoided of console. Only OSX has a console (due to its UNIX inheritance and the FreeBSD kernel). And also MsDOS was not invented there.
    See, the problem with Microsoft and Apple fanboys is that Microsoft today is not the Microsoft of the eighties. Similarly, Apple is not the same, and today is danger of becoming the very own “BigBrother” it destroyed on the Mac launch Superbowl ad.

  29. gquaglia says:

    #27 Didn’t M$ buy DOS from someone else and just slapped their name on it.

  30. QB says:


    Ballmer’s back! And he’s a PC!


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